Masturbation survey Are you male or female? Female Age? Over 50 At what age did you start masturbating? 10-ish How many times a week do you masturbate? Depends on the week. Sometimes a couple, sometimes a dozen or more How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? 5 or 6, usually… my best was 14 :-) Where do you masturbate: In bed? Mostly In the shower? no In the bath? no Outdoors? I have, but not in a long time At work? I have, but not in a long time Every room in the house? Done that In a car while traveling? Yes… couple of good stories to tell there ;-) What do you… 阅读更多内容
How I Found A Place To Live
How I Found A Place To Live, And Got Laid In The Process I was three weeks into my first year of college, and living an a crappy room in a house. The landlady was a nasty woman who was always snooping into my business, and the place in general was grey and grimy. The kitchen, which I could only use at certain times, always smelled of something rotten, and my room had a bare lightbulb in the ceiling and the grubby wallpaper smelled of mildew. I hated living there, and so tried to go out as often as possible. One Friday night in late September I was wandering around the local mall wast… 阅读更多内容
Aditya Part 2 - Dinner at Mark's
That night my husband and I were invited to Mark’s place for dinner. I was wearing a little black dress and no underwear; I wanted to thank Mark personally for setting up my lunchtime encounter. When we got there, Mark opened the door I greeted him with a deep passionate kiss, as my husband looked on patiently. Mark then took our coats and led us through the front hall to the living room, and said, “I’d like you to meet Aditya.” Looking past him, to my astonishment, I saw the beautiful Indian man who had fucked me that afternoon! He rose to his feet to greet us as Mark introduced us. “I have… 阅读更多内容
Aditya Part 1 - Hotel Rendezvous
This is a true story that happened on Friday November 30 2018. On Friday morning I sent an e-mail to Mark, my lover, joking that I was horny. He e-mailed back with an “LOL, you’re always” and told me, if I wanted, he had something that might help. A client of his had just arrived in Toronto that morning, and had just checked in. “Go to the ******* Hotel at lunchtime” he e-mailed. He gave me a room number and told me a gentlman would be expecting me. The hotel close to where I work, so I said okay! I was pretty aroused and excited. I went to the room and knocked, and this gorgeous Indian ge… 阅读更多内容
Make Them Feel Welcome
This is a true story. It happened shortly after my husband and I moved in together, but before we were married; about 11 years ago. He invited a group of four gentlemen who he had business dealings with to sign some papers for something or other. Before they arrived, he told me he was going to the office to get something he’d forgotten, and wanted me to welcome them and make them feel comfortable. Even though we hadn’t known each other very long, Hubby knew about my past and how slutty I could be, so i kind of knew where he wanted this to go. I put on a light yellow sun dress (it was summer… 阅读更多内容