This quarantine let my fustration get the best of me. I decided fuck it! Without saying anything I went upstairs showered shaved got fully dressed as a women wearing in a tight black dress, black stockings, lace black thong panties, matching black lace bra, black pump heels, full makeup, dark wig, brest forms and proudly marched downstairs to my wife to show her husband dressed fully in women's cloths. She glanced up at me, shrugged her shoulders and said not bad, but no. So I went into my office watched shemale crossdresser porn and masterbated hard several times until I was shooting blanks.… 阅读更多内容
Wife dressing me in her clothes
I have been with the most wonderful accepting girlfriend for several years who not long ago became my wife. She has long known about my hobby and played with me dressed on several occasions. This past summer we were going out for dinner with friends and she was dressed so HOT. Knowing her sexy outfit would appeal to my desires. I knew that we would be getting lucky. She knows exactly what I like to see. She had on ankle high, high heel boots with black Wolford thigh highs. They were semi opaque, not too dark but not totaly sheer. A black strechey Bodycon pencil skirt that she pulled up above… 阅读更多内容
Remembering my teenage crossdressing fun
After assembling my first full outfit from my cousins wardrobe. At a young age, I knew I wanted to dress like a girl. After the first time wearing a bra, panties, dress, and pantyhose and waking around the house, feeling the dress swing around and my nyloned legs touch together...I was hooked. As I was getting older my crossdressing hobby was growing more serious. I was graduating from wearing just panties and bras to fully dressing and experimenting with makeup. It was easy access because my sister and I shared a bathroom. I would dress every chance I was home alone... Around age 17 I rememb… 阅读更多内容
Boyfriend turned into girlfriend crossdresser
So I always take advantage of any opertunity to crossdress. When my girlfriend asked me, do I want to do a makeover? I was like, Hek Yes! She already knows I crossdress. We have been together for awhile and I told her about my little hobby early in our relationship. As soon as I told her she wanted to see me dressed. So I dressed for her and I think she was surprised. There were some critiques about my amateur makeup, and trying to hide my large shoulders. She didn't hate the idea of me dressed. She touched up my makeup and it helped a lot. We sat and talked about it for awhile as she was tryi… 阅读更多内容
Caught crossdressing again
So I had the weekend with the house to myself and obviously I was going to spend the entire weekend in fem. So it was Friday night and I was fully dressed in short shorts, shiny nued stockings, white pump heels, a Silver blouse, Full make up and wig. Pictures of the outfit are in my Sep 17 gallery. It was late night maybe 1:15am I was going outside in the backyard for a cig.... The way our back yard is situated is private. The door to our lowest level comes out at the far left corner of the house to a patio. Then there is a walk-way from the patio to other side of the house and up the deck st… 阅读更多内容
House sitting and crossdressing
I've been fortunate to be able to earn some money on the side house sitting and while doing it having access to some amazing cloths. A couple of the women whos houses I stay in are really attractive. I couldn't help but explore their closets when I'm there. I would enjoy wearing their cloths and spend most of my time crossdressed. During a week I was watching this one house was the best time of my life. She had a great wardrobe that I was obsessed with. Everything was so sexy and classy. I literally lived a week wearing nothing but her clothes. From the time they left I put on a pair of… 阅读更多内容
Crossdressing needs
I don't know why I need to crossdress...I'm a normal strait male who is only attracted to women. Maybe I love women so much I want to look like them. I have a normal relationship with a woman who I truly love. Yes, she knows I dress... But when I crossdress all I want to do is have a trans lesbian experience. I wouldent touch another mans dick but if we both are dessed like women I would love to suck her clitty. The only way I will ever have sex with a guy is if he is completely dressed as a woman and I'm also completely dressesed as a women. I would like to start by sucking her cock, lick her… 阅读更多内容
Crossdressing with my girlfriend
Fridaynight were were watching TV and having some wine when she asked do I want to play? Feeling the buzz I was deffenatly in the mood. Yes! What are you thinking. She says I want to fuck you as a bitch. So we went up stairs and I jumped in the shower to freshen up my shave. When I can out she was in a slutty black mini dress with black stockings and pump heels. I was dripping naked baby smooth when she knelt down in front and said I want one last taste of man before I turn you into a sissy faggot you are. She proceeded to deepthroat my clitty. After a few bobs of her heard and I was nearly g… 阅读更多内容
When I crossdress
just feel so happy and comfortable wearing women's clothing...I'm so jealous women can wear stockings and heels everyday...its just not fair... When I see hot women in public, I'm not interested in the women. I wonder how would her clothes look on me? Every chance I have to wear something from a genetic girls wardrobe I would. In collage whenever I was at a girls place I always scoped out possible items. One suscessful thing was use their bathroom and hope there was something good there. I got a lot of panties that way. I always remembered who's pantys came from where. If I knew I was going… 阅读更多内容
Crossdresser stood up
It's so frustrating dealing with all the fake people out there. As I sit here fully dressed feeling disappointed that the cock I was hoping to suck tonight didn't show. It's kind of amazing the lengths and cost that crossdressers go through just to suck a guys cock. I mean we spend a lot of time and money to transform ourselves from men into women. All that effort is for maybe an hour of sucking a dick and until he cums his load ruining our make up. Just for tonight I had to buy some ladies razors to shave my legs, a pair of false eyelashes, a pair of stockings. Not to mention all the make… 阅读更多内容
Caught Crossdressing
A few years ago I was house sitting a big house in a wealthy neighborhood for a couple of days. The houses in this neighborhood were spread far apart and it afforded a lot of privacy. I decided to dress to the nines. Spend the day prepping. I shaved every inch of my body. painted my toes and finger nails a nice brite red and big fake lashes. I put on a matching red bra, panty, grader set. Lotiond my smooth legs and put black stay up stockings on. Then a tight red Bebe Bodycon bandage dress. Red pump hees with a brunette wig. Lots of rhinestone glittery jewelry. neckless, bracelet, earring… 阅读更多内容
First Cock for a Crossdresser
In high school we used to party every weekend. One friend was a heavy drinker to the point he would blackout. He was good looking clean cut guy who partied too hard. One weekend at my parents house we were partying in the basement. As it got late in the night around 2AM, everyone was slowly leaving. I was still up playing video games when I realized it was down to just he and I. He was wasted and out cold. I was tired of playing single player and realized it was almost almost 3 AM I turned off the game and tried to wake sleeping beauty up. He wouldent budge. He was completely out. I even rolle… 阅读更多内容
Looking in the merrior at a crossdresser
I was standing looking at myself dressed as a girl in the mirror tonight. Wearing black Victoria secret thong panties, matching bra. A black bodycon skirt and black flared top with sheer sleves. Black hold up stockings, with my pump high heels. A nice office girl outfit. As a closet cross-dresser who put together some of my female wardrobe from taking items here and there from various women. So usually when I dress, at least one piece clothing I wear of is from something I got from a womens wardrobe. Usually it's bras and panties, sometimes a dress or a skirt. But tonight the p… 阅读更多内容
First time dressed in front of somebody else
out of collage I got a job in a big office, things were awesome. I was making some money, living alone, and heavy in my crossdressing. I was literally dressing every day after work. I keept my legs shaved and my toe nails painted. Sometimes I wore panties to work. I would enjoy talking to the women I worked with knowing I was wearing panties and my toes were painted like theirs. One day in a meeting I noticed Linda fidgeting around and I realized her tan stocking was falling down and she was discreetly trying to pull them back up. It was so exciting for me to know she was wearing stockin… 阅读更多内容
Visiting my aunt and uncle true story
I was on a road trip home from collage and my aunt and uncles place was on my way home, so it was a planed stop for a night. I arrived at their house as it was getting dark. I was greeted with a wonderful dinner and catching up. After dinner my aunt (by marriage) showed me the guest room where I would stay. I asked if I could do some laundry so she showed me the laundry room and were everything was. Wow I was excited to see there was lingerie and underwear everywhere. The laundry room was next to the room I was staying in, so I imeaditly planned to come back late night to try something on. So… 阅读更多内容