Heidi Cummins

I've recently discovered a new favorite performer named Heidi Cummins. She appears to only be with Private Society, but has done some great scenes. She's so cute to me. I love her mousy nerdy look, and she has a gorgeous soft pale body. https://xhamster.com/videos/heidi-wants-to-fuck-you-6384921 https://xhamster.com/videos/heidi-and-the-sugar-daddies-7643082 https://xhamster.com/videos/heidi-goes-black-6071580 https://xhamster.com/videos/two-milky-mothers-fisting-11658276 https://xhamster.com/videos/heidi-s-secret-ass-fetish-6185083 https://xhamster.com/videos/heidi-eats-another-ass-134阅读更多内容

发表者 darthsatanikus 5 年 前 14

Roommate Part 2

Jess didn't see her boyfriend for five days. The last time they had been together, Kyle had been recovering from a bad hangover. He had gotten caught up in an impromptu party thrown by his neighbor Ian and wound up in a bad way. Ian was an asshole—he was always staring at Jess and mistreating Kyle. Jess went to Ian to get him to lay off. That's where things started to go bad. Ian was in many ways Kyle's superior. Where Kyle was pale and pudgy, Ian was tanned and muscular. Kyle, on his best day, was still a short unremarkable man. But Ian was tall and handsome, lean and athletic. Jess alw… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trueman_darling 10 年 前 2

Kiss My Ass

It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception. "I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her! "Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys. "Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm going to be sick again!" Shannon stuck her bottom lip out in mock sympathy and patted… 阅读更多内容

发表者 trueman_darling 11 年 前 6

Being Cuckolded #4 The Big Day Part 2

I could hear my wife welcoming the bull into our home from the kitchen. Part of me wanted to go out and tell him to leave, that he wasn't needed and this whole thing had been a mistake. I wanted to do that...but for some reason I just stood there, staring out the kitchen window. I locked my jaw shut and walked into the lounge, he was sitting in one of the arm chairs while my wife sat opposite on the sofa. He looked up at me and smiled, I nodded trying to not to appear too affable. I asked him if he would like some tea or coffee, all the while trying to be as cold and unfriendly as possible.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Caged4Ever 11 年 前 9

Ma cousine, passage à l'acte - Partie 1

ENG : Story I wrote a long time ago and just edited now. Didn't take the time to translate it in English. Maybe an automatic translation can give you an idea, I recommend DeepL for this. This is not a real story, only fiction coming from my imagination. The only goal is to give some pleasure and I don't condone anything contentious I might have written. Ceci est une histoire que j'ai écrite il y a longtemps. Pas parfaite du tout mais c'est un essai. Elle est seulement le fruit de mon imagination et n'est pas une histoire vraie. Son seul but est de donner du plaisir à ceux à qui elle plaît,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 juldupo 3 年 前 29

experiencia con Stephanie y sus juegos

Stephanie la conocí en un bar y después de muchas idas y vueltas logre ir a la cama con ella, pensé que seria como las demás... pero no Fui sacandole la ropa y besándola desde su cuello, bajando lentamente hasta llegar a su vagina toda depiladita,. gemia de placer y al lamerla pase a su cola e inmediatamente empezó a colarse los dedos en ella,. inmediatamente tomo ella iniciativa desvistiéndome y empezando a chupármela hasta darme vuelta y probar mi culo, luego metió suavemente uno de sus dedos provocandome calosfrios de excitación a lo que me pregunto si me gustaba y sin dudarlo asentí,.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 santi06 8 年 前 2

Rebecca's new bikini

Rebecca was excited about her trip to Florida. Looking through her wardrobe Rebecca realized she needed new clothes. The cold weather still had its grips on Boston as she made her way to the shopping mall. Looking in the windows, she spotted an outfit she liked. Going in the store Rebecca was greeted by a sells woman. She looked to be in her fourties, blondish up in a bun, with a nice figure for her age. Hello, she said. My name is Megan, can I help you with anything today. I'd like to see what you have in summer clothing, Rebecca told her. I'm spending a few days in Florida. Excellent, Megan… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ilikestroking 3 年 前 4

Morons running Xhamster

It seems the morons that run this sight can't stop screwing things up . Now the majority of favorite galleries are all owner only and I don't believe everyone reset their settings in way day .… 阅读更多内容

发表者 realcurious57 3 年 前 17

première tromperie aout 2017

Je suis en couple depuis deux ans, mon homme part de temps en temps en déplacement. Il aime me prendre en photo mais est jaloux et ne montre pas ces images. Il ne sait pas non plus que j'aime parfois prendre le soleil dans le plus simple appareil sur la plage de Berck. Cet été, profitant de quelques rares jours de soleil, un ami de mon homme nous a téléphoné pour nous qu'il passait quelques jours en camping et que c'était l'occasion de se voir. Evidement, c'est moi qui ai décroché, mo homme en déplacement garde juste son téléphone pro sur lui et laisse le sien à la maison. Il m'a répondu que… 阅读更多内容

发表者 belledunord62 7 年 前 23

Caught Crossdressing - Husband Turns Cuckhold

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发表者 ericalace 10 年 前

Looking for a video called Black Couple Invites Wh

i'm looking for this vid for a Week i saw it here it's about a chubby enony milf in red or pink stockings crawling on a couch and going to suck a White guy and some minutes later her black husband join the party , it's seems to be a professional video… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ryuji97 10 年 前 1

New Neighbour Pt 01

I noticed the lorries and trucks going past from my bedroom window. My mum's house was the last on the little lane that we lived in apart from the old farmhouse about half a mile down the track so I assumed that was where they were headed. It had been empty for a few years, obviously someone had bought it and was renovating it. No one went down there much as there wasn't much to see. Some woods and fields, and a couple of footpaths that were overgrown through lack of use. As the months went by the larger trucks were replaced by smaller vans, contractors I guessed, electricians, plumbers, decor… 阅读更多内容

发表者 HemmingwayB 3 年 前

La petite culotte du désir

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发表者 thx21 3 年 前

When cuckolding goes from playtime to reality!

I was thinking back to how our cuckold sex play transitioned into a cuckold marriage…. I like to share our experiences and seeing how others relate. When we got engaged it was with the full knowledge that we were both bisexual, that I loved watching her with men, loved fluffing the guys for her, and licking up the cum. We were doing this with a few guys we both knew. When we moved, we lost those friendships but found a new source, swinger magazines like Select. Quite honestly, we did not know that we were playing cuckolding until years later. Then we started running ads as a cuc… 阅读更多内容

发表者 MWMluvsGayMen 4 年 前 40


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发表者 SidneyGray 6 年 前

11 articles to convince her to peg you.

11 amazing articles that can possibly help men convince their wives to give pegging a try. All of the men and women involved in writing these articles and podcasts have a ton of knowledge on the subject and want to dispel many of the myths about pegging and anal play.. 1. Ruby Ryder's podcast 112 Podcast #112 For the Ladies: http://peggingparadise.com/blog/2015/09/podcast-112-for-the-ladies/ 2. An Open Letter to Women: Wait…What? My Man Wants What Where? https://practicalpegging.tumblr.com/post/145831447802/an-open-letter-to-women-waitwhat-my-man-wants 3. 14 Women on Why They… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pegginscott 8 年 前 4

Q & A From a Mother & Son relationship

This is an attempt to answer questions that have been asked of me about my relationship with my mother. Question: How did your relationship begin? Q: How old were you both? A: Mum was 31 and I was 13 Q: How would you describe the relationship, from your point of view? A: Well, it was a completely loving relationship. The love I had for my mother, and the love she had for me, was so great, that ultimately. We we were having sexual relations, it wasn't just sex, but love we were making. Q: How do you view this as opposed to a relationship that was just about sex? A: In a relationshi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Hunter5966 4 年 前 23

My wife's first sensual massage ever!

Well yesterday morning ( Friday 3/3/2017 @ 1030am)my wife had her first sensual massage it's our anniversary and 2 weeks ago i told my wife i have booked a couples sensual massage, (now my wife is quite shy and doesn't want to have sex with anyone else or anything remotely sexual with anyone but me ) and the reason i booked a massage with a man is because i have been expressing to my wife for the last almost 20yrs is i would like to see her with another man and about 3 weeks ago i asked if she would let a guy massage her and i watch to which she replied "maybe and if i did it would be the cl… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sando350 8 年 前 47

Guide for Cum Eating

Guide for Cum Eating Are you having trouble bringing yourself to eat your cum after ejaculation?? Want to be a perfect little cum slut, but always back out and come up short?? If so, this item is for you. Using various mental drills and repetition, I'll teach and condition you to crave it. With practice and time, you'll overcome your trepidation and welcome the taste of your own hot cum. Commit to mastering it, slut!! The Basic Issue I know your type very well; you dream of a stunning woman forcing you to consume your cum after ejaculation. Not only do you dream of it, the thought consum… 阅读更多内容

发表者 petri 10 年 前 38


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发表者 general123 12 年 前

Xhamster SelfSuck Member List (aka autofellatio)

Here is a list of members that can SelfSuck (men who can suck on their own cock and balls). Some members can only get the tip in and others can deepthroat and suck their balls. There are many that are straight and gay and I'm guessing many are Bi. I made this list for the interested Women (selfish me) and guys out their and to connect us SelfSuckers. Feel free to ask us questions and leave comments :) If I forgot anyone you know from this list then let me know My snapchat is "tallnexotic" add me :) women and other selfsuckers List updated 30/01/2021 :)) 1. http://xhamster.com/user阅读更多内容

发表者 Loganlong 11 年 前 161