I’ve been playing and experimenting with my prostate for a while now and I love it! However, although it always feels good when I play with my aneros, I can never achieve a full on orgasm... I get to a point where I get really close where it kind of builds up but then it sort of fades away a bit, I can bring it back to that same state soon after but I never really seam to get to the explosion that I kind of expect....I can only get there once I start touching my cock and stroking it... is this normal and I am expecting too much? Or is there anything I can do to come completely hands free? Obvi… 阅读更多内容
Strap on options
I am looking into getting a strap on, preferably a strapless one, anyone have any experience/preferences with any? If so would love to know how you use it...(positions, tips, etc....) thanks in advance!… 阅读更多内容
Am I turning bi or pansexual?
I’ve always been heterosexual, but for about a year I have been experimenting anal/prostate stimulation through masturbation and I love it! Lately I found really exciting watching male transgender porn. I also seem to have a fetish for penises, especially uncut, I just love to see them ejaculating. The weird thing is I don’t particularly want to have physical sex with a man or a transgender, but it really turns me on watching it on videos. Am I turning bisexual or pansexual? Anybody ever had the same experience?… 阅读更多内容
Which sex toy?
Looking for recommendations on which would be the best first sex toy to get for my partner and I? She never expressed the interest in one but I wanna try to spice things up a little... any thoughts?… 阅读更多内容
Something personal...taboo...but I want to share i
So.... let’s set the story with a few things about me...that’s the boring bit but it has to be done....so I’m 37, I have a partner for 12years and a 7 year old daughter.... we are a happy family, have jobs that we enjoy doing, good friends. My partner and I have a relatively good sex life, although I think it could be a bit more adventurous sometimes....that’s probably why I come here every now and then...:-) To spice things a bit up I sometimes try to make videos of us( without K (my partner) knowing... I did share a couple by the way... I also sometimes just record the sound of us going a… 阅读更多内容