Ich nehme nun seit mehr als 20 Jahren regelmässig Hormone, einfach die Pille. Ich kann bestätigen, dass die Einnahme zu einer Brustvergrösserung führt. Mit der Menge der Hormone lässt sich das Busenvolumen einstellen. Ich nehme momentan drei Tabletten die Woche für einen größenmäßig "stabilen" und "handlichen" Busen. Wenn ich steigere, auf bis zu sieben die Woche, bekomme ich eine gute Handvoll, etwa Cup B, ebenfalls im stabilen Zustand. (Bei Absetzen der Pille bildet sich die Brust über Monate langsam zurück.) Genauso machen es auch die Thai-Girls schon immer. Die Pille ist dort die… 阅读更多内容
Breast Growing Guide (credit - yutubeslut)
BREAST GROWING GUIDE: FOR ADULTS ONLY. 18+ If you're under 18 you shouldn't even be reading this. I'm NOT a doctor, this is not expert medical advice, just stuff that worked for girls and Tgirls i know. You should seek professional medical advice from your doctor before you do anything described in this guide. This is a serious, permanent change to your body and your lifestyle so do not do this unless you're absolutely sure you want breasts. Also, the use of any hormone, d**g, supplement or body modification carries with it both benefits and dangers that you should fully di… 阅读更多内容
Only 602 views needed!!!
Hi boys, girls and transsisters! I only need 602 more biews for my creamy cumshot in the mouth video to top 10,000 in less than a week! The other videos are also great!… 阅读更多内容
Tribute Photos Now online
Hi Guys! Show me your love... Show me your Cumshots! I have uploaded four lovely face pics, all very different - take your pick and CUM ON MY FACE! Then post a snap-shot of your tribute. The guys giving me the biggest, bestest, messiest Facials will get invited to my Friends List! GIRLS!! Are you a SQUIRTER?? Why not join the fun and give me a Squirt Shot Facial tribute? I am dying to see some of your juicy dripping cunts over my squirt drenched face...… 阅读更多内容
Vicky's first Webcam videos
So, the third video from Friday should come online soon...So far the system has released: 1) "Vicky von Hinten" (Vicky, Doggy Style): Came out yesterday, and so far has had over 120 views, and 100% positive rating... 2) "VTV A2M" (Ass 2 Mouth): just came out, and within five minutes already had 10 views... let's see where it goes! 3) yet to come... "Vicky cumshot": with me kneeling on the floor in front of him, he cums in my mouth like he's at the stable door and I'm a slutty little Pony... Let's see how the response to THIS one is, as soon as it "cums" out! XXX . Bussi Eure Vi… 阅读更多内容
So brief and so many...
Amazing! Thanks to all my visitors here... I have been registered for 1 month, and actively using the profile 3 days, and already i have had over 1,200 visitors! Thanks for dropping by... I love you all! Have a great Saturday night... I'm going out fighting! Bussi xxx Vicky… 阅读更多内容
It isn't always easy being a Cam Girl
It's not always very exciting waiting for a date to arrive to make a live show http://xhamster.com/xembed.php just spent the time edging and chatting with fans... there's one high-light at around 10:30m I show someone an article about me in the April edition of Siegesäule...… 阅读更多内容