I am looking for a man with a cock at least 15 cm in length, who is willing to host us in his apartment and join me in fucking my wife. One night only and if she likes you, we can fuck her together many times later. You don't need to be young or beautiful or some kind of a model, but rather clean and healthy. If you contact us, make sure to have at least some favorites in your profile.… 阅读更多内容
Tražim obdarenog muškarca za jebanje moje žene
Uslovi su jednostavni: u tvom stanu, diskrecija, higiena, zdravlje... Malo ju jebem ja, malo ti i tako nekoliko puta. Ako bi joj se svidio, mogli bi se jebati češće. Pošalji sliku kurca na private message. Ona ima 44 godine a ja 48.… 阅读更多内容
This Friday, me and my wife at Le Chic Vicenza IT
If you have xxl cock and you are near Vicenza this Friday (October 20th), we invite you to fuck my wife in Le Chic. She will be extremely horny.… 阅读更多内容
I invite you to fuck my wife on May 27th 2023
We will be in SPA club Le Chic in Vicenza. She is a blond, beautiful blue eyed 42 years old hotwife. She loves double vaginal penetration, so when she will be riding me in jacuzzi or in sauna, come with your hard cock behind her back and try to put it in her pussy.… 阅读更多内容
Summer 2023
I am a cuckold hubby. Me and my beautiful wife will travel to Cap d’Agde from second half of July until the end of first week in August 2023. I am looking forward to meet some amateur masseur who could offer a free massages for my wife. We will be in the camping Rene Oltra, but you can also offer your free massage to her on the beach La Baie des Cochons (Schweinchenstrand). You are also welcome to come up with some of your own ideas, like sex on a specific location and time. You just have to send me some picture of your body with cock or some good naughty suggestion at least. I am looking f… 阅读更多内容
Tražim Airbnb sobu za jebanje moje žene
Uslovi su, da je vlasnik muškarac s velikim kurcem i da spava u istom stanu. Muškarac mora biti čist i imati obrijan kurac. Godine nisu važne. Želim, da vlasnik u drugoj sobi gleda porno filmove toliko glasno, da može moja žena ćuti zvukove iz porniča u našu spavaču sobu. Kad poslije vlasnik stana ćuje kako jebem ženu (vrata, ću ostaviti malo otvorena), može se slobodno pridružiti, ali jedino s trvrdim kurcem u ruci. Još jednom, higijena je iznad svega. Airbnb sobu bi bukirali negdje blizu mora ili u većim gradovima. Kontaktirajte me na PM. [video class="blog-video size-large align-center"]12… 阅读更多内容