Girls if you aren't sure you want to be a cum loving cock sucking sissy whore full time and forever then there are two things you should really try to avoid. This is just my opinion from my own experience of course, The first one is getting so excited while sucking cock that you just cum hands free. This starts to train your brain to associate your getting off with the taste of cum. while this isn't a bad thing for a sissy little faggot whore it might be a problem for the part time girl who still tries to top a woman. The second one is the be all and end all of your manhood, if you get you si… 阅读更多内容
10 Tips to help you be a better bottom faggot slut
There are some tips that tops will never tell you because tops get a thrill from hurting a bottom and seeing the bottom run from his dick. He tells his friends that bottoms cannot handle the dick. Well, here are ten tips bottoms can use to become better in bed with the man they love. 1. SPREAD YOUR KNEES WIDE The wider the bottom spreads his knees, the easier it will be while in doggy style. YES! If this is the first position he puts you in, use this trick to get used to the dick. It is given, that your back will be arched. This tip is given under the impression that you know how to arch the… 阅读更多内容
What an anal Orgasm feels like (for people with pe
Many people have asked me to explain what an anal orgasm feels like. Basically it takes the contractions from a normal orgasm, extends them, and heightens the intense pleasurable feeling you get before each spurt. When you orgasm normally (for people with penis's and testes) you have quick intense contractions before each spurt of cum. When you tease and pump your prostate, it slowly forces these contractions and spurts out over a longer period of time. Instead of getting that quick relief from the intense pleasure of the contraction by spurting your cum, it hangs on that intense feeling witho… 阅读更多内容
hej svi vi!
Posto sam dobila jako puno zahteva za prijateljstvo i generalno dosta poruka dnevno, hocu svima prvo da se zahvalim! Prizajem da mi prija da budem u centru paznje haha! Posto me to svi pitaju, da slike i gifovi u galerijama gde pise "ja" su moje! I da znam da nemam puno slika ali bice i toga tamo posle nove godine kada budem imala gde da se fotkam! Pored toga, cesto me pitaju da li se jebem za pare, ne! Jebem se za dz jer volim! Nije mi jasno sto je to tesko skontati. Tako da slobodno pisite, saljite slike i mozda mozemo nesto iskombinovati! Nemam bas puno vremena ali obozavam kitu pa se ra… 阅读更多内容
Best popper no longer around
My story of perhaps one of the best poppers ever that is no longer around. One day I stumbled on Tumblr and just happened to find this Dom Man reviewing poppers. He said that this one Popper was totally different from many others and after I read that post on Tumbler I just had to go on uspopshop and buy it. The person reviewing it said he was a Dom but that this Popper had turned him into a bottom sub so I just had to get it. He said it made his dick flacid and that it made him horny as hell. It made his buthole open up and beg for Cock. He no longer wanted to be the Dom fucking little punk b… 阅读更多内容
Men Can Squirt Like Women! – Instruction Man
Men can squirt like women! I discovered this a few years ago. I’m sure a lot of you are wondering how this is done. How it works: This is how it works. It’s kind of like masturbating, but a bit different. The goal is to squirt, not to ejaculate. So this is what you do: Step 1. Go in a private area. Step 2. If you are uncircumcised, pull the foreskin all the way down with your left hand, and hold it there. Step 3. Grab some hand lotion and apply it to your right hand and to the head of your penis. Step 4. Place your right palm on the head of your penis. Step 5. Masturbate l… 阅读更多内容
Prvi puta sa transicom
Znaci, bilo je to 2018.godine. Imao sam tada cak i djevojku ali me uvijek privlacila zamisao kako je to probati sa transicom. Uvijek sam drkao na takve filmove i scene. I odlucio sam napraviti lazni fb profil. Pretrazivao sam malo i nasao u gay grupi jednu transicu. Zvat cu ga Ivana. Poceli smo se dopisivati mjesec dana..dogovarali par puta susret ali nista. Ja bi odustao.Uvijek je postojao neki i strah. I onda sam odlucio javit joj se sa pravoga profila. Dlkazao sam da mislim ozbiljno i diskretno jer sam se sa pravog profila javio i ostavio svoj broj mobitela. Dogovorili smo susret..negdje ok… 阅读更多内容
Moj Prvi Kurac
Moj prvi kurac U sestom razredu, dvanaesta godina. Bila sam mrsav deckic, duze kose, tek na pragu puberteta. U preponama nikla je poneka tanka, svilenkasta dlacica, kurcic tanak, jedva 6cm. No odavno sam vec drkala, od 6-7me godine uzbudjivao me je taj neprijatan, iritirajuci osecaj kad trljam glavic. Uzivala sam da taj kruti kurcic stezem, jako, jako i trljam glavic dok mi se vrelina siri preponama, telo mi se trza a zmarci mi prolaze medjicom i grce mi cmar. Ahhh da, brzo sam otkrila kako je lepo drkati dupe. Stezem kurac, palcem trljam glavic a prstima d**ge ruke mazim i stiskam… 阅读更多内容
Rasplodni muškarac
Popeli smo se na kat kafića u koji sam često dolazila i sjeli skroz u kut u udobne fotelje. U d**gom kutu sjedio je još jedan par zaokupljen sami sa sobom. Neko vrijeme je vladala neugodna tišina, kao kad prvi put vidiš nekoga uživo. On me je krišom promatrao, a ja sam gledala u pod smišljajući što ću reći. Pogledavala sam i ja njega razmišljajući da li ću se upustiti u bilo kakav odnos s njim. Fizički i nije bio baš nešto, prosječan tip 50tih godina, možda 55, proćelav, krupniji, jakih ruku i nogu. U licu nije bio baš ljepotan, ali nije bio ni ružan. Konačno je progovorio i rekao mi je da sam… 阅读更多内容
Prošla godina
Prošla godina je za mene bila predobra, puno toga se dogodilo, puno toga sam prošla i nadam se da će nova biti još bolja. Kraj godine je bio prekrasan, dobila sam puno poklona, očekivanih i neočekivanih. Dobila sam prekrasnih parfema, dobru šminku; maskare, pudere, ruževe, olovke za oči, sjenila, umjetne trepavice, korektore, umjetne nokte, sve ono što sam željela. Naravno da sam dobila i puno odjeće i donjeg rublja; najviše ćipkastih bodyja u svim bojama, prekrasni zeleni prozirni ćipkasti body, crveni s dugim ćipkastim rukavima, lila s crnim ćipkastim rubovima, ljuičasti satenski i puno ćipk… 阅读更多内容
The biggest cock I ever sucked
When i was in my 20s my love of wearing nylons and garter belts had grown stronger, and i had even shaved my legs and had taken to wearing quality fully fashioned stockings, with a six strap garter belt which was essential for keeping the seams straight. I had put my favourate lingerie and wanted to go out on the hunt for cock. I went to my local public toilet late at night and didnt find anyone there. i sat outside on the grass and waited, before long a tall good looking man walked past me and into the toilet, i waited a few seconds and followed him in. he was stood at the urinal with his coc… 阅读更多内容
How to get more out of bottoming
How to get more out of bottoming Boys are made to fucking. And that is, what we usually doing. But some of us are made lil differently. We enjoying also to be submissive, want to playing with (other man's) cock, wanna be penetrated, wanna be fucked! This is a huge urgent rooting in our mind. So, the question is how to do it and get a maximum pleasure from it. You never wanna bottom on a full tank. You know your body's rhythm with regard to regularity. Some bottoms prefer to douche or use an enema before sex to make sure they're cleaned out. Fleet makes a "natural" enema now that is… 阅读更多内容
OK boy. Daddy has made an effort to explain to you what rules will apply while you’re staying in his house, and what a daddy boy relationship is all about. He has been very structured, as you know he always is. I hope you will appreciate that, and that everything you need to know was covered. Trust Daddy's experience! 1°) COMPLEMENTARITY • A daddy boy relationship is based on complementarity. Daddy and boy are similar by sex and opposite by age, and they both enjoy their similarity as much as their difference. To Daddy, boy is a reflection of what he has been, and to boy, Daddy is a re… 阅读更多内容
razjeban do bola
osjećaj tog debelog kurca u ustima bio je pomješan sa užitkom i boli zbog njegove veličine i grubosti njegovog vladara koji mi je htio zabiti svih 17cm u grlo nakon nekih pola sata takvog pušenja kurca prešao sam mu na šupak,kako je bio topal taj njegov šupak još je i mirisao na kokosovo ulje nakon nekoliko vremena lizanja i bockanja jezikom po njegovom šupku reče mi da se odmaknem malo i da gledam počeo je napinjat šupak kao da će se posrat kad ono iz šupka izleti mali dildo nekih 10cm dug to me napalilo kao nekog luđaka uzeo sam taj dildo i počeo ga lizat pušit cjelog sam ga očistio. nakon… 阅读更多内容
Prijateljeva kcerka
Pozdrav, ja sam Igor iz okoline Tuzle imam 42 godine zivim sa zenom i dvije kcerke imam privatni biznis i jako sam poslovan napaljen i perverzan.ova prica govori o tome kako sam najboljem prijatelju i ujedno poslovnom partneru naguzio kcerku. Ona se zove Arnela ima 23 godine jako lijepa zgodna i privlacna, smedja kosa zelene oci malo veca guza i sise. Stalno je sa svojim roditeljima dolazila kod nas i druzi se sa mojim kcerkama. Ja sam je uvijek possmatrao sa strane jer ima dobru guzicu i bosi tange helanke uske pantalone itd. Jednog dana me njen otac nazvao i zamolio da odem po nju da j… 阅读更多内容
What poppers do to some sissy faggots
These are what some sissy faggots said after sniffing poppers for the first time and why they continue to use them. "Yes I have it put me into complete euphoria I love them I became a total sissy fagot when I used them no inhibition. getting fucked and sucking dick in front of others was no problem I became what Ive always been a sissy fagot slut." "when I do poppers anything is possible I b ecome a total cumslut cun t available to be used and filled over and over again the first time I did they before I knew what was happening I was being used by 3 guys as a bitch and I loved it"… 阅读更多内容
Sissy Rules
Rule#1: A sissy does not have a cock. A sissy has a clitty Rule#2: A sissy wears a bra and panties Rule#3: A sissy loves cock Rule#4: A sissy loves cum Rule#5: A sissy takes it in the ass Rule#6: A sissy loves pink Rule#7: A sissy loves her toys Rule#8: A sissy dresses like a slut Rule#9: A sissy shares Rule#10: Sissies love facials Rule#11: A sissy must have a tight ass Rule#12: A sissy must have perfect bimbo makeup Rule#13: A sissy grows big fake tits Rule#14: A sissy is a pro cock sucker Rule#15: One is not enough Rule#16: A sissy belongs on her knees Rule#17: A sissy doesn’t forget to pra… 阅读更多内容
My first time getting fucked. Really happened.
This story really happened to me. Yesterday I got fucked for the first time. I got a bit drunk and horny so I got to a site to get into contact with other people. So I wrote that I want to blow someone. Actually 5min later someone contacted me that he is interested.So I gave him my adress after a while writing an he said he would need about 1-2 hours. After this I thought that would only be a dumb excuse and he wouldn´t show up, but he did. So I opened the door for him and a latin type of guy came into my flat, he spoke german fluently. He was quite shy but kind of hot. With my heart… 阅读更多内容
SISSY RULES 2 COCKY, slut sissy-annalia agree to the following rules, and will add here to them faithfully............: 1. I will fuck delicious, beautiful, Black and White Cocks as often as possible. Even for sake of a relationship or as a reward, but I will try to suck cock whenever possible. When I must suck I will swallow the cum, and not spit it out. 2. I will wear panties ONLY Such reasons NOT to wear will be very rare. When I do wear panties, they will be very sexy and tiny, such as lacy or very sheer thongs or G-strings.......... 3. I agree that it is an obligation… 阅读更多内容
SISSY RULES; Rule#1: A sissy does not have a cock. A sissy has a clitty Rule#2: A sissy wears a bra and panties Rule#3: A sissy loves cock Rule#4: A sissy loves cum Rule#5: A sissy takes it in the ass Rule#6: A sissy loves pink Rule#7: A sissy loves her toys Rule#8: A sissy dresses like a slut Rule#9: A sissy shares Rule#10: Sissies love facials Rule#11: A sissy must have a tight ass Rule#12: A sissy must have perfect bimbo makeup Rule#13: A sissy grows big fake tits Rule#14: A sissy is a pro cock sucker Rule#15: One is not enough Rule#16: A sissy belongs on her knees Rul… 阅读更多内容