
Someone hacked in to my phone and erased the adult porn I made and now I have nothing to watch. Admittedly it was crap. Someone also nicked some usb cards from my home. Errrr how do I know what these people might put on it. who wrote this funny song Innie weeny teeny weeny shriveled little short short man Don't want, don't want, don't want, don't want, don't want, don't want, don't want Innie weeny teeny weeny shriveled little short short man Don't want, don't want, don't want, don't want, don't want, don't want, don't want Innie weeny teeny weeny shriveled little short short man Don't wa… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 1 年 前


Moody and hormonal was watching porn this morning its very off putting having to sit through an advert. you only really come on here looking for something to assist you cumming then you have to watch these adds some will make you turn green gag and ********. I don’t wanna see a lesbian master bating for a few seconds where are the movies of white middle ish age people bonking. have they all been captured by those extinction rebellion people… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 1 年 前

Hungry or horny can’t decide

Just woke up after 14 hours of snoozing I woke up and can decide if I’m hungry horny or thirsty Went to the Gibsons butchers yesterday had a look around and thought to myself what a bunch of little sausages with nothing to offer I mean they were all a bunch of little chipotles I want a great big sausage.. With ketchup Mayo mmmmmmmmmmnnmnmmmmmmmmm off to light the bbq.. fooooooood yummmmmmmmy yummmmy foooooooooooooooooooood… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 1 年 前

Wake up it’s a beautiful morning

Been up about an hour ate some Pringles in bed. Put some hula hoops in the pot turned it upside down trying to turn them sour cream and onion flavour. It sort of worked. yummmmy the tub ran out looking around my room for other pleasures I lost money playing on slots ;( bad decisions ;(:( ;( ;( kinda pants actually I prefer winning then played with my magic wand fir a bit and feeling high as a butterfly the trick to life happiness is a good sleep and amazing pillows shower time and I’m feeling good ;) positive vibes being single means you don’t have to share the Pringles ;)… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 1 年 前 1

Ed’s tounge

ed sheerans Tonge i really want to go and see Ed Sheeran but it’s too expensive so I’m just gonna turn the stereo up play with my boobs listening to the shape of you. Suddenly he’s in the living room with his own piano cheeky grin and how did a piano fit in my little living room and how did I get on top ?? his ginger mop disappears into my strawberry blonde muff and his tongues working overtime slivering sliding all over my clit tingling pulsating then he stops starts dancing around the living room in his underpants singing and wiggling all that age wants from me is a private show… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 1 年 前 1


Than was the most amazing tit tingling orgasam Iv had for weeks mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm body feeling great hummmmmmmmmmmmmm total relaxation and tingling all over my body every girl should have one of these magical wands… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 2 年 前

Loose Screws

Who can I screw for money? I want money I want freedom I want to go swimming in warm water I want a giant bubble Bath in my back garden So I can float in and balance rubber ducks on my tits I want an ocean view from my bath tub and breakfast delivered while I’m floating 6 strapping Hulks doing the garden while I watch my only care in the world should be how many bottles of bubbles to pour into my giant Bath I want money I wanna see the ocean while I fart to the waterjets in sync with my iPad And a great big fluffy robe…… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 2 年 前 1


Sitting in the cafe cold ice cream fell down my front cold cold caramel sauce and vanilla sauce dribbling down as I brush it off so sloppy. notice there’s a totally hot older man sitting a few tables away and all of a sudden image he’s sucking it off my nipples as it dribbles over my nipples and slides down over his little face… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 2 年 前 1


Cold wet and raining great expectations in reality I’m 42 only been to one Michelin star restaurant and received less than half a dozen bunches of roses from men in my life time. Ill be buying my own for Valentine’s Day that’s for sure. I bet when Phil Mitchell Sticks on a frock one of Sharon’s wigs and some Lippy he gets more flowers than I do. Borrows pat butchers earings for nipple tassels and shakes them all about. back to my David Ghandy obsession it’s healthy they do giant cardboard cut outs of him in his underpants in marks and suspenders so I waited till the security guard was di… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 2 年 前

Carry on at your convenience

Sitting on the loo watching carry on at your convenience on my iPad feet dangling can’t touch the floor The toilets in England haven’t evolved much since 1971. Those Japanese once are nice with the heated butt seats and remote control.. a bidet would be nice Several holidays abroad resulted in me hovering over a hole in a floor with a hose pipe wondering what you do with it. am I expecting too much I want a toilet that when you lift one butt cheek Mozart symphany13 starts playing out of a speaker under the basin with flashy disco lights that burst into a whirl pool of colour when I flush… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 2 年 前

Christmas carols

Bored and practicing my best singing voice this morning as singing Christmas carols didn’t work it’s £20 to get into the cathedral and I don’t know all the words so instead of singing on the loo like I normally do I’m singing in my car in the rain High on a hill was a man with a tiny penis odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo Loud was the voice of the lonely goat Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo Folks in a town that was quite remote heard there once was a man with a tiny penis Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo tiny penis Lusty and clear from the goatherd's throat heard tiny penis Lay ee odl lay ee o… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 2 年 前

New gallery on Bentbox.co/annabelmiller

Hi friends and fans, I hope I can make your day by sending this hot picture to you. Its from my new Bentbox-gallery. Jon me there if you like or on Onlyfans.com/annabelmiller. You will find tons of pictures, videos, gifs and personal notes there. Kisses Annabel… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ecstasyman 2 年 前 6

My first public exhibition!

My first public exhibition! I´m so proud! I´m Annabel Miller, your finest mature nude model – watch me on Bentbox.co/annabelmiller and Onlyfans.com/annabelmiller Kisses Annabel… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ecstasyman 2 年 前 7

Dear Sheikh of Qatar

Dear sheikh of Qatar thankyou for that lovely donation to the prince of England mr big ears I would like one of your suit cases please it Doesn’t have to be Prada or Gucci just stuffed with euros or British pounds look forward to meeting you and spending all of your money kissey love you long time mr sheikh skakey… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 2 年 前

Fuck the ice cream man

The ice cream van is way too expensive I’m hot I really want one who have you got to screw round here to get one.. ding ding ding the ice cream melody Iv got a loaded gun I’m broke I want an ice cream god damit its soo hot fuck Me the ice cream mans fitter than the guy in the Diet Coke advert I kick open the door he looks surprisingly at me it’s a hot hot day you must be loaded £££ pointing them gun at him give me all your money and two oysters He turns starts filling the cones NUTs??? he’s sweating no nut s no fucking nuts just the money and the oysters he smerks this ain… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 3 年 前 1

Wie wir anfingen Fremdzuficken Teil 2

Sex mit dem Nachbarn Nachdem ich also ziemlich frustriert (da mein Mann zuerst erfolgreich war beim fremdgehen) zuhause angekommen war ging ich in den Garten und trank den Rest aus meiner mittlerweile 4. Bierdose. Dabei entdeckte ich unseren Nachbarn und langjährigen Freund im Garten. Ich fragte ihn ob er ein Bier mit mir trinken würde und er kam rüber. Wir öffneten unsere Bierdosen und unterhielten uns über belanglose Dinge. Er ist ein ganz lieber Typ, so ein richtiger Kuschelbär, wiegt ca. 120 kg bei 1,95 Größe und ist eigentlich gar nicht so mein Typ. Im übrigen ist er aus seiner Zeit in e… 阅读更多内容

发表者 multiorgasmusfaehig 3 年 前 93


I have spoken many times about women as exhibitionists, to one degree or another. To me, it’s certainly part of foreplay. If I’m going to have sex, whether it’s with my husband, or ANother, I like to do the unwrapping. Standing a few feet away, unzipping my dress…………………… A real turn-on for me. I remember as a young girl. I’d be 12, or 13. I’d just started growing breasts and I had nice curvy hips. I’d started growing pubic hair and had a lovely dark triangle. I’d already started to get sensations between my legs and touched myself in bed, but hadn’t yet started to finger myself properly. I rem… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mrsrobinsonx 3 年 前 56

Volunteer wanted

Iv a massive lump of clay leftover My lockdown creations were a bit of a flop Hope you won't let me down I'm looking for a penis model A bit like a hand model (But no touching of course) So if your big strong & hard Inbox me I want to make a clay penis Haven't seen a real one for almost a year Over 25's only… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 3 年 前 6


It’s raining I’m bored horny and all alone. It’s England it rains alot Playing with my toys buzzzzzzz buzzzzzz buzzing against my clit buzz buzzzz almost ready to climax but I can’t quite get there. Buzz buzzzz buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz my vibrating clit stimulators so loud I didn’t hear you let yourself in You creep up the stairs I don’t even notice. The door slides open makes me jump. Hi I’m a little embarrassed drop my toy and quickly cover myself with the duvet. Hi how was your day.. it’s early no work left early I wanted to see you. no no you carry on I want to watch. I slide my toy o… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 4 年 前 1


That chilly transition summer into winter leaves changing colours magnificent orangey terracottas and light browns fill the sky Then the leaves fall to the floor But the beautiful bright sunshine still burns through the trees You’ve been working from Home tap taping away at your lap top all morning Zoom calls and 3000 emails Feeling a little chilli you opted for a ready meal spaghetti bolognese Your longing for some real sun inbetween work calls and emails Your mind wonders off to a sunny vacation You wash the last of your lunch down with a glass of wine And start gazing over… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 4 年 前 2

Sex on the beach

I need cheering up. I want to go on holiday like loads of chubby guys dancing naked wearing nothing but ? bananas would be very entertaining Unlike the time I went on holiday first day on the most beautiful beach with golden sands and brought a bunch of bananas for £20 the banana man was very pleased to see me the next day Lazily sitting on my deck chair hay lady you want banana ? No thanks you want to go for swimming and sex. ? Ahhhhhhhhhhh run… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LovelyCoconuts 4 年 前 2

Gartenfest mit Orgasmus / Nr. 4

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发表者 karin46 5 年 前