frank - true story

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发表者 butttmunch 8 年 前

First time taking oral and cum

It had been over a year since visiting the masturbation club and I had started meeting up with a married guy I met there. He and I would hook up every few weeks at the house of a lady acquaintance. I had known her for years so she would ask me to come by every few days to check the house since she traveled extensively. My married friend ( I will call him Dale) is about my age and we met during the first meeting of the masturbation club a year ago and were both involved in much of the extensive cock play with other guys at the meetings. Since anything bedside masturbation was forbidden duri… 阅读更多内容

发表者 NYLooking100 10 年 前 151

Mike and the Ranch Hands

Mike stirred under the warmth of the feather duvet. Turning over he reached out to cuddle his wife, but all that greeted him was an empty space and rumpled sheets. He struggled to clear his head for a few seconds, not sure which of his thoughts were from his dream and which were real. He stretched and his thoughts gradually dropped into place. Oh god. Of course, today was the day his wife going to pick up the new contract from her agent. She had left before sun up and would be back late. He turned over rubbing his eyes, trying to focus on the room and through the window in the far wall,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 darkbrownvoice 9 年 前 12

My intrduction to sex

Well here goes.It started when I was an Alter boy and my PP said that I should know how to look after myself.I did´t know what he was talking about so I went with him to his rooms and I soon found out. He said to me to open my pants at the front which I did then he looked at me and said do you know that I must pull my foreskin back because later on in life I would be glad for doing so early in life. He then showed me what to do by holing my Willy and slowly try to pull my foreskin back but I said it hurt me so he then said I must try at all times to do it. After a few weeks after Mass he ask… 阅读更多内容

发表者 xtomdurham 12 年 前 6

Dear Diary #4 XXX Theater

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发表者 crztrkr15 9 年 前

Helping Hand

I live in a rual area just outside a village not far from a large city. My daily routine includes walking for an hour or so along country roads that wind past farms and bush. There usually is very little traffic on thes roads. The peace and quiet give me a chance to reflect on what I have been viewing on Xham. Yesterday while walking through a secuded part, I notice a small green pickup truck coming towards me. As it got closer it slowed down and I saw that it was being driven by an elderly gentleman about my age. We smiled and waved at each other and he went on by. Shortly after I heard a ve… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cajen 12 年 前 27