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4881 天 在 XRMXX 上
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A good man doing good things in a good time, helping out in a good place by God's grace. My meat is a treat to those without deceit. Have fun I say, and let the day be the day, and may our sleep be the bomb. For my millionaire status is due to my perpetual apparatus. And I hunt the hidden species lesbian because forbidden fruit is bastion. Hunting lesbians is well worth the challenge, for when lesbians bend over, that is when I take full advantage. Other men may say I am weird and call me the Duke of scavenge. I say I am Blessed and women that made a wise decision are not to be scavenged but passioned. Forbidden fruit is what lesbians are, That is why I will not be barred. Their H.O.N.E.Y.P.O.T.S. are clean and their walls oh so tight, let me find a warm lesbian to fulfill my pleasures tonight. So a heads up to all lesbians, do not loose your sauerkraut, because this 8 1/2 inch fun house has come to turn lesbians out. I do humbly realize I am the only one on earth aloud to take lesbians by force, but by doing so, they love them some David and I have no remorse. Davybones 2012, God Bless
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