This Photo Of Maisie Williams > Note

We’re Not Sure How Comfortable We Are With This Photo Of Maisie Williams Some important things to keep in mind, here: Maisie Williams is s*******n. Maisie Williams, however, looks much younger than s*******n. Maisie Williams is also an extremely cool young person, as we’ve mentioned an infinite amount of times (and even as recently as earlier this morning) — who kind of feels like the hip younger sister of the internet. So having said that, this picture, posted to Twitter by a fellow actor, Caspar Lee, is totally harmless. But I still feel like I should divert my eyes looking at i… 阅读更多内容

发表者 tomsp 10 年 前 2

Para los que nunca leen! :D

Adjunta informacion ya que por lo visto nadie lee como dije! antes de acusar les sugiero que antes se informen (osea es preguntar y no soltar palabras sueltas) y leer! algo asi como abrir una nota y saber que dice no es dificil creo! y dejar en claro que cuento con el permiso de Larisa para subir sus videos asi que antes de extirar la lengua hay que informarse, y antes de acusar de robo les sugiero que lean esto Filmar a terceras personas sin el consetimiento de la misma tiene una pema maxima de 10 años se extiende a 25 años por divulgacion de video o contenido multimedia tambien… 阅读更多内容

发表者 tomsp 11 年 前 2

note to read anything more in your life!

for those who never read! Deputy information since apparently no one reads like I said! before accusing suggest you before I report (so is ask and do not release single words) and reading! something like a new note and know that I say is not difficult! and make it clear that I tell with permission Larisa to upload your videos so before extirar language must information, and theft before accusing suggest you read this Filming to third parties without the consent information thereof pema has a maximum of 10 years to 25 years by extending disclosure or video content media also if desi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 tomsp 11 年 前 1


Hola amigos buenos dias, buenas noches, buenas tardes sea donde sea que estes bueno decidi hacer mini mensajes porque no puedo responder a todas las preguntas y pedidos asi que dejare cada tanto notas sobre lo que hare y sobre sus pedidos!, pues bien me han consultado mucho sobre el tipo de camaras a utilizar para capturar culos, piernas, entre otros tecnicas tambien bueno es muy extenso el tema para explicarlo ahora pero quiero dejar un pequeño resumen general ok! 1- La tecnicas son pocas!!, y depende de tu audacia, y ser disimulado, discreto, no llamar la atencion, y habilidad para escond… 阅读更多内容

发表者 tomsp 12 年 前


Hello friends good morning, good evening, good afternoon wherever they're good I decided to do mini posts because I can not answer all the questions and requests so I'll each both notes on what does and about their orders!, Well I have asked a lot about the type of cameras used to capture asses, legs, among other techniques also is extensive good theme to explain now but I want to make a small overview ok! 1 - The techniques are few!!, And depends on your courage, and be sneaky, discreet and not draw attention, and ability to hide the camera, jobs subos are experts with years! and practices… 阅读更多内容

发表者 tomsp 12 年 前

New Video teen ass leggings!

New HD video quality available only to friends enjoy the girl in the picture who have asked me now video阅读更多内容

发表者 tomsp 12 年 前