Being happy

It started out in what I thought was just "pillow talk". My new husband would ask me if I would like having sex with other men? I soon learned that he wanted an affirmative answer from me along with a vivid description of what I would like them to do to me. Telling him how much I would enjoy their cocks always ensured he would come in me. It gradually took over as our primary bedtime fantasy. I only had one other lover aside from Dave, a classmate in high school, so I did not have much experience to draw on. I did my best to make my tales realistic. Over time Dave became more in… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 14

Hubby came home early

The white woman and the black man were getting plenty of stares, as they walked down the aisles of the supermarket. It was one thing to walk side by side, or maybe holding hands, but they were in fact flaunting it. He kept nuzzling her neck, and whispering in her ear. And the fact that she had a dark purple hickey on her neck more or less let everyone know what these two had been doing. Not everyone was upset at what they were doing. There were a couple of white housewives who were stealing glances at them, and were secretly envious of this white woman, and the attention that… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 10

The real bull

When more than two people are in a room having sex, you can bet that there are more than two stories evolving. And such was the case with this white couple, who were in a motel room with a big black man. Having had the white wife last weekend, after meeting them in a bar, she had mentioned that she would like her husband to be there the next time. She didn't explain why, but he thought it was probably because he had treated her pretty rough, so maybe she was a little apprehensive... but it had been her idea after all. It started when he was "laying the pipe" to her, as he liked… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 12


Tracy had never been a hit with the boys when she was in high school. The closest she had ever come to sex had been giving another teen a blow job in the back seat of a car. It had been her way of saving her virginity till she got married. But now since she started going to junior college, it seemed like all her time was spent hitting the books. Her roommate had invited her to a couple of frat parties, but Tracy had always found too many papers that needed to be written. It wasn't till she had overheard her roommate whispering to a class mate that she thought that Tracy was probabl… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 3

Poker nights

"Oh fuck, it was happening again", she moaned as she was being bent over the kitchen sink. This was the third weekend in a row, that her husband had invited a group of black guys over from work, for what was supposed to be a poker party. What in fact it really turned out to be was a poke her party. We were both in our mid 40's, and had turned to swinging to ignite that lost spark in our sex life. The swinging had been okay, but as time went on, too many times we had ended up with other partners that either backed out because of nerves, or ended up to be duds in bed. Then three… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 10

more guys

They had been married just a little over two years now, and she wondered where this marriage would lead to. She had always led a sheltered life, and when he came along, he practically swept her off her feet. He was a few years older than her, but what struck her the most, was that he was a "take charge" kind of guy. Early on, he had been the one who had suggested where they would live, what kind of car they would have, and pretty much everything else that was associated with their life. In fact, he had even told her what he expected her to wear, not suggesting. She had to a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 6

Thank you honey

As he sat there watching his wife being mauled by two black guys, Tony wondered what the hell had happened to the wonderful marriage him and Alice had. They were both in their late 40's, with pretty much anything they wanted. Both of the k**s were now in college, the house was paid for, and they could afford to take long expensive vacations. But instead, here they were on the wrong side of town, in some cheap motel room, with Alice being worked over. One guy was trying to get his dick into her pussy, but she kept kicking him with her legs, while the other one was forcing her lips… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 7

Susan and Danny again

Susan's nostrils flared, as the black man forced her head further down onto his cock. Her eyes were looking at her husband, who was not more than five feet from the edge of the bed. She wondered if Danny would get the wrong idea, that maybe she was being forced against her will to take more of the very large cock that was finding it's way to the entrance of her throat. Normally Susan liked to call the shots when she went down on her husband, but with her black lovers it was a different story. If they wanted to do her hard, the only problem she had with that, was that they probably… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 4

Susan and Danny

While Danny was waiting for Susan to be coming home from her date, he started to reflect on how his marriage had gone in the direction it had. Truth be known, he had been smitten by Susan from the first time they had met. He had been drawn to her at first because of her complexion. She was Chinese, and had the sweetest smile a woman could have. Danny had a "thing" for Asian ladies, and Susan seemed to bring out all of those feelings. It was only a matter of months before he had nerve enough to pop the question, and when she said yes, Danny was the happiest man in the world...… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 4


Trudy had always been a shy girl in school. Now after just celebrating her 18th birthday, she asked her mother if it was alright if she stayed over night with Janice, her girlfriend. Her mom having always been protective of her, had finally relented, as long as she would call her from Janice's house that night. What she didn't tell her mom, was that Janice had goaded her into going out on a date that night. Trudy wanting to be a good friend of Janice of course went along with whatever Janice said. There had been a pregnant pause when Janice had said that they were going to the D… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 4


Be careful what swinging can do to your marriage....... Jealousy..... no matter how you spell it, the results can be devastating, Upon his insistence, she had relented finally, and agreed that maybe swinging with another couple might spice their sex life up, and hopefully save their dead marriage. It had taken several tries, before they had summoned up enough courage to place an ad in a swingers magazine, with a hotmail address that assured them some anonymity. They were honest about what they looked like, and they both had taken a picture of each other in the nude, but with n… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 5

White wives and girls going black

My husband and I used to swing with a black couple when we were still up in Michigan, so I guess I can speak a little from experiencing it. Since my husband has passed away, I have gotten on the internet a lot, and of course found porn... and more porn LOL, so that is how I handle my grief of losing him. Anyways, when we were swinging, having sex with the black man and also his wife. at the it time seemed like it was really a taboo thing to do. Little did I realize that once I started perusing the internet, that interracial sex was being done by what I thought were thousands of wh… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 28

Jane and Larry

Jane had been working out for a long time, getting her body back to the way it was when she was younger. She was now 34, and for the last two years had been going to the gym in an attempt to bring her body back to how it had been. True her breasts were now sagging a little, and she had thought about getting them lifted, but all the exercise had firmed them up a bit, and she knew that from the way that some of the guys at the gym had been ogling her, that maybe for her age everything was probably proportioned properly. Her nipples still responded when her hubby would tweak them,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 5

Pat and Peter

Pat had always been a quiet and reserved kind of girl. She had met her husband to be in Junior College, and she gave herself to him, when he asked her to marry him. Peter knew that Pat was a prize to catch the first time he had laid eyes on her. It had taken several tries before she had agreed to go out with him, and it wasn't until the second date that he even got to kiss her. What turned Peter on about her, was that he felt like a man in control when he was with her. He would order their dinners when they went out, and she always let him pick out what movies they would go see.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 2

Pat and Mike #2

Pat was lying by the pool that first morning after they had arrived in Curacao, working on starting a tan. Mike had told her he was off to explore the other side of the island, and that he would be back in a few hours. She felt like an entirely different woman, since the flight down here with that black man she had sucked off, and the great fuck Mike had given her when they finally were shown their room. While Mike had been putting it to her, she had said naughty things in his ear, about how she enjoyed giving that black stranger the blow job on the plane. It had only driven Mike… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 1

Pat and Mike #1

Pat and her husband Mike were finally going on that long awaited vacation, that they both had been looking forward to. Mike needed to get away from the construction job, that he spent way too much time on, and she had read of a beautiful beach on the island of Curacao. So it had been decided that Mike was just gonna have to let one of the other men supervise the job for a couple weeks, while they escaped for what they figured would be like a second honeymoon. That second honeymoon remark by him had put a smile on Pat's face, as she remembered what a great time they had at Niagara… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 3

hubby took her to the movies

She felt the large black cock head start to swell, and she tried to pull her head off of the guys cock, but strong hands were gripping her head, and she could not pull away. As her nostrils flared, the first glob of cum was being shot into her mouth, and she knew that she had better swallow it, or it would be coming out of her nose. As the cum was being pumped into her, she thought back on what had started this strange series of events. They had been drinking that Saturday afternoon, and she knew that this was going to lead up to them having sex. The k**s were over to her parent… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 9

being blacked

These are stories about White women fucking Black men...... That previous statement was for any of the women who download these stories. Who says it's all about the men? RIGHT GIRLS? !!!!!!!!!!! Okay, now we have that out of the way, let's talk about those women who want to get BLACKED. And I bet you all thought it was just those black men who are chasing the white women.... I've got news for ya guys, some of us want it just as bad as you guys want it. As I have said in my movies thread... there is nothing that turns me on more than to see a movie of a white wife, as she wr… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 3


They had decided to go down to Bermuda for their next vacation. Spending the last couple of vacations at his parents house, had not been her idea of having fun. So when he said that this year she could choose where they went, it didn't take her long to blurt out "Bermuda" He knew his wife probably had some ulterior motives for choosing to go there, but that didn't bother him all that much. She had always had roving eyes, and it made him proud that she would flaunt her body to other men. It made him feel like he had a "trophy" wife. He was sure she had an affair with that guy fr… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 5

She aint dry anymore

He was sitting in the chair, watching his wife getting her brains fucked out.... more correctly, he was jacking off, watching her getting it good from a black guy. He had to admit, even though the guy was over weight, he sure knew how to fuck. His cock was only a modest 7 inches, but it was very big around and the knob was big enough to have made his wife cry when he first put it in her cunt. She deserved the rough fucking she was getting.... Lately she was just too tired, or whatever story she could come up with, to not have sex with him. The few times in the last month that h… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 5