What's Double List? It's a new means to "friendship search", much like the old Craigslist personals and it's nationwide. You have to keep the verbiage down so you shouldn't say fuck or shit or blowjob, I guess. But you can say F*CK and SH!T and things like that. But more about that site later... Funny story. I had answered an ad on Craigslist before they shut it down. Some 22 year old porn addict, named Tony was in search of someone "who loves porn and wants to perv out with him, the dirtier the better". I answered, and he wrote me back saying he'd like to get together that night. I didn't… 阅读更多内容
Church of Consenting Adults (+Sermons)
"Do no harm... but have fun and be thyself." Minister Steve IT'S OFFICIAL... I am an Ordained Minister! Ordained by the same organization as Lady Gaga, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Paul McCartney, Conan O'Brian, Steven Colbert and Sir Richard Branson... and now, me. I have also secured the domain names for "ChurchOfConsentingAdults.org" and .com Now I can: a. Legally officiate weddings across the United States ($250 donation + travel expenses for any of my free-thinking and sexually liberated followers. My $250 fee will be waived for any naturists or swingers planning… 阅读更多内容