Reality CHECK

I don't care who you voted for, at all!!! But this... this is what bothers me so badly.....I keep seeing people post on how they are terrified, or scared? Well.. what are you scared of exactly? War? Because that's happening. School shootings? Because that's happening. Pipeline? That's been happening. Terrorism? Definitely alive and well. Going broke due to health insurance? Mm yes. Corruption throughout the system? Already there. Police officers being murdered? Yep, that's happening. Bullying? Check. Loss of jobs? We've got that on lock. A tanking economy. Yep. Being discriminated against for… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 2 年 前 5

One of my long term goal/ fantasies

Well not sure if I have shared this here but for a long time I have wanted to have a few 24/7 submissive / slave pets . Here is part of what I want to happen. The first woman aka the prime bitch will be the girl I am currently with off and on . She will be the only one to wear clothing while at home in my presence the other women will be naked 24/7 while at home they will have zero privacy they will sleep either in my bed when premited / they earn that or in cages inside my sex room. The room will have cameras that strem to a live feed to my phone or a dvr for reveiwing . They all even the p… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 2 年 前 2

Norse Proverbs

In thy home be joyous and generous to guests discreet shalt thou be in thy bearing.Where you recognise evil, speak out against it, and give no truces to your enemies.The foolish man thinks he will live forever if he keeps away from fighting; but old age won’t grant him a truce, even if the spears do.From his weapons on the open road, no man should step one pace away.#norseproverbs… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前

Message to so called femdoms messaging random guys

Do you so called femdoms not Read peoples Profiles before shooting off messages? First off a opening message talking about how you want them to submit to you is disrepectful. Secondly Not property introduceing yourself is also a sign of disrepect. Hello My name is Asher no I have 0 interest in submiting to anyone let alone someone with 0 respect for others or common rules in BD/SM . If you can not show respect in a message how am I to trust you will respect the boundries of a Submissive and their limits . I am the type of male dom that would gladly teach you the rules and your proper place… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 7

Ten things Christians stole from Pagans

Ten things Christians stole from Pagans 1 Jesus Jesus and all the events of his life were copied from numerous Pagan stories. The timing, significance and manner of his death, resurrection and birth were taken from the gods Attis, Orpheus, Heracles, Mithra and Dionysus. Even his titles, such as “the Lamb of God” were taken from previous material. All of his miracles were common tricks of Pagans before his time as well. Attis was crucified 200 years before Jesus supposedly was. 2 Virgin birth Pagan sun gods and harvest gods were traditionally born of virgins, often a virgin temple priestess...… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 2

Well Dexter is back

So this will be my breif review of Dexter New Blood ep 1 . I liked the old show ton and tons infact it made a large impact on me . Showed me some insight about my own nature . Mostly the Sociepath stunted emotionally person I am . I am still fully sorting out my thoughts on the new Dexter breifly I liked the first ep of season 9 . His first kill in 10 or so years hit me like a frate train . Time will tell if this will be the season to help fix the damage that seaon 8 closed on . If you liked the old show check this one out might be something you enjoy as well… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 1

Brief Review of Halloween Kills

Okay If you are a fan of how gory Rob Zombie Halloween was then Halloween Kills will likely apeal to you ... Its Brutal Myers is less a man but a unthinking violent force of nature he is the fear that lurks in us all. Destructive Lingering never Dying. Watch it Losers watched on Peacock tonight going to see in Theaters tomorrow… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前

New tattoo plans

Well I aam planing on getting 2 new Tattoos in next few weeks to mark my birthday . One is gonna be a thor's hammer left inner wrist area the other is Saying I want on my right inner wrist Fueled by Caffiene and Anger in like a circle badge thing with chemical symbol for caffiene in the center .… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前

My side of a convo with a dark skin friend

My side of a convo with a dark skin friend ABOUT covid vax crappy mandates he thinks black are the only target of the plan ..... My atempt to shed light . I can only show you the path to a truth you must walk it yourself . Blacks in current year are not the target entirely its us common middle class people just trying to survive of any race. The athroiterians of the left they know they already own you black folks via genertions of welfare drivng fathers from the home so youglings have 0 positive male role models in their live so the idolize gangbangers criminal and d**g dealers . They wanna fr… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 3

tongue and cheek practical rules

Never believe what you are told. Double check Best way to keep a secret. Keep it to yourself. Second-best, tell one other person if you must. There is no third best. You don’t waste good. Whatever it is, if something is good, don’t waste it. Never say you’re sorry. Always be specific when you lie Never take anything for granted. Never go anywhere without a knife. When the job is done, walk away Never date a co-worker Bend the line, don’t break it If someone thinks he has the upper hand, break it It’s better to seek forgiveness than ask permission Never mess with a Man's coffee if you… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 3

Hypocrites on the medical choices of others

I find it funny how thoose who champion so called pro choice talking points on abortion issues but fall slient when it comes to mandated vaccines and masks you who do this hold hypocritical views . My body my choice well okay that can and should extend to any and all medical choices be that abortions (no matter how immoral I find it) Or even masks or Vaccines (no matter how immoral you find my medical choice) At this point if you wanna kill every c***d you get pregant with fine I do not like it but your choice I guess, Just like you should be fine with me making the medical choice to not mask… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 10

Time to piss off the ethot whores on here

Time to piss some people off I accept my poor choices, something you leftists and women have a hard time doing. It is not a conspiracy its just part of female nature. Hypergamy is part of how females of our species evolved seeking out males with the most resources so offspring has the best chance at survival perfectly reasonable 200 years ago.... Now we have socially evolved past it but women still do seek out men with more resources than herself so she can leech off them. Now yall just expect him to provide for you while you offer next to nothing in return save for grief / drama and sometimes… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 4

I stopped trusting them at the begining

ME: CDC, should I get poke if I already had Covid? CDC: “Yes, you should be poked regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.” ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does poke-induced immunity last? CDC: “There is still a lot we are learning about COVID-19 pokes and CDC is constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are poked.” ME: Okay … but wait a second. I th… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 3

Funny thing happened

I was recently called a Toliet paper and ammo hording asshole also anti vax .... Let me break this down as I find it stupid to not to have at min 6 months of goods to survive a grid / supply chain break down . If you can buy some extra goods each shopping trip do it while you can afford to each person and or family are typically 2 meals away from chaos .... Also most Americans are 2 pay checks away from poverty / homelessness neither will reap good outcomes if they happen. So yes I have tons of ammo crates and other items ... On the anti vaxer claim no I am not anti vaccine I am however anti m… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 2

So today is the day 8/21/21

2 of my closest Friends are getting married today People we all know have asked me when myself and GF are going to get hitched well legally never gonna happen as I do not want to do so as a man marriage makes little sense to me but so do conscepts of romantic love make little sense to me in the moderen world. There are 6 types of love coming from greek concepts Eros, or sexual passion. ... Philia, or deep friendship. ... Ludus, or playful love. ... Agape, or love for everyone. ... Pragma, or longstanding love. ... Philautia, or love of the self. I often find myself in phases of Eros and or Phi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 3

Long and detailed Political theories list Yes this is 2 hours long I fall in different theoretical camps depending on the topic and my mood if I am honest. At my core Libertarianism ideas of voluntarism and Minarchism make the most sense like do not order me what to do . Maybe explain why your idea is best and if I agree to it cool if not keep on packing. I am pro preserving the enviorment to some extent but not to levels of baning cars or jets. Deforestation is bad but also people need more land tolive and farm on as well as companies need to expand at times its complicated . Vertical far… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前

Forced vaccination is here

Well New York went and did it ... They have severly crossed a line with mandating a unapproved vaccine to continue with living ones life . They are going to demand you prove vaccine Status to enter any public space . Soon other far left States and Federal Government of America will follow suit. Sadly my hope for the sheep waking up is gone . People will comply they will bend their knee to further control of their lives they will allow government to mandate they take a non approved vaccine just to return to nomal life. But the more you bend the knee the more they will demand . I never thought I… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 11

110 QUESTIONS THING get to know me a bit

1: Are you ready for 110 questions? Sure 2: Was your last friendship a mistake? Yes 3: Do you miss your last relationship?Hell No 4: Who did you last say i love you to? one of my dogs 5: Do you regret it? No 6: Have you ever been depressed? Yes a lot of the time 7: Are you a boy or girl? man 8: Are you insecure? more than I will ever admit to 9: What is your relationship status? Confirmed Bachelor 10: How do you want to die? Doing something crazy 11: What did you last eat? Steak 12: Have you played any sports? yes 13: Do you bite your nails? Yes 14: Want /Do you have a tattoos? Yes 6 1… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 3

Why I still Say I back Trump/ Trumpism

Donald J Trump for all of his faults/ failings is something Special something The establishment both hates and Fears . Trump is not far right nor is he the Traditional Christian Conservative that many like myself hated during the W Bush Years and before. Donald Trump was is and will always be a outsider Shock to the system . He spoke his mind he hated most of the elites even though many would consider him one . He was a outsider even though he went to all the parties and ivy league schools. Trump has a big ego he wants the people to love him. .... I have met him in passing once he did not act… 阅读更多内容

发表者 asher86 3 年 前 1