For some of us it just not another day.Most go through the daily routine,shower shave,makeup,figure out what to wear.Sometimes I want to wear my sexiest clothes to work.Nope,its the boots,jeans,t shirt ETC.Just once I wish it was my jeggins,heels or flats and a crop top.My denim skirt,hose and my cute mules.Just feeling down I guess becuase I know some thing won't or can't happen.Just whats on my mind today............… 阅读更多内容
Pic uploads
Anyone help me out or tell me why I can't upload new pics.Been trying to add new ones and it says site is under revision,IDK? Been trying for over a month.… 阅读更多内容
Its funny sometimes.It seems the harder you try to make friends the worse it gets.I just look for people to talk to about every day life,struggles,etc.Your age doesn't matter as long as you are legal.Old,young,etc.It seems its always the same.Yes I do realize this is a porn site but it still get frustrated.You talk to some young fellow,he blows his wad,hes gone.You talk to older,just don't hit it off.Is it because I am different,bisexual,trans,a fag as some have called me?Didn't realize making a friend just to talk to was so hard.… 阅读更多内容