Trying to see if this works for collecting gifs? Everything I like in a few seconds, especially her fingers in her pussy Like this a lot!… 阅读更多内容
The difference between Dom's, and Don'ts
Borrowed from another site, but I thought I'd share it here. Real Dom's create tension, excitement, and passion. Fake dom's make demands, then get angry when they aren't met. Real Dom's make you feel safe, and protected. Fake dom's make you feel...gross. If you have to tell a girl you're a dom, you're not a Dom. Real Dom's chop wood, change oil, and fight bears. Fake dom's complain about pretty much everything. Real Dom's are well dressed, well employed, have friends and family who love them, and are upstanding members of society. Fake doms are usually asocial, aggressive, and want to… 阅读更多内容