Who wants to pNp parTy and play this weekend? I know I do! Hit me up here and we'll make iT happen!… 阅读更多内容
Yesterday I was on youtube and I pulled up a song from a group called HINDER called LIPS OF AN ANGEL. For those that have never heard the song, here's the video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiSfTyrvJlg basically its a song about a guy who broke up with a girl, he's got a new girlfriend now, the old ex calls and he's basically still heartbroken over her and feeling for her a little while the new girlfriend is in the next room. I browsed the comments and one of the top comments was "no one wants to be the girl in the next room" (meaning the new girlfriend who has no clue her man is s… 阅读更多内容
So i opened up my xhamster profile and saw this bnbn0202 commented my profile .,.,.,,im burak , why ignore my invinite why ? dishonest racist male adversary stupid hater mental paitent motherfucker poor jerk brainless ! i will **** you , i will cut your head ! i will kill you , i will destroy your all family ! DUDE..you signed up three hours ago and i just woke up and checked my messages....whats your damage? This is the second time that i have had random messages and comments sent to me that make no sense. How can I be a racist? Where exactly on my profile is anything posted th… 阅读更多内容
Diving,the homeless, cam show improvements and oth
VERY VERY VERY VERY busy day for me. My day started at 3 am when I went out dumpster diving. Yes, that's right, I dumpster dive. I go out and look for things I can use that other people throw out. Clothes, shoes, food. To say that I find more then I need is an understatement. This mornings super haul was amazing. I estimate that I pulled out over a hundred dollars worth of food from the trash.Before any person dares to say "ewww...disgusting!" Hey..don't knock it till you try it. I take stuff that I know is safe...dried pasta, beans, rice..things that cant possibly be rotten or… 阅读更多内容
WORDS. Words are powerful. They can hurt. They can heal. They can inspire a soul to greatness or keep it from achieving greatness. or, they can conceal true intention and meaning if the wrong words are said either by accident or purpose. Right now, at this moment, there are people saying the wrong words to another person.The words " I love you" are some of the most powerful and most sought-after words in any language. Those three words are most beloved...most cherished..and I'm sorry to say some of the more unsavory and predatory people in this world know that and use those words to… 阅读更多内容
This is information that MUST be known for the sake of knowing what you are talking to when you are talk to me. AGE 46 SEXUAL BACKGROUND/HISTORY/EXPERIANCE 22 plus years spent in the adult industry. Previous jobs include phone sex operator, adult movie actress,stripper,whore..in short,a professional dirty tart. Has extensive knowledge and experiance of many sexual arts and techniques. Can easily and naturally adjust,understand and be open minded to the needs and wants of any partner. Has studied the art of karma sutra, light to wild sensual techniques and teachings,bdsm and is constan… 阅读更多内容