Dee comes of age 2

Unbeknownst to them, a couple of black faces were on either side, watching what had been going on. They had seen the white teens getting into the back seat, and knew there would be some action going on. Karl was the first to notice a black face peering into the window, and he almost had a heart attack as he pulled away from Dee. "WHAT THE FUCK?" "Huh... what's wrong Karl?" "There's some niggers outside the car looking in. Quick, lock the door." Dee was more concerned about the empty feeling in her pussy, and there being others outside just didn't seem to register to her.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前

Dee comes of age 1

This one is of Dee, fresh out of high school, and never having had sex before..... Dee had never had much fun while in high school, cause she was over weight, and didn't have a pretty face. She kept her hair long down to her shoulders, as a way to distract her pudgy face and full pouty lips. She had been asked out a few times, but whenever someone made advances on her, she always wanted to go home right away. So it was no surprise when no one asked her out for the senior prom. She sat around the house and moped, always putting up with her mom telling her that she needed to ge… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 2

Tom surprised her

Gina and Tom had shared many fantasies, whenever they got a little carried away with their sexual escapades. One of them was that they both had fantasized about bringing a third person to their bedroom. Tom Of course wanted a second woman, after all what man doesn't want two women fighting over who gets to suck his cock, but when Gina had confided in wanting to bring a man into the equation, Tom at first didn't like it, but as his mind whirled with the thoughts of maybe seeing his wife with another man, it also became his fantasy. Over a period of time, depending on how much they… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 8

She turns into a Cougar

Cougar.... is a slang term referring to a woman who seeks sexual relations with considerably younger men. As Janet walked into the dimly lit bar, all eyes were on the rather plain looking middle aged wife, who was wearing a tee shirt that left nothing to the imagination. She had sat in her car in the parking lot for a full 5 minutes, twisting and pinching her nipples, to make sure they would be standing at full attention before going in, and now as the cold blast from the A/C hit her, it just made her nipples harden even more What brings a married white wife, w… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 2

Sometimes good things end up happening

Denise had just turned 23, when the first man in her life made a pass at her. Having been a chubby, and slightly clumsy girl most of her life, the only other sexual advance had been from a roommate at college, that came onto her too hard, and she had immediately shunned her. So this 35 year old man, who himself was a little over weight and balding, had correctly figured her out, and slowly had courted her until she felt comfortable with him. In fact, it wasn't until their fourth date that he had kissed her, and with that kiss being her first real contact, she had gotten nervous and… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 1

Cassie opens her eyes

It was New Years eve, Cassie was dolling herself up to go out with her girlfriend Kay. Kay had been on her case for weeks now, since Cassie's husband had been shipped out to some place in Germany, and from there to who knew where else, but the bottom line was that he would be gone for the next 4 1/2 months. Cassie had become stir crazy sitting at home, and it seemed like lately she was having a harder time getting to sleep, and then constantly waking up to toss and turn for the rest of the night. She had made the mistake of telling Kay what had been going on, and Kay knew her gir… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 3

Who is fucking whom?

Tess could sense the new white guy in the shipping department had been eying her for several days now, since he had been hired. She noticed that whenever she went to the docks for paper work, the guy would be watching her every move. In fact, yesterday she had smiled at him, and he had abruptly turned his head away, which told her that he was shy, and not very self confident. Tess had always been a woman who like to control situations, if they arose. A good example was her husband Sam, who even though he was an impressively big man, early on in their marriage she had found that… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 2

Anyone ready for a movie?

Cindy leaned back into the couch and closed her eyes, as the two black men started kissing her and feeling her up. When one of their hands went between her legs, she automatically spread her knees and let out a deep sigh. As the one on her right started sucking on her neck, she knew the SOB was going to mark her with a hickey, but at this point even though she knew she had a luncheon to go to tomorrow, she didn't care anymore. How in the world had it gotten this far she wondered, as the other black guy rudely shoved two fingers into her cunt. Her husband Pete had been the one th… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 1

Senior moments

Stephanie lay staring out of the window, as the birds started chirping, announcing the start of a new day. She noticed that her husband's arm was making movements under the sheets like maybe he was stroking his cock. "Yes, his big thick black cock".... she thought. That piece of meat that had kept her satisfied now for well over 50 yrs of their marriage. Even after they both reached their 60's, Charles seemed proud that he could get an erection at a moments notice, and still bring Stephanie to an orgasm. The problem was that for the last year or so, he seemed to be using it on her… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 4

Becoming a submissive

Will wasn't sure when things changed in his marraige, but he noticed that Debbie had started to become more assertive around the house. Though Will never considered himself a slob, it seemed that she commented more and more about picking this up, or helping put dishes in the sink, or in general ordering him to clean things up. It wasn't until about a month ago, when they were having their once weekly "wam bam thank you mam" five minutes of sex, that he noticed she was not as responsive as normal. When they were staring up at the ceiling afterwards, he made the mistake of commentin… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 3

A change from the doldrums

Jenny was brought back to consciousness when the smelling salts were waived under her nose. Immediately the sharp pain in her ass rose to her consciousness, as she felt the big black man jab his hard cock into her anal cavity. "What the fuck", she thought as she looked up into the black eyes that were only inches from her face. The guy looked down at her like he was trying to shove his cock up through her stomach and into her throat. He had a sinister scowl on his face, as a couple of drops of his sweat fell onto her forehead. The smelling salts were replaced by a little brow… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 3

Pat makes a life changing move

Pat was driving back from the airport, having just experienced a rather tearful goodbye as her husband Sam was going for his first stint working on an oil rig in the Gulf. The pay was going to be great, and was something that they needed, so they could build up their nest egg for when they would be ready for Pat to maybe get pregnant. They figured that if Sam could work for the next couple of years on the oil rigs, they would have enough money so that he could then get a job maybe in the oil fields in Texas. Her thoughts floated back to last night, when they had made passionate l… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 4

Asian loves black cock

As the middle aged Asian woman squeezed her eyes shut, her black lover pulled her head backwards as he drove hard into her ass. Susan didn't particularly like being fucked in the ass, but this being her black lovers last time before he left, she did everything in her power to squeeze his large black cock with her anal muscles. Charles realized that this fine Asian piece of meat would no longer be available to him after tonight, and he wanted it to be something special between the two of them. Even though her husband Danny was sitting only a few feet from them on the couch jacking… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 3


RELUCTANT - unwilling, disinclined, struggling in opposition. The word can mean so many different things to both women and men. There is the husband who thought it might be a great idea if his wife and him did some swinging.... that is until he saw his wife in the arms of another man, having her biggest orgasm of her life: Kurt was sitting by the edge of the bed, watching his tiny wife being pounded hard into the bed springs. The bed creaked every time the huge black man drove his massive cock into, and the little groans that might be mistaken as sounds of pleasure coming from h… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 2

Desires unleashed 3

Nancy was spooned up against Margo's tits, having almost fallen asleep, when she heard the door bell ring. It took her a minute to remember where she was, and who was toying with her nips. Ah yes, Margo.... the woman whose clit she must have spent all kinds of time sucking on. Sweet Margo, the woman with whom she had made love, after Jessie had gone downstairs for another beer. She could hear the sounds of several different voices, as they came up the stairs, and she could feel from the way that Margo was now pinching her nips harder, that she had heard the same voices. She wondered if… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 3

Desires unleashed 2

Nancy was shaking as Jessie helped her out of the car. On one hand she wondered where her husband was, and how she would try to explain what had happened, and on the other hand, she had just drained the largest black cock that she could have imagined, and had swallowed this guys cum. She knew there would be no explaining that to Phil. She knew he was a racist, and if he were to learn what had just transpired, he would either kill her, or divorce her. As Jessie steered her up the walk way to the house, her mind was swirling in a thousand different directions. She knew that if she was t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 1

Desires unleashed 1

As Nancy rolled over and spooned backwards into the huge body of her black lover, a large smile spread over her face and she closed her eyes and thought back to the last week that had transpired. Yes, it was just a week ago, when her husband had taken her out for their 1st wedding anniversary. It had gone well enough, till her husband had gotten up after the desert had been served, to go to the bathroom. As she toyed with the lemon pie he had ordered, she noticed the young black man who was sitting directly in line of where her husband had been sitting, but a couple of tables away. Wh… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 1

Jessie and Jack in Jamaica

Jessie clenched her teeth so tightly, her jaw was hurting. Well the pain from her jaw was nothing compared to what that big black cock was doing to her asshole. This guy had been sodomizing her now for the last 10 minutes, and if anything he seemed to be fucking her harder and harder. She had pleaded with him to take is slower, but it had fallen on deaf ears, as on the up stroke he would slowly pull his cock all the way out till just the head of it was being gripped my her sphincter muscle, and then drive it hard all the way to his balls. The blood and shit that he saw on his cock as… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 1

Cassie got well satisfied

Cassie looked up into the camera, with a flushed look on her face. There were beads of perspiration on her upper lip, and her eyes were having a hard time focusing. "My God," she thought "How the fuck did I get into this situation?" Her and Phil had always been adventurous in bed, even before they had graduated out of college. Just before they had been engaged, they had even gone to bed with another couple they knew, and had enjoyed it very much. Of course, after they had gotten married the sex had slowed down some, but not enough for either of them to complain about. Phil was… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前 1

Pat and Gary 2

Mack just grinned and said, "you can stay as long as you like".... ***************************************************** Those words rang in her ears, as Mack took one of his huge hands and placed it at the back of her head, and forced her down onto the cock that she thought had been in her ass, not that long ago. Yes, it seemed to have a shitty taste to it, so it had either been her ass, or her husbands. At this point, it no longer matter, as she knew both of them were now at the disposal of these black men. She wretched a little as she tasted the remnants of where the cock h… 阅读更多内容

发表者 VirginiaS 8 年 前