Acquiesce...To accept without protest. A "prequel" of sort to other stories. I had spent an afternoon with my Auntie "T", driving her to a small gathering in the foothills that she didn't want to drive to. My college days were behind me and I had started my business. Spending time with my Aunt had been a priority since she became widowed some 8 years earlier...I did many chores around her farm and home and spent a lot of time talking. And a lot of time watching her move about...yes, I had a life-long crush on her, my late Mother's twin! "T" was quite distraught for a while, but slowly accept… 阅读更多内容
Getting my own way.
It was one of those nights. I was at home, watching television, feeling a little randy. Hubby hadn’t got back from a golf day with his mates. I knew he’d probably be slightly the worse for wear and of no damn use to me. My mind wandered a little, thinking of sex. My hand wandered a little, too. I was shocked back to reality when I heard the taxi door slam shut and heard him fumbling with his keys in the front door. Sure enough, he was a little drunk. He came into the lounge and staggered about saying he wasn’t drunk, just very tired. I think I’ll get to bed, he mumbled. Me too and I followed h… 阅读更多内容
Reading Mom's Signals
It was Spring Break Week...I helped move some farm equipment to the other place and was home with Mom for a while. At school I had been wondering how I could tell when Mom was ready to "play" as we had begun to do a few months after that special morning in the vineyard. I was not wanting to be the aggressor, but just wondering if I could predict when she might be in the mood, so to speak. We had become intimate a few times since, sporadically. It was after lunch time when I got to the house and she had a late plate for me....a few left overs fit the bill and then I watched her scurry around th… 阅读更多内容
Mom, Nylons and Me
Growing up on a farm near relatives was fun in the '50's and on, We had a small old home on a g**** vineyard a mile or so from a small town, an aunt and uncle lived a mile further away on a farm and another aunt and uncle were close by also. Our house started out as a two-room cabin in the early 1900's, added on a modernized in the 1930's about 10 years before I arrived on the scene. One could walk around the house to living room, folk's bedroom. my and my brother's bedroom...going thru the bathroom's two doors completed the circle. A large common closet was entered from my be… 阅读更多内容
Busted by step daughter in her panties
I went through forty-five years of my life as a single man, no one to answer to but myself. I watched my friends marry, have c***dren, and get divorced. I kept hearing the same old stories, 'money problems', 'she wasn't the same in bed after the k**s came', 'we are too tired because of the k**s', and the best of all 'we fight too much over money and the k**s'. I would just listen and laugh in my head at them. Then I met Emily. Emily was just your average sized woman on the outside, size 12 full figured, but she carried it well. It was her big boned body frame rather than just added weight. She… 阅读更多内容
A lady I met
So I bought a cone of ice and went in to the park, followed the path and came up to a big bush and saw a bench where I could sit down and eat my ice. When I came fully around the bush i saw a lady was sitting there on the bench reading a magasin. She was dressed in a summer like dress that stop a bit over her knees. She had for sure a c-cup size of breast and was wearing ballerina type of shoes with maybe 3 cm of heel. I the light against me I couldn't see if she was wearing pantyhose or so. Her leg were summer soft tanned. I quickly looked around I could see another bench and I was one maybe… 阅读更多内容
His Pretty Little Party Dress
"His Pretty Little Party Dress"--TG Fiction by Debbie Sweetreet _______________________ Percy was so excited he could barely contain himself. His birthday wish was coming true! He was getting to celebrate his birthday like a real little girl. The frilly girl's party-dress he was now wearing was splendid! It was a soft pastel-yellow little girl's traditional fancy party dress. Very, VERY frilly with layers of puffy lace ruffled accents, flared crinoline under-skirting, flowing sheer chiffon sleeves and a shiny white satin sash that fastened with a big beautiful bow in the back. Sheer,… 阅读更多内容
"Stephen 'Slips' Up!"
"Stephen 'Slips' Up!" --TG Fiction by Debbie Sweetreet __________________ Stephen is a 'petite' boy, just a little smaller than his Aunt Melanie. Petite figures ran in the family in both the females and males. Stephen cut quite the girlish figure in his Aunt Melanie's pastel-pink full slip. 'Oh, my, don't you look just so simply darling, pretty missy!" Melanie cooed, adjusting the slip straps on his delicate shoulders. Stephen looked down and fiddled excitedly at the intricate lace hem. How lovely it looked splayed softly across his little knee-caps! Melanie sat down besides t… 阅读更多内容
"Dress-Up-Girly Time!"
"Dress-Up-Girly Time!" --TG Fiction by Debbie Sweetreet __________________ "Let's go, 'Little-Missy,' it's our 'dress-up-girly time.'" Sandy knew better than to argue. Besides he really didn't mind being dressed up as a girl. It was kind of weird at first, when he first started playing 'dress-up-girly time.' His mom had brought home several boxes of clothes that no longer fit his cousins, Cherie and Michelle. That's when Denise thought how she always wanted a little girl but since her divorce and now a single mom, there was no prospect of that. So why not take these cloth… 阅读更多内容
I had split up with Paul some months prior. I meet John, a 6-foot, good looking Canadian, post grad in Manchester, who I had a short relationship with. … … … … I was sitting in the middle of John’s living room. I had gone to the bathroom to freshen up; when I returned, soft Jazz music was coming from the stereo and he’d lit some tall red tapered candles on the coffee table. A typical romantic mood setting cliche. John was trying so hard to get in my pants. We had spent the last few hours at a nightclub. He had convinced me to come back to his place around 2:00 in the morning. Though it did… 阅读更多内容
get off my ass about my preferences
This is simple. I dont enjoy watching black men fucking white women. Dont ask me why. I just dont. Black women with white men set erotic scenes, and i know thats a double standard. It isnt personal. Nothing against anyone in particular, or in a group. I dont like seeing black cocks fucking white women. Thats all. Sorry if this isnt acceptable. And i know this is a blog post, and not a story.… 阅读更多内容