What's going on at XHamster

Deleting stories, disabling the downloading of videos and preventing the uploading of photos as well as the partial deletion of photos and deactivation of videos are probably steps to avoid the consequences of other platforms such as X*Tube and Porn*Hub. As a result of an article in the New York Times on 4 December, VISA and MasterCard terminated their contracts, effectively taking away the basis for their business. In a sudden a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 nomennescio63 4 年 前 78

Warum der Hamster im Moment keinen Spass macht

Link zum Original Artikel: https://www.vice.com/de/article/93wdvz/nach-vice-recherchen-xhamster-stoppt-anonyme-foto-uploads Die meistbesuchte Pornoplattform Deutschlands wächst jeden Tag um Tausende neue Uploads. Auf XRMXX konnte bis vor Kurzem jeder anonym Fotos und Videos hochladen. Viele Aufnahmen auf der Plattform zeigen einvernehmlichen Sex. Andere aber zeigen möglicherweise Minderjährige und Menschen, die niemals nackt im Netz zu sehen sein wollten. Wer mutmaßlich i l l e g a l e Aufnahmen auf XRMXX verbreiten wollte, stieß zunächst auf wenig Hürden. Vor knapp zwei Monaten haben… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Red_John_69 4 年 前 26

Xhamster doomed

What dose it mean when it’s telling me videos In conversion when these videos were converted Over a year ago and loads of photos been removed, why is Xhamster doing this… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Staffy27 4 年 前 5

Soundtracks/Background music from our videos

This post is available for registered users only.
发表者 hahadadada 10 年 前

The Scientific Reasons Why You Should Just Always

Please refer to the provided website / link to read - Article belongs to the website. Rights and copyrights credits to the "goodmenproject.com" Written in English Language Thank you. http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/the-scientific-reasons-why-you-should-just-always-be-naked-dg/阅读更多内容

发表者 hahadadada 9 年 前 8

I Have A Secret

Hi Everyone, Firstly, sorry I've been gone. Sometimes the complications of life interfer with my secret world. If you're reading this then you likely have seen my pics and some have seen my vids. Unfortunately, it's just pics for now. Anyway, as you can see, I love to suck cock and I very much enjoy the taste of cum. I honestly don't understand any woman that says she loves her man but dosent show much love for his cum. I'm just the opposite. I want to show my guy that his cum is VERY important to me. However, as much as I love cum I also LOVE the act of taking my time and giving slow succilu… 阅读更多内容

发表者 MarilynMontoya 11 年 前 39

Are the videos of "HAHADADADA" preplanne

Good day , Are the videos of "HAHADADADA" preplanned? Now, all of our videos are without planning or with preparation. Perhaps the only type of preparations are to charge up the battery , double check the camera's memory card and a bottle of drinking water. ( not forgetting having a few bucks/ a few quids in the wallet) However, we do have a few wheres we revisited the same place/same spot in the cases of outdoor . It is all about my girl friend willingness to expose a little bit while i am using the video camera and in many instances i am using the mobilephone with built-in camera.(… 阅读更多内容

发表者 hahadadada 10 年 前 8