Uploading and videos I hate to say it but I'm done uploading videos to this website. The Review process has become too strict and nothing I upload goes through. Too many videos I either don't bother uploading or are being removed cause the anime girls look too young. So if they don't want my content then I can't be bothered spending the time uploading it and slowing my internet down for them. The only thing I will be updating is the SOP image gallery since it isn't subject to review. Follow me on twitter for videos. @TouhouLove6 Requests This year I have spent too much tim… 阅读更多内容
My favorite loli creampie in a doujin.
I've seen many great creampie in doujins, but there are some that manage to stand out for me. For me, an amazing creampie is a creampie that tells end of journey. A creampie that has a whole story behind it. And this next one is one of them. This next doujin is: LittleBitchPlanet Vol. 3 To know why this creampie is so great, we need to know what let to it. The doujin tells a story of a tutor wanting to fuck his slutty grade school student. He wants to uck her so bad we even get a panel of him fapping to her. And then, i… 阅读更多内容
Question for SOPers
How the fuck do you have the motivation to upload a video? Everytime i cum on my tv or computer i just lose interest and clean it all up and delete the video and feel ashamed of my self.… 阅读更多内容
Touhou 7 SOP Compilation : Sweet Cummy Blossoms
I think about about high time to start up the next 2hu cum comp. \o/ Rules and methods will still be the same as the last time so if you don't know them check https://xhamster.com/posts/546826 I'm not going to list all the characters here cause I'm being lazy but there are a few http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Perfect_Cherry_Blossom/Characters So I'll list them as they are claimed. Hope to see some new and old friends joining in and picking some good pictures. Still need to be done: Chen Lily White Lunasa Prismriver Lyrica Prismriver Youmu Konpaku Claims so far: NeverwantedEroge - Reimu… 阅读更多内容
Fap Journal - 08/12/2016 [New Fap Camera]
Fapped: Once. Overall fap rating: 4/5 What I fapped to: Description: Here's another peculiar picture today. When it comes solo hentai pics, it usually shows when they're about to fuck, when they're fucking or right when he cums inside her. But there are some nice pics like this that show the moments after they're done fucking. There's just something nice about Koakuma starting to wipe the sweat and cum from Patchouli's body while her dick is still dripping cum from blowing her load inside her just moments ago, and Patchouli looking exhaus… 阅读更多内容
Touhou 6 SOP Compilation Update
Alright everyone it seems requests to be a part of this have exceeded my expectations, and we've run out of boss characters. This leaves us with a few opinions for the left over folk. 1. A tribute each can be made for Reimu and Marisa to add. 2. Wait as back up in case a character never gets done by the person who requested their character. 3. Start signs ups for the next game. So far I have gotten two videos sent to me. Any questions feel free to message me.… 阅读更多内容
Touhou SOP Compilations
Looking for folks to make SOP videos to be edited into a compilation video featuring girls for each of the touhou games in order starting from 6. Going to need about 8 people for each character and I can fill in for whats left. Video will be posted here with links to everyone and anyone can post their own video to their channels. Only rules will be to use a clean image of your chosen girl. IE no orgy pics full of cum and dicks, no censors (Mosaics/black bars), and no artist tags. Other than that the image is up to you to pick and use. Just stay within xhams rules. Once done s… 阅读更多内容
Hayley Williams Monthly Jerk Session
Thinking of doing a weekly Hayley Williams group meet online where we share pics and jerk. Same time every week would be great. Would need to make a list of people interested. If we got a really big group it could be a lot of fun and a nice virtual bukkake party for Hayley!… 阅读更多内容