My wife will probably get back on the pill, I immediately said : "yeah I will get to cum inside you again !" she barely looked at me and said "yeah... I'd rather not..." as I looked disappointed she added "you wear you sleeve when you cum anyway, so what difference does it make" It's a weird logic, but I guess the pill will be her excuse to stop fucking with me without the sleeve... she later explain that it was not against me but that she really hates the mess cumming inside leaves, she added that I would still be allowed to get inside her bareback a little bit before putting the sleeve on,… 阅读更多内容
A new milestone to cuckoldery
As I told in my previous post, my wife has been completely changed by that cock sleeve I brought in our sex life. We had more sex over these last days than over the last 12 months ^^, and she had more orgasms than...ever ! We usually start without it, but she always makes me understand at some point that it's time to put it on. The first few time she needed some time and a lot of lube to take it. No she doesn't even need lube ! She made me try every possible position, it's like she is finally discovering her pussy ! I also have a better hang at it too, I can now give her up to 30 min of int… 阅读更多内容
First time with a cock sleeve
As you may have notice I'm super into cuckolding. My GF knows it for a long time and I often ask her if she would be interested, but she never does. A couple of month ago I brought the idea of using a cock sleeve, that way she would finally get to (sort of) try another cock than mine, without really cheating on me. I showed her some products on the Internet and she looked intrigued but she soon changed her mind and say it was a ridiculous idea Last week we had a very serious conversation about our sex life and at some point she brought that idea again, saying she was eager to try after all. I… 阅读更多内容
My fleshlight
My GF finally agreed to let me buy a fleshlight to deal with me sexual needs. I choose the Stoya model. I was super skeptical about that thing but it feels absolutely amazing, almost better than real pussy on some points ! Even my GF was kind of turned on by that toy, she wanted to be there the first time I used it. When she heard the moan I let out as I went balls deep inside she smiled at me, grab the thing and started taking care of me ! I couldn't believed it ! She even took off her top at some point ! she kept going until I came loudly inside it. She then lead me to the shower and proceed… 阅读更多内容
Cherche homme actif sur région parisienne
Comme vous l'avez peut-être vu dans mes galleries, je suis bi et j'ai des besoins de plus en plus... dévorant ! Je cherche donc : * un homme actif * capote impérative, même pour fellation * sur la région parisienne (alentours Vincennes, Saint-Maur, Joinville ou sur la ligne RER A vers Noisy le Grand * qui puisse me recevoir (je ne peux absolument pas recevoir...) * plutôt bien monté ! * idéalement j'ai un faible pour les hommes plus mûrs * je peux porter de la lingerie (cf mes galleries) Si ça marche entre nous, ça pourrait être du suivi, genre 1 ou 2 fois par semaines Si vous êtes in… 阅读更多内容
My mom's panties
As you may have already seen, I'm very much into panties, and like most men I started to play with my mom's. My parents were divorced and I'm their only son, so I was living alone with her. Since very young I started to be interested in her undies, I liked the smell, the feel of the fabric, etc. Her underwear were not very sexy, mostly big cotton panties and a couple of satin, but they were driving me crazy ! Of course when I started to ejaculate it was while playing with that. At first I was very careful, not to make any stain in her panties, I was very scared to get caught ! But very soon… 阅读更多内容
My GF aknowledged my Bisexuality
As you may know if you have speak to me is that my GF is definitely not into sex... Something really weird happened during the vacations. It kind of begin a couple of weeks ago, I don't remenber why but we were speaking of homosexuality, and she said to me that she was definitely ok with homosexuality, and even that her could have made her life with a lady if she had found the right one. She immediately added that on the sexual chapter it would have not been easy thou. She then asked me if I could have pictured myself living with a man. I answered that no, I would miss the lady parts... but… 阅读更多内容
Les culottes de ma mère
Comme vous avez pu le voir dans mes galleries, je suis un grand fetichiste des culottes et comme beacoup d'hommes j'ai commencé avec celles de ma mère. Mes parents était divorcés et je suis fils unique donc je vivais seul avec elle. Depuis très jeune j'ai commencé à m'interesser à sa lingerie, j'aimais son odeur, sentir le contact du tissu. Elle n'avait rien de très sexy, surtout des culottes en coton et en satin, mais ça me faisait un effet monstre ! Tout naturellement lorsque j'ai commencé à éjaculer je l'ai fait en m'aidant de ça. Au début je faisait très attention de ne pas en mettre de… 阅读更多内容
Survey for couple
Couple survey As you may know, my wife as quite a stunning body, but unfortunately she has the sex drive of a panda... That's why I wanted to ask guys who are in couple to answer a survey : - how old are you/is she ? - how long have you been together ? - how many time have you sex per week ? - do you (still) get blowjob or handjob ? - did she get more or less horny over the years ? - are you sexually satisfied with her ? - (if not) do you still masturbate, do you see someone else ? I know those are very personal questions, but it the only place where I could get answers on th… 阅读更多内容