Fellow weirdos, sickos, perverts, miscreants, social outcasts, degenerates, freaks, deviants, kooks, queers, dirtbags, and ass-lickers... Lend me your ears. I propose that we band together and start a deranged social movement of our own - beginning here and now, at this very moment. Please join me in establishing a new world order - a warped confederacy of the disaffected, the disenfranchised, and the fucked-up. A flagrant, unapologetic public declaration one million sc@talogically-fixated wackos strong. It’s high tim… 阅读更多内容
Wet Dream Memes!
Dear Students!
Hopefully it’s been a productive year at university. Now that you’re in the midst of summer break, we’ve got an assignment for you. We need your best porn memes! … 阅读更多内容
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I was 17, and had been meeting older guys off the internet for a few years now. I considered myself a true cock loving cum addict! However one day after I had just finished getting fucked by 4 guys, one of them said "gosh, they'd love you down at the bathhouse!" I was confused and said "the bathhouse? what's that?" They went on to explain that it is a sauna where all gay guys go to meet up, relax and have sex. Lots of different private rooms, open rooms, cinema rooms and of course saunas/steam rooms. I said "oh my god that sounds amazing I want to go!" They replied saying when I turn 18 they
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