Πρωτοχρονια στο σπιτι της θειας οπως καθε χρονο...Είπα να ερθει και ο θανος γιατι θα ηταν μονος του...Στην αλλαγη του χρονου κατα τις 2 που αρχισαμε να το ληγουμε με πηρε κρυφα να μας πει οτι θα παει σε 10 λεπτα στο πανω σπιτι να μη βγουμε αν θελουμε να παμε για να κοιμηθουμε μαζι ..ο αδερφος μου ειχε φυγει οποτε ειχα μεινει με τον θανο...της λεω εννοειτε...οι αλλοι ετοιμαζοντουσαν για υπνο..αλλοι για εξοδο..η Βασω πηγε πανω να μου ετοιμασει το κρεβατι και καλα και μου λεει ελα οποτε θες εγω θα κοιμηθω...ο θανος χαιρετησε και καλα τους παντες και βγηκε πηρε το αμαξι του το πάρκαρε 2 στενα παρα… 阅读更多内容
Party for aunt!!!
This is a quick story i remembered yesterday and i thought to write it here in my favourite site.It was the time when my Vaso was on fire and in the start of our relationship... In a party 6,7 years ago when my cousin celebrated his birthday,as always the attraction was my aunts ass.So many young guys looked at her like a whore.I remember because i was there in that party.My aunt was wearing a grey dress,tight of course with no bra and a black pantie.She had also put,i dont know a cream on her chest and her boobs and they are shining perfectly.So three,four guys tried to hit on her with compl… 阅读更多内容
Quick blowjob!!!
Yesterday i was on a cafeteria with my friends.As always i was flirting with girls who sit opposite to me.With my eyes only... Anyway,with the first two women we exhange only smiles.They were on my age and after a while they left. Later they sit on that table a family.A beautiful mom at 40,45,her husband and her two boys.She drive me and my friends crazy.She was blonde with nice breast i think,because she was wearing a lot of clothes,and a perfect ass.All the men in cafeteria looked at her while she took off her jacket.She was wearing tight jeans and boots. Of course i was wild all the time… 阅读更多内容
Threesome for aunt!!!
My brother and i finally fucked our aunt together this past weekend.My brother was a b**st in a cage after that night about a month ago who fucked Vaso for the first time.We couldnt find a way for the threesome but this weekend we found our opportunity.Aunts boyfriend was on one day trip to his family and my cousins were invited to a marriage of a friend.I dont know and i dont care.I told to our mom that we gonna pay her sister a visit to see her because we havent seen her for a month,and maybe we gonna stay for the night.She was so happy for hearing that because mom and dad want also some tim… 阅读更多内容
One more for the lovely aunt!!!
Hello my friends.Its time to write another story for my aunt.In English this time for all of you.In the first story my aunt was fucked by me and she was my first fuck.After a year she was fucking secretly one of her son friends, and when I found it,we fucked her together in my village.The third chapter was a gangbang between my aunt and the same son’s friend who continue fucking her for a few years more.He invited two of his friends,strangers to us and I was there watching the whole thing.I only enjoy a nice blow from this gangbang because I have to watched for visitors or picking up the p… 阅读更多内容
My aunt in the summer!!!
Είχα τελειώσει εξεταστική και ήμουν έτοιμος να πάω στη θεία για λίγες μέρες. Είχαμε καιρό να βρεθούμε και η καύλα μου είχε φτάσει κόκκινο. Πάνω από μήνα σίγουρα είχα να γαμήσω. Τώρα πια οι επισκέψεις με φτηνές δικαιολογίες έχουν λιγοστέψει. Για αυτό το κάνουμε όποτε βρίσκουμε ευκαιρία. Ας πούμε πριν κάνα μήνα, ενώ ετοιμαζόμουν να πάω σχολή ένα πρωινό, έρχεται η Βάσω κουνιστή-κουνιστή για επίσκεψη. Ο αδερφός μου είχε και αυτός σχολή και οι γονείς μου είχαν δουλειές στο κέντρο, οπότε έπρεπε να φύγουν. Η Βάσω δεν είχε πρόβλημα να περιμένει και είπε στην μάνα μου ότι θα έφευγε το βράδυ, οπότε θ… 阅读更多内容