you are hooked on cock

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发表者 blackcockbi 10 年 前

Embarrassing Ways to Make Your Cuckold Masturbate

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发表者 sissychick 11 年 前

Men Can Squirt Like Women! – Instruction Man

Men can squirt like women! I discovered this a few years ago. I’m sure a lot of you are wondering how this is done. How it works: This is how it works. It’s kind of like masturbating, but a bit different. The goal is to squirt, not to ejaculate. So this is what you do: Step 1. Go in a private area. Step 2. If you are uncircumcised, pull the foreskin all the way down with your left hand, and hold it there. Step 3. Grab some hand lotion and apply it to your right hand and to the head of your penis. Step 4. Place your right palm on the head of your penis. Step 5. Masturbate l… 阅读更多内容

发表者 squirtalott 12 年 前 208

The Sissy Transformation Process

interesting text i found on a blog ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sissy Transformation Process: How “Straight” Men Become Women. Here are the 11 phases of Sissification, which are currently floating around on some online sissy communities, such as Newfapchan. Phase 1: Softcore, then hardcore vanilla porn is discovered. Nowadays, it begins at an extremely early age thanks to the Internet (fortunately… or unfortunately)! Phase 2: Shemale porn is discovered by happenstance. Nowadays, the populari… 阅读更多内容

发表者 frenchsissyslut 10 年 前 83

Quiz - Are You Gay?

It's quite common for a person to fantasize about same-sex intercourse. In fact, many psychologists have theorized that we are all bisexual to a certain degree, the percentages varying from person to person. Have you ever asked yourself Am I gay? or Am I bisexual? Take this quiz and find out! The questions are in stages, just follow along and continue when prompted to find out just how gay you really are. STAGE 1 ======= 1. Do you like shemale pornography? (y/n) 2. When you watch straight pornography, do you prefer videos of handjobs and blowjobs over videos of ordinary… 阅读更多内容

发表者 frozenhero1 11 年 前 428

Signs You Are Gay

There is no one way that gay people act or look – gay people are just as diverse as straight people. Just because you are a man who is effeminate or a woman who is boyish, that does not mean that you're necessarily gay. So don't fall into the trap of thinking that your clothes, hair or attitude determines your sexuality. When looking at the signs you are gay, you might want to ask yourself these questions:1 Have I ever been sexually attracted to the same sex? Do I feel strong emotional bonds to the same sex? Am I physically attracted to the same sex? Have I considered having a sexual… 阅读更多内容

发表者 menext 10 年 前 10

8 Steps On How To Tell Your Mother Your Gay

So you want to tell your mom that you're gay and try not to get her upset. It's best you understand right from the beginning that try as you might, you may not be able to avoid some upset. Stay calm and follow these steps. 1 Make sure your mom is not already dealing with some other stressful situation. You're going to tell her something pretty significant, and it's best if you don't drop it on her while she's already got her hands full with your dad crashing the car, your brother needing 10 teeth pulled, your sister getting a tattoo and the IRS breathing down her neck. Also try to be aware… 阅读更多内容

发表者 menext 10 年 前 12

Nine Reasons Why Being Gay Is Awesome

1. Once you get over the fear of cliqueiness and bitchery, you’ll be surprised to find that most gays are actually nice and welcoming. Congratulations, gay dude! You’re a part of a really fun group of people. We’re typically creative, smart, and funny (STEREOTYPE, STEREOTYPE, STEREOTYPE) and we’re not going to bite you unless you ask for it (Shit, STEREOTYPE!). One can never have enough gay friends so please start making them ASAPular. You’ll need them to guide you through your homosexual journey. 2. Okay, this is super cheesy, but you’re technically a part of history. Things are changing… 阅读更多内容

发表者 menext 10 年 前 24

How To Make Your Cum Taste Great

You might be wondering just why it matters that your cum tastes really good. It is simple. Ladies like men who have sweet cum. If you want your girl to keep coming back for more and love you even better, you need to make your cum as appetizing as possible. Making Your Jizz Taste Better If you are a party a****l, you are in for a big disappointment. This is because the first thing that you need to do is to limit your intake of alcohol, d**gs, cigarettes and even junk food. Research shows that vegetarians, whether males or females, tend to have bodily secretions that taste better. Therefor… 阅读更多内容

发表者 menext 10 年 前 119

gay by sara

Don't think this can't happen to you. Because it happened to me. I kept daring Sara to turn me gay. I used to be so ultra macho and loved women and pussy so much, I didn't think it would ever happen to me. But it did. Beware. First, Sara made me watch gay porn and stop watching pussy porn. OK so I was jerking to cocks, but I still loved pussy after jerking to gay porn for a few weeks. I taunted Sara and told her that she had no power over me. She told me that I would just need a little more time for my training and new sexual destiny to take hold. She told me to buy a butt plug and a Je… 阅读更多内容

发表者 faggitkiki 10 年 前 50

It does not make you GAY unless

I've been speaking with a lot of submissive bicurious young boys lately. I'd say in their early 20's or so. For about 90% of them it's so obvious to me that they belong on their knees servicing a man's cock. They deprive themselves of cock because: 1.) being gay is taboo in society 2.) they want so badly to be straight 3.) they are worried people will find out 4.) they think it's humiliating and embarrassing 5.) they are afraid they'll actually like it No matter how much they rationalize doing the deed, eventually they will try it and succumb to their urges. For boy's like this I su… 阅读更多内容

发表者 HaleyBaby19 11 年 前 16

Animated gifs from my Sissies and Sissy Training g

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发表者 rcramden62 11 年 前

Best sissy's game in the world

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发表者 Young_french_slave 11 年 前

The Sissy Transformation Process

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发表者 barbaratvcd 11 年 前

Are You a HOMO?

Hey homo! I start out by calling you a homo because I have some pretty good gaydar and Im 99% sure you’re a homo slave… But to find out 100% Im going to have you do a few things and find out for sure! Okay so in this assignment Im going to give you tests which are made into 3 different categories 1. Gay brain 2. gay cock 3. totally gay ~~~ (((STOP READING HERE!!! – read as you’re doing what I say… as in dont read all the way too the bottom, just do one step, then read and do the next! Example dont read the whole thing then do the assignment… just read as you go!))) In section 1… 阅读更多内容

发表者 faggitkiki 10 年 前 26

sissy tasks

This sections will deal with some simple sissy tasks. You need to answer as follows, if you have not completed task before you put a 0, if you would like to do it one day, you put a 1. If you have done it in private you put a 2. Put a 3 if you have done it in public, 4 if you are currently doing this and 5 if you do it all day, everyday. 1 I have worn panties - 2 I have worn pantyhose- 3 I have worn a bra - 4 I have worn lipstick - 5 I have worn mascara- 6 I have worn eye pencil and/or eyeshadow- 7 I have worn foundation- 8 I have worn a dress or skirt- 9 I have worn high heels- 10… 阅读更多内容

发表者 hunknextdoor 11 年 前 18

Cum Eating Test - How perverted are you?

Do you fantasize about eating your own cum? Have you done it? Ever wondered how perverted this makes you in relation to other guys with this kinky fetish? Take this quiz and find out just what a naughty pervert you are. Share your score in the comments below! (If you answer TRUE to any of the following questions, add the points to your total.) 1. You have watched a cum eating instructional (CEI) video where the girl either humiliates or encourages you to eat your own cum and it turned you on so much that you blew your load. (1 point) 2. When masturbating, you've lifte… 阅读更多内容

发表者 frozenhero1 10 年 前 563

Become Gay in 8 Short Days

Do you like girls, but there's just something about a hard cock that turns you on even more? What is it about shemales and crossdressers that makes you cum really hard? It's probably because you're gay and you want to have sex with a man. It's time to stop lying to yourself - you're not 'curious' or bisexual, you're a fag. It's time to go fully gay and accept what you are. Fortunately, I have a multi-step program to help you. Just follow these day-by-day instructions and you'll embrace your inner faggot and become the homo you know you were meant to be. DAY 1 - This one is simple… 阅读更多内容

发表者 frozenhero1 11 年 前 74