Data from nationwide study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine finds boys starting earlier, doing more often than boys of same age in previous decades. Also, although girls are masturbating more as well, more boys are masturbating more often. Prior to this, the rate between male and female teens had been approaching similar levels as the rate for girls had risen. I guess the boys are just masturbating more than the girls can keep up with. I hope the girls can catch up and show those boys! This is constant with so many earlier studies revealing we masturbate m… 阅读更多内容
Modern work- mutual masturbation during work
About 5 years ago I was put in charge of a two guys at a small IT service company I worked at during various shifts, sometimes during the day and some into evening. We all made runs but I was to report their time and performance. One of the guys was gay and one bi but I supported them both and held the highest respect for them and their natural needs. They enjoyed porn, who doesn't... I do too. One or the other would occasionally need to sneak off to mutual masturbate or to have sex with various friends during jobs. I know because I caught each at different times. But I understood their n… 阅读更多内容
Homage to Tracy Licks, MyHottieWife
Tracy, I respect and admire your sex positive lifestyle. You are brave and bold and ahead of your time. More than a decade ago, you knew what you needed, what you so much enjoyed, and rather than running from that, rather than repressing it, you embraced and nurtured it despite a backward culture sometimes discourages such a sexual lifestyle. You have fucked, sucked, masturbated and enjoyed so many orgasms over the years yet have done so without shame or regret and that deserves much praise- It is your work, your hobby, and your love. It also keeps you in such great shape and looking so young… 阅读更多内容
Flibanserin (like female viagra) just cleared FDA
Flibanserin just cleared an FDA advisory committee by an overwhelming majority on 5/4/2015 putting it on track for an FDA approval very soon. Finally, women will have their needs addressed in an area which has been all too dominated by men's interests and women's groups have been demanding this for far too long. Trials showed a significant increase (double and more) in sexual desire and orgasms which have been wanted by so many women- The market for this is therefore predicted to be large. But unlike male d**gs like Viagra that work by just increasing blood flow to an erection, flibanser… 阅读更多内容
Express yourself- what is inside that counts
It is what you have on the inside that counts. So it's so important to stroke our cock and coax what we have on the inside up our long erection. Stroke it untill it surges and courses up the shaft and ejaculates out our buldging head and up into the air for all to see and appreciate. Indeed, what we have on the inside counts, so express it, enjoy it while you're in the act of ejaculating it out. Express yourself often high into the air.… 阅读更多内容
Why we masturbate so much more these days
You know I read a lot of research papers and collect stats on sexual behavior, especially masturbation. Yes, it's common knowledge now that masturbation rates have increased with each generation for the past several generations and that this trend is continuing upward (confirmed in the original Kinsey study and every study since then). There is debate about why this trend has accelerated dramatically upward in just the last decade across all age groups but the mere fact remains a topic of stimulating conversation. So I decided to list the various things that I have read that might help e… 阅读更多内容
Research Articles on a Strong Upward Masturbation
Have you read "How Millennials Are Changing the Sexual Landscape" by Alan Brightsid? It is a revealing article about how the recent generations have broken through outdated taboos and redefined cultural norms. Their hard work has benefited us all. As a group, they are enjoying significantly more sex and masturbation and have reset the definition of normal far up the scale. What was considered by past generations as extreme/frequent/kinky has fast become mainstream, normal, and enjoyed openly. Other good articles are "Social, Emotional, and Relational Distinctions in Patterns of… 阅读更多内容
Masturbation on the rise, especially in last decad
I've always been interested in sexual health statistics since I work in the health field and I like sex. Thought it would be fun to share some interesting and uplifting stuff about masturbation over the generations- The Gossard Big M Survey reveals what we all already know, masturbation is on the rise and very popular in recent generations. However, if you only look at the sexually healthy women from the survey (with no sexual dysfunction) which would only make sense, these numbers increase to 98%, 75%, 25%, respectively. At the time of the study, in 2008, 92% of women aged 18 to 30 ma… 阅读更多内容
Ejaculating for health and focus
The Great Britain health pamphlet suggests at lest an orgasm a day for good health as does so much recent research. However, it is also helps one focus which is the reason I try and do it whenever I am working from home. I found I like to focus a lot more these days. Switching from cigarette breaks to ejaculating helped me quit actually. Better to ejaculate every few hours than steal away for 10 minute cigarette breaks. My erections become more frequent and my ejaculations are so strong my body shakes and I lose control but I manage though it in the name of good health. I believe if we coul… 阅读更多内容
First passion party
My girlfriend Hanna, is open minded - the only kind I'll date. She hosted one of those passion parties tha have become so popular and so common amond 25 to 35 yr oldwomen over the past few's like a tupperware party but for sex toys. Masturbation toys like vibrators and sleves like the fleshlight are the most popular sales at these. She advertised it as for open minded gals which is cod for- demonstrations and tryouts are expected. I was home but stayed out o the way in the next room. I could hear and followed up on the visuals with her after the party. 12 showed up. An older gir… 阅读更多内容