My Knife get list ones with * next to them I already have or have ordered just waiting on arrival Spyderco Ikuchi* ZT 0055* Spyderco Shaman Cold Steel AD15 Spyderco Caribbean ZT 0223 Spyderco Amalgam ZT0640 Spyderco Tropen* Benchmade Proxy Spyderco Smock * Benchmade Fact Spyderco Hanan Emerson Seax Spyderco Advocate* Gerber Flat iron Spyderco Kapara CRKT provoke * Spyderco Subvert CRKT Homefront Spyderco Chinook 4 CRKT deadbolt Clever Girl Spyderco Bradley folder 2 Cold Steel Counter Point Xl Spyderco Opus Cold Steel Broken Skull Spyderco Brouwer Cold Steel Voyager Xl Vaquero Spyderco Qball Sp… 阅读更多内容
Why I am where I am
Why do I succeed, I succeed because I am willing to do the things you are not, I thrive on hard work .I will fight against the odds.I will sacrifice. I am not shackled by fear,insecurity or doubt.I feel those emotions.Drink them in and then swallow them away to the blackness of hell.I am motivated by accomplishment, not pride.Pride consumes the weak , kills their heart from with in. If I fall I will get up.If I am beaten I will return.I will never stop getting better. I will never give up ,ever. Nothing worth having is given without putting the work in . That is why I succeed… 阅读更多内容
Just Some Ramblings
Just so we're clear I am not a Conservative or Republican nor a Democrat/ Socialist . I am a Right leaning Minarchist Libertarian. I think both parties can be very much wrong on certain things . I am a guy who believes in individual freedom . All d**gs should be decriminalized most if not all entitlement programs ie welfare SSI and or ebt should be abolished the poor and disabled would be more cost effectively helped via private charities inside communities not at a federal or State level. Taxes should be cut across the board for all private citizens . Tax loopholes for corporations should be… 阅读更多内容
Words of wisdom from a MGTOW
A word of advice to men sticking your dick in crazy is fun in the short term but remember crazy is unpredictable and could claim **** on you or try and castrate you . Make sure crazy never knows your real name or address and put lots of distance between you and crazy once done fucking… 阅读更多内容
Something I wrote in 2016 after Trump Won
Okay now that I am done Gloating for the night anyway Wanna write something out to everyone even them leftist I am no fans of ...... Settle in this is gonna be a long one Nobody is about to come get you because Trump is now president elect Le'ts look at a few topics from a ......................RATIONAL POV. RPOV is that thing where you figure out what's likely to happen instead of look for reasons to go ape shit. I read stories of people getting teary-eyed and stroking the hair of their c***dren like the Nazis are coming and there's just no hope might want to see somebody about tha… 阅读更多内容
Those are the rules
Rule #1 You cannot judge women by your own standards. Women do not exercise logic and linear thinking. They interpret reality through intuition and emotion. As an example women do not have any intention of showing up exactly when expected, but they will show up ‘fashionably late’ because it feels more socially acceptable to them and helps them paint a better picture of themselves to others. How their image appears to others, trumps everything. It is their form of politics. Rule #2 Women always appear to lie because their reality isn’t based on what happened via the primary senses which are vi… 阅读更多内容
How Privileged Women Really Are.Yes I am a Asshole
All I keep hearing from society is how terrible men,MRAs /MGTOW are and how oppressed women really are. So here is a checklist of how privileged women really are. The female Privilege Checklist 1) People are likely to assume I am a warm and empathetic person. 2) People are likely to assist me when I must perform a physically arduous task. 3) If my car breaks down or I am otherwise in distress, people will be more likely to stop and help me. 4) If I am being physically assaulted, no matter the gender of my assailant, it is more likely that passersby will intervene. 5) People are likely to assum… 阅读更多内容
My Response to the Liberal Rage against Trump
First off Trump is not a Nazi nor is he a White Nationalist he is not Racist nor is he a Fascist. Further more most of his supporters are not Nazi's Fascists White nationalists or even racists we are however about making things in our country America first again . Antifa are in fact Racist they use Fascist tactics and v******e to shut other people down . All of you so called liberals you are wrong for demanding Trump being removed from office leftist like antifa are how Trump is gonna win 2020 if he runs. I am sorry but you Outrage Warriors in your Pjs and masks have lost the plot. I would rat… 阅读更多内容
List of my kinks
Into: sex in the kitchen (everything to do with it), "a knife? are you flirting with me?" (everything to do with it), "a towel won't cut it; get a tarp", "and i'm bringing hell with me", "cum to my dark side, i have pie!" (everything to do with it), "deviant things we can't put in a list", "don't underestimate the things i will do" (everything to do with it), "don't you dare cum without my permission", "get out of bed & make me some coffee", "go ahead and scream. nobody cares here.", "good girl. now suck your cum off my cock" (giving), "good morning" blow jobs (receiving), "hold're… 阅读更多内容
My opinions
You know what I am sick of holding my tongue and not fully speaking my mind. I am straight up done hiding my true feelings on stuff. Here are my opinions to be fully honest I don't care If I lose friends over it . I think white women should not date black men or white men date black women. I think that if a c***d is born with a serious defect ie mental or physical that they should be kept from reproducing. I think that the government is usually out to get the little people and help big business. I think that 90% of the laws in the us are bullshit I also think that feminists do not want to… 阅读更多内容
This Idea has to have a market
Well the idea has come across between me and a friend that Medieval or victorian torture porn should be made. I wanna gage how many of the people on my list would be into seeing in even if they had to pay a small monthly fee for videos and picture maybe stories to still kicking this idea around tell me what you think .… 阅读更多内容
My thoughts on Government vs Anarchy
Anarchy is seems like a less corrupt system then we currently have in place . If and only if we could get rid of the lobbyists and the central banking system and have a true and free society were everyone has a equal chance at a better life will government work.I am also against the government telling us what we are allowed to put in our own body as long as me smoking a plant or taking certain mind altering substances hurts no one around me why should such things get me locked in a cage I hurt no one to acquire such things nor while on them . I understand not everyone is the same as me in that… 阅读更多内容