From the vault - my old videos

I'm here on XHamster for more than four years already, but before I got to the point when I decided that I want to have my own profile (and that I want to do what I am doing now) there was another one, representing a couple, with my husband being responsible for it. There are quite a few videos of mine, some of them I managed to upload here, but with the not-so-recent "duplicate paranoia" on XHamster I decided that it would be wise to avoid having my profile suspended, and instead provide the links to the original videos. Please take into account that they had been made quite a few years ago,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 desirette 5 年 前 35

South Africa

1859 Natal, South Africa Morning With a noisy creak, the heavy door opened and Kleine Kraal's head servant, Hlubi, stood in the entrance, large and forbidding, his presence all the girl needed to know that the time for her punishment had come at last. Scarcely a day after Rodger Blore had left for his yearly trip back to England, his son Kyle, now twenty and in charge of the ranch during his absence, had made a pass at the pretty Boer servant girl, Melissa Meuws, he had desired for the past two years. She was demurely cute, with glorious red hair down to her shoulders and freckles across her… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cdod 6 年 前 13

masturbation questionnaire

Are you male or female? female Age? At what age did you start masturbating? 13 How many times a week do you masturbate? I go through phases, sometimes every day for weeks at a time, then my interest drops off How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? usually only once, sometimes twice Where do you masturbate: In bed? yes In the shower? yes In the bath? yes Outdoors? no At work? Have a few times Every room in the house? no In a car while traveling along the interstate? no What do you fantasize about when you play: A significant other? yes A friend? yes A friend's spous… 阅读更多内容

发表者 kellyannmc 5 年 前 16

Judicial Caning

Melanie Bandford felt nervous, but decidedly brave about her current situation. She was tied, bending over onto the punishment frame at the front of the Carter County Courthouse. The frame had its victim bending forwards at almost a 90-degree angle, her ankles tied to the lower end, a strap around her waist to keep her from moving her hips out of the way of the cane, and her wrists tied to the frame above her. Melanie would wait in this position for the next 15 minutes, wearing the prescribed punishment uniform consisting of form-fitting gym shorts and a prison top. The shorts were only for… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 6 年 前 9

Carrot and Cane

Carrot and the Cane It was warm early summer day, the first of the salad days. I picked a few spring onions from the garden and walked back to the kitchen where my teenage step daughter Emma was supposed to be making coleslaw. From the door I saw that there was some sliced cabbage prepared, I also saw Emma’s bikini bottoms beside it and Emma sat on a chair legs wide open her feet on two other of our kitchen chairs. She had her eyes closed and was gently rubbing her clit with the large carrot that she was supposed to have been preparing for our dinner. Emma was not really my step daughter and… 阅读更多内容

发表者 artherzod 5 年 前 15

hi there

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发表者 susexy 5 年 前

Schoolgirl's memories (by Annika62)

I was raised with corporal punishment. An awesome time. The discipline belonged to our life. It was normal and right. When I had to be disciplined I had to go to the principles office. Often together with the head boy and a teacher. There I had to strip totally naked. It was important that I was naked. I had to feel vulnerable and ashamed. And of course I would feel the punishmemt better. Naked I stand in front of the witnesses and was lectured. They all stared at my naked body. Dread excitement let me shiver. Then I had to lay down on a metal frame with cross beams. It felt cold. My body was… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 5 年 前 10

Guidelines for corporal punishment of new girls

Guidelines for corporal punishment of new girls and women in a grade 1 reformatory. There should be 3 aspects to corporal punishment. These are humiliation, fear and pain For humiliation, girls should always be naked when punished and should be made to fetch the instruments that will be used to punish them. To maximise fear, the severity of the punishment, the extreme nature of the pain should be emphasised to them at all opportunities in the build up to the punishment. They should not be told when the punishment will be given and may be kept waiting for weeks. During this time they will be… 阅读更多内容

发表者 sadisme 5 年 前 17

You are going to be caned

What thoughts must be going through the mind of the pretty eighteen year old as she waits outside the principal's office. An indicator by the door reads WAIT. How she wishes she had not been caught stealing from the tuck shop. Some pupils passing by look at her with pity, but others mock her with taunts such as: "Thieves get their asses torn up", etc. Of course, she doesn't need reminding of that. One of the teachers comments to her that she wouldn't like to be in her shoes - the principal is in a terrible mood today! The principal is a 55 year old woman, large and powerful with a fearsome rep… 阅读更多内容

发表者 sadisme 5 年 前 10

GILF masturbating for young voyeur

Nice to see that some young fellas have manners’ I said as he, probably in his early 20’s... very early 20’s more like, held the restaurant door for me. ‘Fancies the knickers off you rather than any modicum of chivalry’ Dan (hubby) replied. The evening probably proved him true as my ‘knight’ and his three pals ogled, the girls sitting nearby. It was obvious that they were discussing the attributes, probably more imagined than real, of each girl in turn, stripping them beyond their panties. But it never got boisterous or crude. That night Dan teased me about having a young fellow like, let’s ca… 阅读更多内容

发表者 yssupnz 6 年 前 54


New gallery MATURE AND GRANNIES 179 Lots of pics… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Jokkeri64 6 年 前 2

Lisa dream ass

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发表者 lisasparrow35 6 年 前

Nous sommes un couple naturiste

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发表者 lisasparrow35 6 年 前

My sagging tits

11 Mar 2018 Hi fellows, To all the guys who, in private chat, like to tell me that I have sagging tits or even more crudely that I have sagging bags that are gone beyond pumping up, please spare yourselves the trouble because at 66yrs I already know these facts including the fact that I have a ‘jelly belly’. While wishing that I could have retained eternal youth I am nevertheless very happy with what I’ve got and wish to thank the many, I know of who like to look and admire. Love to all, Lainie. 13 Mar 2018 Thank you to all who sent me very kind and considerate msgs with reference… 阅读更多内容

发表者 yssupnz 7 年 前 88

Gear stick

So bored yesterday, went to a small car park by the coast and rode the year stick… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Annalovesit 6 年 前 31

stella johanssen

[image class="blog-image align-center large"]187442695[/… 阅读更多内容

发表者 XXGOSSPRODXX 7 年 前 1

stella blake

Stella Blake est une actrice porno française et productrice de films X née le 17 Juillet 1981 originaire de la région Franche-Comté. Elle à débuté le porno en 2011 à l’âge de 30 ans en tournant sa toute première scène pour le site “Jacquie et Michel”. Elle adore le sexe et c’est la raison qui l’a décidée à se lancer dans le porno. Elle à tourner pour des productions française. Elle pratique sodomie et double pénétrations et possède un tatouage et une grosse poitrine de 100C. Dep… 阅读更多内容

发表者 XXGOSSPRODXX 7 年 前 1

School Fund Raiser :)

Now can you think of a better way for these girls to raise some funds for the school ?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 spankred 7 年 前 10

The Bridwell (Story)

I hadn't been to Bridewell for years. I'd gone quite a bit in my student days, always on a Friday (they did men on a Thursday), enjoying the sport with the other students, leering half-drunkenly at the breasts or buttocks of the whores and other miscreants as they were beaten. I don't know why Tobias suggested it that week - maybe somebody had tipped him the wink. We'd shared a dinner at his chambers, me, him and Henry, who's a surgeon (I never quite ascended to their level and work in a government office). It was a bright autumn day but inside it was as gloomy as ever. We took our place in t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 7 年 前 5

Public Caning (story)

Early that morning, we were led out to the main platform. There were nine of us in total, three blondes, five brunettes, and me, the one red head. I was last in the line and I wasn't sure that was a good thing. The sound of the gathered crowd was overwhelming: men and women all collected to bear witness to our ordeal. I wondered how many of the women ahead of me deserved their sentence but didn't have long to ponder it as we were pushed along and up the stairs. The first girl stumbled at the top and the crowd burst into laughter. She was quickly righted by the guards who physically resembled… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 7 年 前 9

STORY: The Weekend Before The Crash-n-Burn With “k

Please read my blog, “I Am Dom – An Introduction” to give you some insight as to the story I have written. If you enjoyed this story and would like to read more of my D/s adventures, send me your comments. Sir Larry. The Weekend Before The Crash-n-Burn With “k” AUTHOR’S NOTE: As some of you have deduced, taboo is involved with “k”, Daddy’s girl. Because of this, xham guidelines prohibit me from sharing some of the stuff regarding their relationship. There is a saying “What goes on behind closed doors, stays behind closed doors” so you’ll just have to use your imagination. This next… 阅读更多内容

发表者 lmpx7777 7 年 前 5

Judicial - 50 strokes

Another great story found on web. Tracy Holmes stood paralyzed in the prisoner's dock, shocked into complete silence. She had heard the judge, in his slightly accented English, pronounce his decision: "Fifty strokes with the number 2 cane. Bailiffs! Take the prisoner down to the punishment room - I expect that room two will be free again now - and will the next officer available please administer the punishment directly. Miss Holmes, I trust this will teach you to obey the laws of our country. Assuming that it will, I am directing that as soon as you have suffered the appropriate punis… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 8 年 前 3

Judicial birching.

Penny Spender was, however, not your average high-spirited teenage rapscallion. Recently separated from her affluent, well-connected spouse, the unrepentant Miss Spender had, according to Chief Stipendiary Magistrate, Iain Treloare, come to Oakwood, with ".. too much money, too much free time, and a bad attitude all round." So, for her part in the nightclub affray and the rampage which had followed, the headstrong, independent twenty-eight-year-old was duly sentenced and handed over for chastisement in the 'approved manner'. A murmur of approval rippled through the packed cou… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 8 年 前 2

Judicial punishment

The Judge worked hard to keep from smiling. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for. The state had instituted a corporal punishment option for nonviolent juvenile offenders from the ages of 16 to 21. Punishments were handled by a small company named Judipun that had been created specifically for this purpose and subcontracted by the state. Strict standard and practices had been set up and those people that handled actual corporal punishment were well-trained and monitored and held liable for any infractions of rules. Of course within the state there were many liberals that were stric… 阅读更多内容

发表者 birch4fem 8 年 前 1