When he first slides his black dick in you, it’s going to feel strange at first. Actually, anal sex always feel strange. It’s hard to explain but the whole thing just feels wrong. I don’t mean that in a moralistic or bad way. I mean, it just literally feels unnatural because you’re using an exit as an entrance. Funnily enough though, that’s how you derive a lot of enjoyment from it. The unnatural feeling enhances the pleasure. You know how when you watch people getting fucked in gay porn, there’s all this moaning, and you’re just like, “yeah, right. they’re acting”? I can’t be for sure obvious… 阅读更多内容
How To Make Your Cum Taste Great
You might be wondering just why it matters that your cum tastes really good. It is simple. Ladies like men who have sweet cum. If you want your girl to keep coming back for more and love you even better, you need to make your cum as appetizing as possible. Making Your Jizz Taste Better If you are a party a****l, you are in for a big disappointment. This is because the first thing that you need to do is to limit your intake of alcohol, d**gs, cigarettes and even junk food. Research shows that vegetarians, whether males or females, tend to have bodily secretions that taste better. Therefor… 阅读更多内容
How to make a sexy profile!
Step 1. find a pick that u like Step 2. right click and click view image step 3. when u do this u will see a url, step 4. copy the url. step 5. go to your about me section, u will see 7 buttons, the last 3 say user image video. step 6. click image and this will pop up (image(image) step 7. post the link for the pic in between this (image)(/image) And there you go, its very easy, hope this helps :) For example… 阅读更多内容
How to deep throat hard cock
Deep throat Made Easy Here for the first time ever are simple and explicit instructions on how to deep throat a penis. Position is important; you'll want to in position where you can extend and straighten your neck by slightly tilting your head back. This helps line up your throat with your mouth allowing the penis to slide in deep. The best position for beginners is with the receiver lying on his back with the giver lying on the stomach along side. You can prop yourself up on your elbows. The penis must be THOROUGHLY LUBRICATED! I can't stress this enough. An erect penis will s… 阅读更多内容
A failed summoning, Chapter 1
Hi everyone, I got bored today while the servers were down, So here is a story for you all =P Give me feedback please? let me know what i did =P and Would love someone to proofread it for me? Alana lets out a contented sigh as she leans back against the laboratory wall. Looking like a whore she leans up against the wall, her dress pulled up enough to allow access to her cunt. She smiles to herself as she plunges her fingers in and out of her tight snatch. Her nectar already dripping all over the floor under her and on her fingers. She quickly orgasms, her tunnel tightening down around her… 阅读更多内容