So. The state of Ohio has denied the $75,000 additional return on withholding from my brother-in-law's estate (which is under the federal limit of $5M), while simultaneously requiring payment of the $63,000 in distribution taxes to our personal estate. (Of which, the return on the $75K was meant to pay off with a dividend of $12K remaining). If the tax lawyers can't resolve this shit, I'll be disappearing for a while to "take care of some business", and might end up on the news. Give it a couple weeks, and if I'm not around, you know what's happening.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ciclismo425 4 年 前

Warning about 'net connected sex toys

No joke, folks. Same as wifi/bt scanners can be used to detect and connect to unsecured cameras, networks and other connected devices, the same scan/hack protocol can be used to detect the unsecured connection with remote-operated sex toys and grab control of the device.阅读更多内容

发表者 ciclismo425 6 年 前 1

Unintentionally creepy photos

I know some of y'all are trying to keep your identity on the DL here, but don't just use the airbrush tool to black out each eye individually. You end up looking like some next-level spooky Event Horizon / Lazarus Effect shit. Please. Stop it.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ciclismo425 6 年 前 3

A rant about SnapChat.

Sure, I knew that Snaps disappeared after a couple of seconds. No problem with that... If it's a photo I've taken with the SnapChat app. I spent all this time taking a bunch of really great pix out in the woods yesterday, and I took them with the regular Burst Timer camera on my iPhone. I decided to send a couple of them via SC to someones, and then upload the rest of them here for *everyone* on my friends list to enjoy. Well, blame SnapChat for why you won't see them, k**s. Apparently the SC application deletes *any* photo used in conjunction with sending a snap. Including all 10… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ciclismo425 8 年 前

Fighting the good fight There’s a new kink in North Carolina’s LGBT controversy: A popular porn website is banning all computers from “The Tar Heel State.” has been refusing to serve anyone from North Carolina since 12:30 p.m. EDT, Monday. Instead, users with a North Carolina IP address are just seeing a black screen on their computer — no porn. The extreme measures will stay in place until North Carolina repeals House Bill 2, a law passed on March 23 that effec… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ciclismo425 8 年 前

Dumb stuff on bikecycles

Two weeks ago I got sick. Really sick: Like 101.5 fever and laid out in bed for 4 days, barely able to move kind of sick. In the ensuing 10 days after, I rode my bike twice for a grand total of 42 miles. I was still coughing and having lung issues until the air warmed up above 55 degrees. Last night it was warm and I felt good, so I rode in the dark with some pals for 22 miles on the gravel, and I wiped out and hurt my arm. Today, I decided it was a fucking awesome idea to "take it easy" and *only* ride 50 miles on the Schyulkill Trail which is mostly flat. Flat doesn't mean easy though,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ciclismo425 9 年 前 3