Don't be this guy! (copied)

Here's a friendly tip. If a guy wants to pique a girl's interest on XRMXX, then he needs to come up with a good introductory message. Below are just a few of the introductory messages that I've received from guys that just don't work for me and I simply can't respond to them. So I suggest, don't be That Guy who sends these types of messages. But if you're even reading this blog, then you are probably not That Guy because he rarely reads what's on a page anyway. At least by posting this blog I can ignore That Guy in good conscience because I told him so here. I hope I don't come off as bitch… 阅读更多内容

发表者 samanthjonescd 10 年 前 9

Men of xhamster: Do yourselves a favor...

and calm the fuck down. With the ratio of men-to-women probably already sitting at 100:1 or more, why does it seem like so many of you are hell-bent on driving the remaining women off of this site?(gay men not included, of course. This isnt directed at you guys.)It seems like every week, someone on my friend list has decided to close her account, and if Im able to catch her before she does so and ask her why, 99% of the time they give the same reason: disrespectful men. And lets not forget about the tons of women who dont even last a few hours before being scared off. Guys, I understand… 阅读更多内容

发表者 gimmecurves 14 年 前 628