The day of wrath

Like shadows we fall into the great beyond Lost in the veil of time, souls to become darkness in light floating in a whirl of tears, dark wounds of evil betrayal dolo malo sinking rapidly into eternity callous hostility driven to insanity… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 月 前 3

Miserere Mei

Like the falling star on the firmamentI view the vast horizon planets drift by in the nebula rand movements paralyze me my reflection seem to be endless embellished thoughts of limitless starlight gather the outer rim of sanity path of destiny proud forest rises towards the sky, in awe I stand silent green path of life amalgamates with my own belief… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 月 前 2


As I look inside my self, I long to find a way I close my eyes; still images are streaming to disclose the core of my self, long to find a way I close my mind but still the thoughts are floating Inside of me I listen to a silent sound behind my memories I am striving to see inside of me to solve my bewilderment and let it flow like energy revealing my personality the path to my thoughts and my soul this maze is leading me Inside of me I am yearning to perceive myself i am embraced with my own intelligence that obstructs me from finding the sanctum… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 月 前 3

La Pelea

La eleccion de armas ya las hiciste ¿ estas lista para empezar ? lucha por el honor , lucha por el esplendor , lucha por el placer , lucha por la vida ... el duelo comienza , la mejor gana en el final ... un corte en el pecho y estas abajo , sintiendo el sudor de tu frente , la lucha se reanuda siempre ..... lucha por tu vida porque tu angel Micaela te esta cuidando hasta tu ultimo aliento y siempre va a estar hasta el infinito y al mas alla ... lucha por tu vida… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 月 前

Tamara y Micaela

Vamos a hacer algunos cambios en la vida , vamos a cambiar los demonios de nuestro pasado , vamos a tomar el auto y la ruta abierta escuchando a Aythis ... Vamos a fantasear con lo que queremos ser y hacer realidad nuestros sueños mas salvajes ....porque estamos en la ruta de nuestros sueños , vamos en la ruta de la feliicidad escuchando a Aythis juntas… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 月 前


Mucha gente te ve pero nadie lo hace como yo lo hago .... Para en las sombras de tu luz , te voy a esperar , te necesito..... Necesito tu luz no puedo escapar te vengo amando desde siempre estimándote , adorándote , esperándote , deseándote, sintiéndote , viviéndote, acompañándote , exaltándote , no puedo seguir sin vos y todo esto te lo escribo.... todavia podria decir mas si pudiera transmitir con palabras con este mensaje no quiero mostrar mi dolor estas pocas lineas que te envio son para, tan solo, decirte ....... TE AMO .. Esta noche... estas palabras iran a vos, rezo para que las sepas e… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 月 前 8

Te amo hasta el infinito y al mas alla ...

En este día mi cielo ... Tamara esta conmigo .... presencie un milagro y de repentinamente estabas aquí conmigo y parecía que nada alguna vez podía estropearse todo ... y si pudiera detener el tiempo de atacar todo y si pudiera disminuir la velocidad de todo ... una sonrisa sin miedo al mañana ... ríes y lloras te consumes contra la corriente me sonríes y a la noche en un amanecer ... Entonces parece como que durmieras pero tus ojos permanecen abiertos como dos estrellas en la noche Para Tamara .... el amor de mi vida… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 月 前 7


Sos el cielo donde los sueños se abrazan, una chispa, un fuego, de ti fui hecha y diseño, deseo, tu brillo, tu piel, mis ojos, cuando siento, mis sombras, eres mi misma luz, sostengo una chispa para ti, te sostendré, mi fuego, seré yo como seré todos, y cuando se pierda tu pensamiento, lo sostendré. Para el amor de mi vida .... Tamara , te amo hasta el infinito y al mas alla ...… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 月 前 7

Una frase diferente y hermosa

Pensarte me hace sonreir y mojarme - Mar Castro… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 月 前 3

Fragments of hereafter

Rays of lights streaming in over me, coldness is gripping me and my soul, tears apart images of life will I travel beyond the astral light?Shadows covering me far beyond where no one can be that way far away dead pulses in loneliness silent sleeping. from the inner sanctum of our souls silence tears apart what is to come frozen images set in stone deceit of the realm which we know halls of sorrow, pity and grief mourning alone and beyond belief cold grasp tightens around our necks death rises, fulfills our lust for peace. through the mist striving to keep the mind clear from scars, overwhelmed… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 月 前

A spark of times of old

Amidst the embers a spark from ancient times where rivers run, ghosts drift veiled in the mist between the ashes... a tale of the night and the cold... a very distant past with powers to persist… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 月 前

Para el amor de mi vida , mi Cielo

¡Mi querida niña amada! Hace tiempo que soñaste con un strap- on y por eso lo compramos. Después de colocarlo en mí, comencé a tener sexo contigo. Lo inserté en tu boca y dije chupa, tiré tu cabeza hacia mí por el cabello, resultó que lo tragaste profundamente y te dio placer, te excitaste. Luego te puse en el sofá, abrí tus hermosas piernas, que estaban en medias como siempre, y tomé posesión de ti, al principio entré superficialmente, pero con cada empuje más y más profundo, las paredes de la vagina no resistieron y comenzaron a estallar, la san gre comenzó a fluir, pero esto solo me excitó.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 3 月 前 6


"don't dwell on the past you can't change yesterday but you can make tomorrow and your future better if you work at it "… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 4 月 前 4

Love died

It was a grey day, it was raining, I had done my time at work and the love of my life, Tamara, called me. She told me she was coming to the airport to pick me up and then we were going to my house. She came in her car to pick me up and I got in. She was driving the car, I got in. We were going quietly, there weren't many people on the street... and suddenly, my chest started to hurt and I told Tamara, "Honey, I feel bad, I think something bad is happening to me." My blood pressure dropped, my skin color changed, it became whiter than I am. She stopped the car and said, "Love of my life, don't… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 5 月 前 7


Seven deadly sins seven ways to win seven holy paths to hell seven downward slopes seven bloodied hopes seven are your burning fires seven your desires… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 6 月 前 2

My journey to infinity and beyond. ....

After a while since I saw Tamara for the last time, she had to go to Argentina because of some personal problems she had... I made the decision to go look for her... I called her on the phone and told her that I was going to go look for her at her house, she was still solving her problems she had and she told me that when everything was resolved she would return to England with me but I miss Tamara a lot and I went to Argentina, I went to meet her country, her family, her friends, she officially introduced me as her girlfriend, they accepted me in her family I did not expect it because I am a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 7 月 前 3

My journey to infinity and beyond

After a while since I saw Tamara for the last time, she had to go to Argentina because of some personal problems she had... I made the decision to go look for her... I called her on the phone and told her that I was going to go look for her at her house, she was still solving her problems she had and she told me that when everything was resolved she would return to England with me but I miss Tamara a lot and I went to Argentina, I went to meet her country, her family, her friends, she officially introduced me as her girlfriend, they accepted me in her family I did not expect it because I am a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 7 月 前 3

The path of dreams

I had a dream that I was walking with Tamara in an unknown city, I didn't know the people who were there, and neither did Tamara. We went to a restaurant to eat, she told me that I had to eat a lot because I needed it, she told me... my love, you have to eat well because it will do you good and we finished eating and continued walking through the city, we went to a shopping center, we bought clothes and then we returned to my house to sleep together like two soul mates.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 7 月 前 4

The story of two women's unrequited love . 2

I'm going to continue telling you the second part of this story of madness, tragedy, darkness and love... and I'm going to tell you who the girl from Argentina and the girl from England are, .... the girl from Argentina is called Tamara and the girl from England is me, Micaela, and I'm going to tell you how I lived it with Tamara and we continued this crazy love story... Tamara changed my life, when we met, I was depressed, depressed, I was a girl of 15, my mother had died, I was lost, I felt like I was in a desert, I looked everywhere and couldn't find anything, when my mother died the world… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 7 月 前 7


You will pay, pay and pay, Provident sadist you have to see How things are paid for That the will of God someday, For my wounds Will have to do, Just cauterizing work, I do not add anxiety, know it well But more fire to your pot, The one that hell repairs you burning, Because forget that death Officiates in a cloak of amnesia, To all your flaying cruelties. Death, death is the big door, Where all your baseness will be collected, Of suffocating and desolating entity. Better, better simply prepare yourself, Because you are soon to touch its wood, Its iron, of what hell wanted, For austere materi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 7 月 前 5