最后出现于 4 月 前
Kama Sutra Guru
4406 天 在 XRMXX 上
48.3K 个人资料浏览次数
469 个订阅者
641 条评论
Cinik, nihilist, realist, mizantrop.
Na prvi pogled običan tip, ali s hrpom neobičnih interesa. Obožavam sport, književnost, putovanja, filmove, muziku, dobru hranu i - žene.
Što se ukusa u pornićima tiče, on ovisi o raspoloženju tog dana. Nekada volim pogledati jako žestoke stvari, brutalnu dominaciju i intenzivan seks, a nekada mi paše opušteniji scenarij, romantičan pristup, igranje uloga i slično.
Što se seksa u "privatnom životu" tiče, volim biti dominantan, ponekad i prilično žestok. Volim kontrolu, volim kad mi cura vjeruje u tolikoj mjeri da će mi dopustiti i nešto žešće stvari, ali uvijek na obostrano zadovoljstvo. Mnogo tražim, ali mnogo i dajem. Jako mi je važno da smo oboje zadovoljni i ispunjeni i sve obrnuto od toga smatrao bih vlastitim neuspjehom
Ovdje sam da bih gledao clipove, ponekad nešto upoladao, a možda i upoznao nekoga zanimljivog i vrijednog pažnje :))
Cynic, nihilist, realist, misanthropist.
At first glance an ordinary guy, but with a bunch of unusual interests. I love sports, literature, travel, movies, music, good food and - women.
Ma taste in porn mainly depends on the mood of that day. Sometimes I like to look at very fierce things, brutal domination and intense sex, and sometimes I like a more relaxed scenario, romantic approach, role playing, and the such.
When speaking about sex in "real life", I like to be dominant, sometimes and quite rough. I like control, I love when my girlfriend trusts me so much to allow me to do something more prettily, but to mutual satisfaction. I'm looking for a lot, but I give a lot. It is very important that we are both satisfied and fulfilled and all the reverse of that I would consider my own failure.
I'm here to watch clips, sometimes to upolad something and maybe to met someone interesting and worthy of attention :))
Na prvi pogled običan tip, ali s hrpom neobičnih interesa. Obožavam sport, književnost, putovanja, filmove, muziku, dobru hranu i - žene.
Što se ukusa u pornićima tiče, on ovisi o raspoloženju tog dana. Nekada volim pogledati jako žestoke stvari, brutalnu dominaciju i intenzivan seks, a nekada mi paše opušteniji scenarij, romantičan pristup, igranje uloga i slično.
Što se seksa u "privatnom životu" tiče, volim biti dominantan, ponekad i prilično žestok. Volim kontrolu, volim kad mi cura vjeruje u tolikoj mjeri da će mi dopustiti i nešto žešće stvari, ali uvijek na obostrano zadovoljstvo. Mnogo tražim, ali mnogo i dajem. Jako mi je važno da smo oboje zadovoljni i ispunjeni i sve obrnuto od toga smatrao bih vlastitim neuspjehom
Ovdje sam da bih gledao clipove, ponekad nešto upoladao, a možda i upoznao nekoga zanimljivog i vrijednog pažnje :))
Cynic, nihilist, realist, misanthropist.
At first glance an ordinary guy, but with a bunch of unusual interests. I love sports, literature, travel, movies, music, good food and - women.
Ma taste in porn mainly depends on the mood of that day. Sometimes I like to look at very fierce things, brutal domination and intense sex, and sometimes I like a more relaxed scenario, romantic approach, role playing, and the such.
When speaking about sex in "real life", I like to be dominant, sometimes and quite rough. I like control, I love when my girlfriend trusts me so much to allow me to do something more prettily, but to mutual satisfaction. I'm looking for a lot, but I give a lot. It is very important that we are both satisfied and fulfilled and all the reverse of that I would consider my own failure.
I'm here to watch clips, sometimes to upolad something and maybe to met someone interesting and worthy of attention :))
朋友 608




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