The final goodbye to the hamster.

The hamster can no longer make himself the prefix X. Your site has really gone crazy ... you forbade posting photos ... you only allow posting videos after verification, regardless of the fact that in many countries (including mine) porn is a criminal offense ... now you removed the function of exchanging photos in the messenger ... Soon you will not have a single user left ... Goodbye guys and girls! It was fun. But this crazy world makes us look for other fun places.....… 阅读更多内容

发表者 alexhog 3 年 前 76

The only way to know if you truly like me

As you can imagine, I receive lots and lots of messages every day. Mostly from men who say they love me. But many of them have not even bothered to put my photo galleries and my videos in their favorites! This pisses me off cause I feel fooled. If you REALLY like me, then you must SHOW me by putting me in your favs! This below is a video of me fucking. Enjoy, and share!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Openmilf 3 年 前 149

D1RTY R0TT€N M0TH€R FUCK€R$ #4 (more than 3 hours)

此帖仅对 hamster2d 的好友可见
发表者 hamster2d 7 年 前

13 XHamster Users To Avoid

These are the the types of XHamster Users that I do not like: 1- The Chatty Batty: These users want you to chat with them for hours as a condition of your being a friend. OMG get a fucking life!!! Some of us have a life outside of XH. 2- The Detective: These users are full of questions about you. They want you to send them identifying pictures of yourself so that they can prove that you are you. WTF, this is a porn site, if you want to post your picture, then fine, but I don't have to. Back off Sherlock… 阅读更多内容

发表者 tribspecialist 11 年 前 136