Sissifying a beta male is not about making him feel sexually attracted to you - most beta males don't feel attracted to men in this way at all. When a sissy allows a man to fuck him, it is not out of sexual attraction, but obedience. For the sissy, it is about giving up control to a superior man. To acquire control, you must gradually make him feel small, weak, and emasculated in contrast to you. At the same time, you must appear large, strong, calm, caring, and confident. eventually you will use this contrast to gain complete control over him. 1. subtle mental prompts If you can make the be… 阅读更多内容
Sissification - an Academic Approach
The following is an excerpt I found from a sociological article/metastudy which was published in a scholarly journal decades ago, before being quickly removed after public outrage (mostly from low-status men). I'm sharing here because I think this information is fascinating and valuable. "There is nothing sexy or attractive about a boy constantly struggling and failing to be a dominant macho guy. The truth is, not all males are created equal, and not all males are meant to be in charge. Women and Alpha Males alike can instantly tell when a beta male is pretending to be alpha. It never works,… 阅读更多内容