This is another favorite intimate lesbo scene involving two natural beautiful women as they kiss, cuddle, and finger each other. But what I love most of all is both women are shown with hairy armpits!… 阅读更多内容
Thea Gill in Queer as Folk Never saw the series, but I found this erotic and intimate. It features a scene between Thea Gill and Michelle Clunie they kiss and Michelle sucked on Thea's nips for under two minutes. There's more scenes featuring them but I found this one my favorite of them all.… 阅读更多内容
Top 5 Best Moments in the Disobedience Sex Scene
Number 5: Rachel McAdams and Rachel Weisz start off the scene by kissing as with McAdams got a good lick of Weisz's nipple (we barely see their tits on screen makes this scene more erotic as you imagine it) Number 4: Both McAdams and Weisz finger each other's cunts as they kiss and moan at each other. Number 3: Weisz kisses her lover while fondling her left titty. You can hear their moans as they exchange kisses from each other. Number 2: The saliva moment is my favorite. McAdams… 阅读更多内容