Motel Magic Hour - Part 2

I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I stood outside the motel room door, As per our chat a few days prior, we agreed on a few specific facts before I ever arrived at the motel room. **** 1) It was undeniable that I was a cock-addicted, cum-hungry sissy faggot that needed to be used and abused by men. It was a universal constant that I couldn't ignore, 2) Once I stepped into the motel room, I would be acknowledging the aforementioned facts, and the understanding that a sissy faggot cannot be relied on to understand it's true nature let alone embrace it... that all sissy faggots ne… 阅读更多内容

发表者 AniGirl81 8 年 前 5

More "hounding"

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发表者 Alice522 13 年 前

The boy next door

So one week after i moved into my new house i decided to check my grinder app. i was shocked to see there was someone logged on 800 feet from me, turns out it was my next door neighbor. there was very little info about him on his profile so after many messages back and forth it turns out hes a straight guy with a girlfriend who has been questioning his sexuality for the last couple years over a forced feminisation fantasy hes been having. he said hes been watching tranny and forced fem videos for the last year and the desire to act on this fantasy has been getting stronger and stronger, enough… 阅读更多内容

发表者 DanielStevens 8 年 前

Noc vestica

Najzanimljivija noc vestica do sada mi se dogodila ove godine. Dogovorili smo se 2 d**gara(Branko i Marjan) i ja da napravimo kucnu zurku pod maskama, jer je Branko imao praznu kucu ceo vikend i bila bi steta da se to ne iskoristi. Dogovorili smo se da nas trojica kupimo pice i da svako iz svoje srednje skole pozove prijatelje. Kada smo napravili spisak koga cemo pozvati ostalo je da resimo kako cemo se mi maskirati, Branku je palo na pamet da na vise papirica napisemo razne ideje i da ih sve bacimo u sesir i da onda svako izvuce po jedan papiric i kome sta zapadne to ce biti. Tako smo i uradi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mlada_crossgirl 3 年 前 6


Nastavak Subota ujutru (oko 10h), polako se budim i kao da čujem neko stenjanje. Polako otvaram oči i vidim Marjana kako ga drka, kada me je video da se budim sav srećan mi kaže: uh konačno drkam ga već 10 minuta u nadi da ćeš se probuditi,ajde da mi popušiš,pri kraju sam; ma daj čoveče ni oči nisam otvorio; misliš nisi oči otvorila naša mala droljice,jel smo rekli da si od sada curica, ajde video sam te sinoć kako si željna kurca. Ja ga pogledam i realno je u pravu, polako se pridignem i priđem mu a on me uhvati za glavu i nabije mi je na kurac, i stvarno nije dugo trajalo, videlo se da je… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mlada_crossgirl 3 年 前 8

Nastavak 2

Nastavak br.2 Kada smo došli u spavaću sobu Zoran i Tihomir su sada već bili nestrpljivi da ga umoče u mene, a Marjan i Branko su ih samo dodatno palili kako sam vrhunska drolja i jebačica. Prvo sam prišla Marjanu (nekako mi je on favorit) i poljubila sam se sa njim onako jezikom u usta i on mi je uzvratio i sve vreme dok smo se ljubili mi je mesio guzu sa rukama, posle toga kada smo se odvojili Zoran dobaci: ajde da te jebemo, mani su ljubakanja. Pogledala sam ga i bez pogovora sam klekla ispred njega, otkopčala mu pantalone, izvadila alatku i počela da mu nadrkavam već poprilično tvrd kur… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mlada_crossgirl 2 年 前 3

How to fuck a CD/tyranny - What Gives the Pleasure

How to fuck a CD/tyranny - What Gives the Pleasure? For a CD/tyranny the pleasure comes in two forms, the emotional and physical. Emotionally a CD/tyranny enjoys having a man treat her like a woman - and having sex and penetrating her is the ultimate expression of that for many CD/tyranny's. Physically they enjoy anal sex for the same reason gay men do and most women don't. People who were born as men have a prostate gland which is right next to the anal channel. When they receive anal sex, this gland is stimulated by the rubbing and causes the pleasure and ultimately the ejaculation.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Nicolesilktoy 12 年 前 56

At my home, the very first time

Dear diary, Yesterday a did something I have never done before...... For the first time ever I invited someone to my home as a tranny. We had been texting each other for almost ages and set up dates to hook up. Always something came in between and we had to reschedule. I guess he was as frustrated as me to the point of giving up. We texted each other during the week for a meeting on the same weekend to have sex. Saturday night would be the day! Saturday came and when we got in touch with each other early afternoon, he told me that we had to reschedule. We could not meet neither at his place… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trans4sex 5 年 前 4

How To Make Your Cum Taste Great

You might be wondering just why it matters that your cum tastes really good. It is simple. Ladies like men who have sweet cum. If you want your girl to keep coming back for more and love you even better, you need to make your cum as appetizing as possible. Making Your Jizz Taste Better If you are a party a****l, you are in for a big disappointment. This is because the first thing that you need to do is to limit your intake of alcohol, d**gs, cigarettes and even junk food. Research shows that vegetarians, whether males or females, tend to have bodily secretions that taste better. Therefor… 阅读更多内容

发表者 menext 10 年 前 119

Porn Lessons

Porn Lessons I disagree with those that say porn has no educational value. I learned how to deep throat, I learned how to prepare my tiny pink hole, I learned how to apply make-up and dress like a little sissy slut all before I turned 16, just from watching porn and most of all, I learned that daddies love it when I pay attention to detail and do as I’m told. I was 18 the first time I went out in public dressed up as a little sissy boi, heels, stockings, garters, silk panties and push up bra with inserts, platform heels, short skirt, plunging top and my blonde hair in pig tails. I waited… 阅读更多内容

发表者 jayymie 9 年 前 25

Wife and Sissy invited to a party, they have no id

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发表者 moeclitty 9 年 前