July 03 / Mount Fuji Climbing Season Started

Climbing season at Mount Fuji (3,776m) has started on July 01, 2023 for one of the 4 trails that is Yoshida Trail, in Yamanashi Prefecture, central Japan. https://blog-imgs-167.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/20230703140818ab0.jpg This year marks the 10th anniversary of Mt. Fuji's registration as a World Heritage site and at the same time due to the lifting COVID restriction more people from both Japan and abroad than before are expected to flock to see the sunrise from the mountain top. https://blog-imgs-167.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/20230703143041188.jpg A ceremony praying fo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 tuckpussypeachpie 1 年 前 3