Let’s talk about older men and young women

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发表者 Theodosius 3 年 前

Daddy tapes

Her dad didn't even know that she knew about his cache of X-rated videos he had hidden on the top shelf of bed room closet. Danni had found them purely by accident when she was looking for an extra blanket last winter. What she found under the blanket, was a box filled with about twenty videos that had just about every type of sexual orientation you could imagine! When her folks were gone, she would take one out and watch it, totally fascinated by the action on the screen. Being eighteen, she had heard of some of the things she saw, like the gay and lesbian stuff, but when it came to… 阅读更多内容

发表者 MSFD19 1 年 前 10

How it started with my Aunty and Uncle

A friend asked me about a memory and it reminds me of when my uncle started, well I suppose, grooming me. I was about 14, and he, Andrew and Aunty Jean were staying with us. Dad took mum and Jean out shopping, and when I came home from school, I was met by Andrew. Come and sit by me Anna, he said. I still had my school uniform on ,skirt , blouse, school knickers, etc. As I sat next to him, his arm went around my shoulder and his hand landed on my little tit. He just left it there as we talked. My you are growing up quickly,he said.. Do you remember when you used to play a game with me a few ye… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Annalovesit 3 年 前 60

"My Bra and Panties are Missing!" by blu

“My Bra and Panties are Missing!” I’m Jan, and my favorite low cut sexy bra, and sexy panties both were missing. I wondered if my mom found them and chucked them out? I told my boyfriend Trav of the mystery. He checked his car and….nothing. It nagged at me how could this be? That night we were watching porn in my room and he was flipping around porn pictures and stopped at a site to view some. It was young guys cross dressing. We giggled at some of the guys wearing women’s clothes. We clicked around and that’s when I saw them. The same bra and panties I couldn’t find. I stopped and carefu… 阅读更多内容

发表者 regalone 8 年 前 44

Non credo che riuscirei a dirle di no...

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发表者 valentinavalentina 4 年 前

Favorite Models : Alisabelle aka Yayna

Collectors... You know what you have to do... Her reference page : https://www.indexxx.com/m/alisabelle阅读更多内容

发表者 SilentWings 5 年 前 33

iyi seyirler

iyi seyirler… 阅读更多内容

发表者 gkhn2121 3 年 前 1

My first kiss...

She was 20, I was 4 yrs younger. We became friends, shopping, movies, meeting for coffee or lunch. The usual that girls do. My feelings inside grew for Sylvia. I was not sure if she was feeling the same. We were watching a movie, The Hunger Games, Mockingjay. We sat in the last row just like we usually did. Not a lot of people in the theater. She leaned in a little and we both kind of rested our heads on each other. She turned to me and kissed my cheek. I smiled and kissed her cheek to. She held my hand for some time, she kissed my cheek again. As I tried to return the kiss back, she turned… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lil-Mei 6 年 前 36


He was be best friend growing up. He was my neighbor. He always had very feminine characteristics since I can remember. he was picked on at school almost every day by both boys and girls. A few times he was beat up and I went to help him. We both got beat up by mean girls. He had a very hard life growing up. As we grew up we became best of friends. Out families were also good friends so there was always get togethers with his family. He became more feminine as we got older. But he was the one person who I could talk to and tell everything. Even through my worst times he was always there for… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lil-Mei 3 年 前 12


I have known May my whole life. She has always been a part of my life. She is twice my age. I have always admired her and respected her and looked up to her. She is Hard working, intelligent driven and well accomplished in her work. She is beautiful, elegant sexy and so caring and loving. My parents would allow me to go to her home because they to knew how great she is. And they figured she would be a great role model for me. plus she was helping me with the troubles I was going through (another story for another time). So I would be able to learn from her. And after all she is family. Yes she… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lil-Mei 3 年 前 12

Mrs. Julia And Nectarines

For years now when I spend the weekends with my girlfriend May we usually end up going to the local Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings for fresh veggies and fruit. I is with in walking distance so we enjoy it. The owner of the market is a very beautiful and sexy mature lady. Mrs. Julia is a widow now for some time. We have gotten to know her well. We even saw her at dinner with her k**s who are all grown now. We joined then for a pleasant time and got to know a lot about her. She is very well spoken and intelligent and elegant I would say. But I also got the impression she is lonely to becau… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lil-Mei 3 年 前 14

I want to lick her panties so baddd!!!

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发表者 pnt_dd 6 年 前

First Time in the ParK

First Time in the ParK By SaraOz This is a story of one of my first times in a park. I had heard around school about some of the things that happened in the park. I was not sure I would like being in the park, and maybe even doing some of the things I had heard other say went on, but I knew I had liked what I had been doing with boys so far, so this may be just as much fun. One part of me was scared of what may happen, but another part of me wanted to know what it was like to be in the park with others who wanted to have fun just like me; someone who had no idea who I was a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraOz 12 年 前 19

Here my sexy pics for you to jerk off for me

[image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]437889548[/ima… 阅读更多内容

发表者 hornyboys1995 4 年 前 130