Growing popularity of masturbation break by employ

I've written before about how some employers have gotten with the times and openly sanctioned masturbation breaks throughout the work day. More healthy than cigarette breaks and helps increase focus and reduce stress. Some have even encouraged masturbation with incentives or safe spaces to enjoy it. Here is another article about one such employer who just installed "masturbation pods" complete with VR headsets, to encourage its employees to partake and enjoy. ------------------------------- Company Offers Employees Pods To Masturbate In, Complete With VR Headsets Paid breaks to masturbate...… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 3 年 前

Rising tide of frequent bators and proponents

More recent surveys reveal that, indeed, more people are masturbating now across all demographics but more importantly, the proportion of masturbators who masturbate often is increasing dramatically. For example, the proportion of woman who masturbate one or more times a day has grown significantly in tjust the last decade. It has grown to a full third of women whereas just a decade ago, masturbation that often hoovered around 10% and was still considered extreme or compulsive. Another third are now up to several times a week whereas that used to be considered as "frequent" in years past but… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 7 年 前

Respected public proponents of the highly masturba

There are so many great public advocates these days promoting the masturbation centered lifestyle. Look up Amber Leitz and Emile Straubel on youtube and on the web. Search with term masturbation or orgasm. Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross, of course. They all show you can openly embrace it yet maintain professional respect while enjoying a life of frequent orgasms. Paul Nelson too. We need more men to speak up. More men must cum out of the closet if we are to have equal respect as women in our highly masturbatory lifestyle.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 7 年 前

Sex in the News- Drugs to increase semen productio

A number of d**gs are i development that offer promise to increase a man's semen production and volume. Current infertility treatments like GnRH and Clomid act by stimulating gonads to produce sperm and do increase slightly the prostate's production or seminal fluid. Though effective, they enhance semen production only indirectly with hormones that stimulate gonads. But stimulating the gonads this way increases risk for cancers. But newer d**gs are targeting specifically the prostate without the gonads being stimulated to increase cancers. For example, Pregabalin, Lisinopril are in phase 4… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 7 年 前 2

Some ONLY defend 2nd amendment but none other

Why is it that some politicians are all too eager to infringe on 1st Amendment (free speech) but won't touch 2nd amendment (gun rights). They are even willing to abridge the right to vote by enacting obstacles and Gerrymander. Florida Legislature (and other red states in the past too) is cracking down on porn by first declaring porn a public health emergency.  Hopefully you can survive the mass shootings first! Just a thought.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 7 年 前 3

Update: More masturbation in the news- a substitut

Of course if you read my earlier blogs on current research you know masturbation is healthy and even necessary to maintaining good health. Some modern countries with evidence driven health policies promote masturbation, NHS of UK. A recent June 2017 article by Annamarya Scaccia of HealthLine newsletter reiterates this and updated what we know. Even if you are having regular sex, frequent masturbation is still essential to ensure you are ejaculating enough and maintaining that for the long run. Not healthy to binge, ejaculating a lot followed by dry spells. Best to just keep ejaculating a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 7 年 前 1

Update: More masturbation in the news, masturbatio

Of course if you read my earlier blogs on current research you know masturbation is healthy and even necessary to maintaining good health. Some modern countries with evidence driven health policies promote masturbation, NHS of UK. A recent June 2017 article by Annamarya Scaccia of HealthLine newsletter reiterates this and updated what we know. Even if you are having regular sex, frequent masturbation is still essential to ensure you are ejaculating enough and maintaining that for the long run. Not healthy to binge, ejaculating a lot followed by dry spells. Best to just keep ejaculating a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 7 年 前

More masturbation in the News

I enjoy culling for articles and research after each year on sex porn use and masturbation to see how things have change. The last several years each saw dramatic rises in porn use and masturbation and I recall an article that believed it was saturated and expected it to level off. That actually impacted stock futures in porn, however, recent stats proved that to be a huge underestimate. We are masturbating beyond all expectations!  LOL Pornhub released its 2017 Year In Review and noted that mobile devices became preferred platform. The number of viewers exploded from an already sharp ri… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 7 年 前 2

More evidence in the news FREQUENT ejaculations ar

You've heard about several studies years ago that showed "frequent" ejaculation helps reduce risk or cancers and ED and other aliments. But there were some unanswered questions about the study population that might possibly skew the outcome. But a recent study of almost 32,000 men published in the journal of European Urology, researchers found high levels of sexual activity can reduce the risk of contracting prostate cancer by 33 per cent. Researchers adjusted for all the important factors that might skew a study of this kind such as age, race, family history of prostate cancer, vasecto… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 7 年 前 11

Hats off to Harvey Weinstein, heavy masturbation h

Sad news about Harvey Weinstein. Simply misunderstood. As far back as 1994 at Sundance Film festival, Harvey openly admitted to being an avid masturbator and that he got much of his creative energy from his intense, frequent urge and prolific ejaculations. Although many brushed it off as a joke, he was being honest. His personal life was filled with solo and mutual edging and masturbation of all sorts. Though many men, masturbating buddies, understood and share the need, some women misunderstood him and took it in the wrong way. It was common for him to masturbate in front of and with other li… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 7 年 前 11

Masturbation in the News, Sep. 2017

Orgasmic Meditation (OM) is growing in popularity, becoming an enriching lifestyle for so many women. A clinical trial has just begun seeking participants who practice OM regularly. They will be asked to bring their Stroker (male or female) and commit to having several sessions each day for the duration of the trial and report their experiences... Website to sign up...阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 7 年 前

Masturbation in the news July 2017

Science Says Men Should Masturbate to ejaculation at least 21 Times A Month. Find article on Huffington Post. According to recent research from Harvard University, men who have 21 or more orgasms per month cut their odds of a number of ailments significantly. Men were just naturally meant to be ejaculating more often than we allow ourselves.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 7 年 前 8

Masturbation is a hobby that more and more men sha

Masturbation is a growing hobby especially suited to share among friends. Mutual masturbators can achieve much more together, cumming with greater pleasure volume and frequency together. Men who allow themselves permission to begin masturbating with other men, whether gay, bi, or str8, become much more prolific masturbators and ejaculators. Some of the most prolific ejaculators are not the monogamous guys in traditional relationships but those who masturbate together with fellow masturbators and make it a lifestyle. So it is a real benefit and it is no wonder mutual masturbation is booming.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 8 年 前 16

Masturbation and sex centered lifestyle over the p

It's no surprise that in just over the past decade, a love of frequent, sex and ejaculation has evolved into a lifestyle, even a livelihood. With the popularization of sites like this and online group webchat sites, porn has gone mainstream and so has masturbation and mutual masturbation. The average masturbator has evolved from casual porn user to regular webchat masturbator, to frequent, such as on sites like chat _ur_bate. It's not uncommon at all today to find men, young and old, who admit they masturbate several time a day sometimes. It's just what we do now. Although many confess… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 8 年 前 3

First vibrator- history

So Hamilton Beach patented the first electric vibrator in 1902, a decade before it introduced the electric iron and vacuum cleaner. The vacuum doesn't do a bad job either.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 8 年 前 1

Cock piercings are up, as much for masturbation en

I read in journal of sexual health that cock piercings have gone mainstream. Increased dramatically and the reasons (from pre and then follow up surveys or customers and partners) confirm it is as much for mastabastion pleasure as for sex. While sexual activity and the number of sex partners did increase slightly, masturbation as much as doubled across the board among those surveyed. Where their partners were interviewed, they reported an even higher masturbation frequency in their pierced partner after piercing than they themselves admitted. Same sex mutual masturbation increased as well… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 8 年 前 8

Another hookup from CL

Met up with a guy last week who was passing through the area. Long haul trucker but educated and clean cut. Laid off from a tech job and has been doing this for a year and liking it. Needless to say, he was an avid masturbator and changing carreers has not bit into that. In fact he said, it has actually allowed him to focus more on masturbating and on conditioning and buildung his cock. His wife is open minded and has what she called her "Me time" every day. They both know that means masturbating but it sounds much nicer and deserved. She knows he masturbates but just doesn't know how muc… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 8 年 前 5

Bra sizes and condom sizes on the rise

It's well known that the average bra cup size has continued to increased over the last 50 years, and most dramitically over the past 20 years. Earlier puberty, increaee in average weight and the explosion of breast augmentation have all contibuted. The average woman has breasts at least twice the size of women 50 years ago and it's common to see women walking around with breasts so large they look disproportionate and a main feature. But did you know that average cock size has been increasing also? This is especially revealed by condom sales. The average condom sold has been shifting upward… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 8 年 前 6

Starting early and doing it often is essential to

Starting early is so important for establishing a highly ejaculatory lifestyle. So many studies now demonstrate that guys who have opened their minds enough to masturbate with others on a regular basis masturbated far more often and ejaculate more often. They enjoy a more sexual lifestyle overall. The earlier he begins masturbating and the more often he does it, the more he'll tend to be masturbating adulthood and the more value he'll place on it. That may seem obvious to some but science is needed to confirm it. Some had believed that doing it more would help get the urge out of our s… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 8 年 前 10

Xhamster usage shot way up in 2015 and continues t

Xham published its stats for 2015 and wow. Usage was already off the charts in 2014 so it did not seem humanly possible that more people could log on and masturbate any more but we proved the skeptics wrong... prooving yet again the unlimited capability and need of the modern cock to get hard and ejaculate even more. Membership grew more than 25% and the number of sessions per user increased too showing that we have increased our frequency and enjoyment. Bringing porn and frequent masturbation into the lifestyles of the average joe. Webcam and chat sessions increased showing our desire a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trevor100a 9 年 前 6