The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 9 RECAP: Kellykins2u is about to go black, and God only knows, she may never want to come back! She's just swallowed the biggest, most humongous pecker she's ever seen in her entire life, and she lived to tell about it (although Kelly would never say a thing; she's not that kind of girl)! ...She IS the kind of girl who enjoys her nooky like any other healthy red-blooded American lady, though, and she has the good fortune, extreme privilege and high honor of copping one of the hugest, most magnificent, I say BIGGEST most memorable masculine… 阅读更多内容
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 8
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 8 RECAP: The ship is set to take off and leave Earth for Mondas, the 10th planet of the Sol Universe, to ready for the big jump to the planet Porno. Dale Ardor, Flesh Gorton, Dr. Flexi Jerkov and searcher all have been zapped by the New And Improved (NAI) Sex Ray. All but Dr Jerkov were turned into their own opposite sex to what they were before they were illuminated by the ray. The only explanation anyone could think of was that Jerkov was already a switch hi_t_ter, and would swing either way, anyway. At the moment, he is lying on the f… 阅读更多内容
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 7
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 7 RECAP: Dr. Flexi Jerkov and Flesh Gorton are just about to leave the planet Earth and head for Mondas, the 10th planet of the Sol Universe, their stop over on the way to the planet Porno to confront Emperor Wing, grandson of the dastardly Emperor Wang. Searcher has been zapped with the NAI (New and Improved) Sex Ray which turned him from an old fart into an absolute babe. She's in her cabin as we speak, playing with her sexy self. Annapajamas and Kellykins2u are on their way to see what this total babe looks like (and possibly, you know,… 阅读更多内容
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 6
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 6 RECAP: Annapajamas has just tasted her very first honest-to-God strange pussy and loved it! Searcher got hit with the NAI (New and Improved) Sex Ray and was turned into a gorgeous redheaded MILF! --Oh, and A&M are in their cabin making Happy Hour. Or Happy Evening. Or... I have no idea when they'll come out of that stateroom. My advice to them would be to make Happy Time for as long as this adventure lasts. The NAI (New and Improved) Sex Ray won't penetrate walls –Thankfully! Having busted her lesbian cherry, Annapajamas, along… 阅读更多内容
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 5
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 5 RECAP: In our last episode we saw Anna get her lips lapped and as a result every other female, whether cradle and re-born who was in the room at the time and saw her achieve her awesome Ahhhhh, got the urge to merge with another lady. All but Flesh Gorton, Anna's lapper, and Kellykins2u retired to various staterooms to scratch their respective itches. Flesh was beside herself with lust, having not gotten the favor returned, and so Anna and Kelly kindly took her to bed and under their wings. Anna has yet to eat another girl's pussy, and… 阅读更多内容
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep4
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep4 I should recap what is happening, but I do think it is of the utmost importance to pick up where we left off with Annapajamas getting her taco tasted! Could we have a show of hands? … All the ladies of the jury agree that we could really care less where Flexi Jerkov is or what's happening in the forward lounge. Let's get right to the meat of the matter, as it were, re: Anna's taco taste test... Flesh Gorton (who at the moment is OOOH so very much a fetching female) is putting tongue to twat and lips to l… 阅读更多内容
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 3
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 3 RECAP: In this latest (and possibly last –ya never know!) adventure of Flesh Gorton, we see Flesh, his girlfriend Dale Ardor, and their mentor and fellow accomplice Flexi Jerkov picking up various XRMXXites in their star ship, the Dimensional Wing on their way to battle the infamous Wing, great grandson of Emperor Wang. As you may remember, Wang tried to radiate the Earth with his dastardly Sex Ray, but was foiled by the dynamic threesome. Now great grandson Wing is bent on sending his New and Improved Sex Ray, which not only makes p… 阅读更多内容
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton - Episode Tw
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton - Episode Two: Recap: Kellykins2u and the red-headed Russian girl are just getting done with their tryst in Kellykins' cabin. Kelly is happily impressed with the Russian girl's lingual expertise, and is looking forward to their next close encounter. Annapajamas and Flesh Gorton are in the endless closet of Anna's cabin, and are about to start playing Dress Up with the ladies clothing therein, while Dale Ardor and Dr. Jerkov are both climaxing in a steamy 69 session on the floor of the Bridge of the Dimensiona… 阅读更多内容
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton - Chapter On
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton Chapter One Annapajamas was giving her boyfriend a great, enthusiastic, happy handjob out in the Nevada desert. They were in a convertible with the top down and watching the shooting stars in the night sky, out away from the city lights of Las Vegas. Everything was quiet except for her boyfriend's moans and groans and the sounds of her hands stroking up and down on his turgid cock. She'd brought along massage lotion and her hands and his dick were both slathered in it. She stroked up and down... Up and down... The slopping sounds were mak… 阅读更多内容
How to Improve the Taste of Cum
How to Improve the Taste of Cum (I did not write this, but I am plagiarizing it in the public interest and as a public service.): I think we can all agree that blowjobs are awesome. Men like them because they feel great and some women like them because they’re in control (note: this may not be the reason why, but it’s Camille Crimson’s reason and she’s the blowjob master so it’s good enough for me). By and large, men prefer it when women swallow their cum rather than spit it out. Even though women know that men find swallowing cum extremely hot since we’ve told our gals time and agai… 阅读更多内容
My audacious girlfriend, ch 2
My audacious girlfriend, ch 2 I was the first one up the next morning. Heck, I don't think I slept a bit that night; it took me all night to process the fact that Barb had given me a blow job right there in front of her whole family! Well, one whole part of her whole family, anyway! There were five or six of them there, sleeping in the same room as us while she had brazenly stuck her head under my blanket and made me cum in her mouth! I still felt drained, and I was sure somebody was going to say something to me. But noone did. Marge fixed us a hearty breakfast, and Barb, Marge and I w… 阅读更多内容
Oh, And ONE More Thing...
--Oh, and one more thing... I hate to bring this up, I really do. I don't know how many times I've seen others (every blessed female I've come across on here and 99.999999999999% of the males, too) say that they do NOT want to see your exposed pecker in your avatar! I'm in the majority in that regard. I got one of my own. (a pecker, that is) I've seen it a number of times, and I'm intimately familiar with every vein and pore on it. It's a really great thing to have! I'm happy as a clam to have mine. It's been a VERY good friend to me for as long as I can remember, and I'm happy for… 阅读更多内容
What is it with those who want to know if I am beating off? They ask you to friend them and then the first thing they wanna know is “Are you jerking?” Well, I guess I should be glad they use more than two words to ask... But what is it with that? I don't ask anybody else if they're choking their chicken! I don't really want to know! OK, so you're beating your meat. Fine. Have at it. Do it till you're satisfied. Do it till it hurts. (I will admit I have done that on occasion. Won't tell you when or where, though. I did it in Nonyabusiness, New York. OK? There, that's my confe… 阅读更多内容
Love a BJ, but tea bagging scares hell outa me!
Why is it, when a woman gives a blow job she inevitably wants to suck the man's balls into her mouth? I've often wondered why so many ladies have a thing about sucking balls. I don't disparage them doing that. I mean, after all, it's really amazing of her to want to suck my dick, but it's just that it's so very scary when she takes the nuts in and rolls them around in there. The testicles are about the most delicate part of a man's equipment, and it'd be awfully easy to really seriously hurt them. I think about every girl who's ever sucked my cock has gone for the balls! I love getting… 阅读更多内容
I Love A & M's Ladies
About Me
The following used to, pretty much, be in the About Me section on my front page. A few people read it (thank you so much), but I realize that I'm long winded and inclined to b_eat horses way beyond their demise, so I left the bare bones on the front page (and tweaked some of the other stuff) and I'm putting most of my so-called life here. For your information, edification and amusement: First of all, I'm not here for intrigue or drama or to take or give crap from/to anybody. I see a video or picture or story I like on XRMXX, I copy it if it's not copywritten or otherwise not allowed… 阅读更多内容
My Own Personal Bastad
I can't claim him as my own. Others have had Close Encounters of the Worse Kind with him, too. He's been here for 1226 days and made all of 67 comments. --I can claim FOUR of them! Well, I could if I'd kept the first two. They were so vile that I deleted the first two. Kindova knee-jerk reaction. I imagine others before me have done the same thing. Don't do that, boys and girls (can I say that?! After quick thought, it occurs that that implies a no-no! Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you will disregard that implication!) If contacted by this person, do NOT delete his gems of comme… 阅读更多内容
I Been Chastised!
I got slimed! I guess I should feel honored! Eighty-four-and-a-half weeks on here, and I finally got a discouraging word! --Well, actually the slimmer disparaged me before, quite some weeks back, but I didn't really realize it at the time. I can be rather dense... Most people tell me "thank you" for some silly remark I made to one of their pictures or for making a kind comment on their brand new profile or avatar. This person did not thank me for anything. He or she (he represents himself as a he, but word has it that it's really a she. --How 'bout that for a twist?! Most phonies… 阅读更多内容