I took off my shoes and socks when John returned with a big water bottle, he took a drink and handed it to me. I threw it back and took a long drink, when I looked back John had taken off his shirt. My god. He was as ripped I I thought he was. clearly defined pecs, abs that would be washboard if he flexed, and on top of it all was dark grey hair. A lot of hair, more than any guy I'd ever been with. I pulled off my shirt and reached out to tough his chest. His hair was softer than I expected, but his body was as hard as my dick. I let my hands drift down and I found myself looking into John's b… 阅读更多内容
Softball 1
Last Summer I joined an intramural softball league with some friends, I had a lot of fun and after a game we would all go to a nearby bar and either celebrate our victory, or console ourselves. One special week in particular I met a man. His name was John, but I didn't know that the first time I saw him. It was when I arrived at the field. There were always a couple players on each team who took the game more seriously than others, and John was that guy on his team. Apart from his team shirt, he wore baseball pants. I noticed because they made his butt look very nice. I don't normally leer at… 阅读更多内容
Neighbor 4
"Did that really just happen?" I asked myself as I tried to clean Matt's cum out of my facial hair. It was not going easy, I had just sucked off my neighbor and agreed to be his regular fuck buddy, and to be honest I was looking forward to it. In the past, after a roll in the sheets with another man I was filled with shame, and guilt. I couldn't get out fast enough. But today I was calm, and relaxed, I was looking forward to another round, and since the cum I had let spill out of my mouth was stuck in my beard I resolved to see if Matt was down for another round. As if he heard my thoughts Mat… 阅读更多内容
Neighbor 3
Once in his bedroom we both quickly disrobed and he sat on the side of the bed and spread his legs, he put a pillow on the floor and I was in front of him as soon as it was down. I took a moment to remember, He smelled slightly of old spice, he was only lightly hairy, he had trimmed back most of his pubic hair and shaved his balls. His dick was hard and lay against his body as he leaned back and watched me. I slid my right hand under his cock lifting it up as I ran my tongue up his balls to the base of his member. I tried to salivate as much as possible as I drew my head up to the swollen tip… 阅读更多内容
Neighbor 2
The next few days were brutal, I tried to abstain from masturbating to save up a huge load but that only lasted about 16 hours. Finally when my day off came I dressed in a pair of boxer-briefs, basketball shorts, and a t-shirt. I walked over to his apartment in mid afternoon, because I was so anxious and horny, I didn't even have to knock, he met me on his patio and gave me a beer, we entered his apartment and sat in his living room chatting while drinking our beers. We formally introduced ourselves, his name was Matt, he worked partially from home so he had a lot of freedom. I told him a litt… 阅读更多内容
Neighbor 1
My neighbor So a few years ago I was living alone, and working overnights, it was decent money but it absolutely erased my social life. On my days off I usually stayed home, during the summer in the evenings I would sit on the deck of my apartment and listen to music through my headphones. While I did this I watched my neighbors and noticed a something; I lived on the second floor and had a view of a small courtyard next to the parking lot, in the building next to mine, on the ground floor lived a single guy in his late 30's, after a few months of living there I noticed he was always home on… 阅读更多内容