Fictional Character Sex

If you would have to have sex with any of the fictional characters, Which one would it be? - Movie character - Comic book character - Game character - Book character Not just one. From movies, from comic books, from games, from books. That means - four. Let's hear it folks...… 阅读更多内容

发表者 UnaUnique 3 年 前 8


It just occur to me that this story I started to write here almost two years ago has some similarities with ongoing current events.Especially the start of it. I can assure you that I'm not some evil prophet, but this is ideal time to say: Told you so... LOL Maybe I should start another story with some better outcome. Stay tuned...… 阅读更多内容

发表者 UnaUnique 4 年 前 1

2K77_Eng (sounds much better in croatian)

It's year 2077. Once very common middle eastern European city with all the infrastructure, common economic crisis and fucked up traffic, developed homophobic ideas and racism, now was just the same, but with slightly upgraded technology. OK, highly upgraded. How did it come to this? Nobody knows for sure, but somewhere around 2020. there was a big change. A virus that came out of nowhere, generated it's highest mutation and devastated Euroasian population in a blink of an eye. Much faster than World Health Organization could warn the citizens about something that they know very little about… 阅读更多内容

发表者 UnaUnique 5 年 前 2

2K77 vs 2077

OK, just to be clear... I won't rename the title of that story I've been writing here. I got it first and it has nothing to do with that upcoming super hit game 'Cyberpunk 2077' (I so can't wait for it...). Even the plot is similar. So, with all due respect to the developers... (pointing my pointy black nail middle finger) Check the date.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 UnaUnique 5 年 前

What's the weirdest, funniest, strangest...

...thing, that's been up your ass? Or pussy? C'mon people, don't be shy. I'm curious...… 阅读更多内容

发表者 UnaUnique 5 年 前 30


- Alternativnu rutu do doma, molim te. - rekla sam. Nissan je izračunao 3 puta i ponudio mi izbor. Pritisnula sam broj 2 i rekla: - Autopilot, engage. Maintain speed at 60 max. - Nisam htjela riskirati da me zaustavi neka patrola. Ne znam kako bih opravdala te cyber dodatke na sebi. Otovorila sam bocu i potegnula veliki gutljaj. Pa onda još jedan. Udobno sam se smjestila i u odsjaju svog lika na prozoru auta promatrala kako se antene na mojoj glavi okreću kao da nešto traže. Suze su mi se bešumno slijevale niz lice. Crne od maskare. Kupila sam ih jezikom i miješala ih s jakim alkoholom. Nad… 阅读更多内容

发表者 UnaUnique 6 年 前 9


Godina je 2077. Nekad najobičniji srednje europski grad sa svom pripadajućom infrastrukturom, normalnom ekonomskog krizom i sjebanim prometom, razvijenom homofobijom i rasizmom, sada je bio isto to, ali s malo naprednijom tehnologijom. OK, dosta naprednijom. Kako je došlo do toga? Nitko zapravo ne zna točno, no negdje oko 2020. zbila se velika promjena. Virus koji se pojavio puno ranije, dostigao je svoju konačnu mutaciju i poharao stanovništvo Europe i Azije vrlo brzo. Brže nego što je međunarodna zdravstvena organizacija uspjela upozoriti građane da je iz nekog labosa pobjegao vir… 阅读更多内容

发表者 UnaUnique 7 年 前 9