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4136 天 在 XRMXX 上
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30 条评论
Man patīk lasīt rupjus komentārus par savu kailo ķermeni - tādus, kas izsmej, paņirgājas par manām intīmajām vietiņām... mmm! Vēl mani uzbudina, ja kāds mani virtuāli kontrolē - piemēram, ja paņem kādu manu kailfoto un iepostē savā profilā (vai kādā pavisam citā saitā) ar rupjiem komentāriem - tā, ka es nevaru to izdzēst.
I like to read the rude comments about my bare body - those who mock, mumble about my intimate things ... mmm! I'm also excited when someone manages me virtually - for example, if I take some of my nude photos and put them in my profile (or on any other site) with rude comments - so that I can no
I like to read the rude comments about my bare body - those who mock, mumble about my intimate things ... mmm! I'm also excited when someone manages me virtually - for example, if I take some of my nude photos and put them in my profile (or on any other site) with rude comments - so that I can no
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