You know youre a crossdresser Julia Kat as shes nothing better to do while the cameras are all charging.... Its been a while since I wrote anything,but a recent oops led me to thinking about our weird and wonderful world of crossdressing,and how it sometimes leads to some oops moments amongst other things hehe. For example,recently summer arrived here in Yorkshire,and like Ive always said,it was a Thursday.And you thought I was joking. It was actually 40 degrees C today!Yikes. Awful.We had fires all over the place,Barnsley was on fire,but I thought isnt it always?!The police were… 阅读更多内容
All the things weve heard
Truth isnt always stranger than fiction. More finger vomit from yours truly Julia Kat. "if Im purring Im happy". I was reading through my comments the other day,when xham allowed me in for a change instead of the usual 503 welcome when Ive been locked out again (Im guessing we are in for a cull again),and I read a comment that was so erotic,so well written and well just so hot that I had to give myself a treat. .....and then another. But that was it as I had torn my minidress again on the stupid chair so its out with the sewing box again. Well that post got me thinking....yes I do think som… 阅读更多内容
The Ritual
The Ritual. Another waffle on by Julia Kat. Iya.Ah zit gu in?Yo reyt?Bi tayters innit. Just a bit of Yorkshire language for you there for my fellow Yorkshire gurls.Roughly translated in English that would be "hello". Oh yessssss anyway,yes,this ritual we have,a ritual it is indeed,and a fantastic wonderful bliss filled one at that. For once Im being serious,which means I will come out in a rash or something later.Probably.Maybe.Dont worry I cant be serious for long so it wont last. But yes,the ritual....... As you know us Cd/tvs do have a packed life to say the least,but what you may not know… 阅读更多内容
Whats in a name?
Names by which we are known. Im supposed to be writing about something else but Ive forgot what.Anyone whos seen my 'blonde moment' video will not be suprised at all.But at least you can say you once saw a tranny have a brain hemorage live on cam,and not many get to say that do they. So instead this popped into my head- We are known by lots of names we cd's.It got me thinking back to all the names Ive been known as over the years.Some nice,some not so nice,so will leave the not so nice alone. Generally we are known as crossdressers.Or is it transvestites? I still dont know the difference bet… 阅读更多内容
The dark side of crossdressing
The dark side of crossdressing by Julia Kat. A light hearted look at the darker side to our lives,no doubt with some northern humour and general sillyness.... Im sure everyone whos not a crossdresser thinks our world is all tiaras butt plugs and getting blowbanged in the pub toilets. Well its not New Years Eve fancy dress party every day you know! No,shocking as it may be it really isnt all lingerie constant cock and kinky boots,there is a dark side to all of this too.Yes it can look all glamourous,yes its fantastic,yes we are the luckiest of all the pervs,yes we get two lives to live,be two… 阅读更多内容
How to look your girly best over the years to look your girly best over the years..... Ages 1-5 years. Getting your sticky little paws on your mothers high heels and a smile. Ages 5-15 years. Getting your sticky little paws on your sisters clothes. Ages 15-25 years. Getting your paws on your girlfriends clothes and a little mascara. Ages 25-35 years. Getting your paws on your wifes clothes,mascara and bit of lippy. Ages 35-45 years. Getting your paws on your wifes clothes,mascara,lippy foundation and blusher. Ages 45-55 years. Getting your paws on your ex wifes clothes,,masacara,lippy,foundation,blusher,eyeshadow… 阅读更多内容
Ignorance is bliss
Well my male best friend of over 50 years now popped over for his usual Sunday moan about the missis which makes me want to cut my own ears off sometimes. While I had him here I got him to measure me for my new E mtb so I know what frame size to get. Now remember my life long dream of becoming a tall gorgeous showgirl?I think is safe to forget that one now. As we did it properly,I took my boots off (hes used to me being in a dress or whatever mental thing Ive got on) and stood up against the door frame.He slid a book down the frame onto the top of my head so we have the right angle to get a tr… 阅读更多内容
Crossdressing,some facts
Crossdressing.Crossdresser. What is it,who are they,is it wrong and more questions answered.....and by the way Im missing Strictly to do this! Anyway these are the things Im going to try and address,as there is no end of crap out there on the internet about this very subject,so Im going to try and transmit some truth back into the matrix. Ive studied this subject since I was 6 years old and I first wore girl clothes and sexually active since 9,Im now 57,so I think that qualifies me a little,enough to rant on I hope. Ive always tried to go back in history as far as I can to get at the facts,t… 阅读更多内容
Final part of my crossdressing story
I think this is the last part of my yawnfest.Its funny how the first twenty years has three parts and the next thirty years just one lol.There really is nothing to grow old for. Anyway Im 57 in a couple of months,and its fun sometimes to look back on some of the daft things Ive done.You never regret them,its always the things you didnt you that you regret. Where did we leave off....oh yeah,had just finished it with M,my first girly boyfriend.It wasnt easy,heartbreaking actually,it couldve been so much more,it couldve been everything I had ever wanted,and him too. Oh well. Ofcourse I chucked al… 阅读更多内容
Part three of my crossdressing story...
Sooooooooo where did we leave off....broken hearted and homeless....again.Dont worry it would happen again.For now though..... First was the year of hell as I called it,yes I am a tad overly dramatic at times,I get that from my Nan,she was an artist so could get away with it,I cant lol. For some weird reason I blamed my crossdressing on the breakup with my first girlfriend,I dont know why.I think its becouse she had gone off with some normal bloke,so normal and boring,and I wasnt. Again I had decided to pack in crossdressing as clearly that was to blame.It wasnt,I just thought that at the time… 阅读更多内容
Part two of my crossdressing-my teen years
Soooooooo where did we leave off.....oh yeah hav just run away from home at 14.... Yes it seemed a good idea at the time,I should have that on my gravestone!As some will know,being homeless isnt as glamorous as they make out,starving is a strange feeling,nothing like being hungry,wondering where you next meal will come from,will there be another meal even,waking up by having your head kicked in by nobheads,having petrol thrown on you trying to set you on fire simply becouse youre homeless,being woken up by rats knawing on you becouse they think youre garbage,yes not at all glamorous. You do gr… 阅读更多内容
The story of my crossdressing pt1
I was born.... and the Vietnam war broke out.Nothing to do with me,just a horrible coincidence,but at least you know how old I am now! Now Im nearly 57 yikes,still almost 5ft 6 the same as pornstar Kate Zoha,size 10,shoe size womens uk size 6 and still a crappy A cup.Ive been crossdressing for 50 years now.A long time. This isnt my life story as thats a yawnfest,this is only the bits about my crossdressing so no need to nod off just yet. So I was born a boy,as aparently "you couldnt miss IT" but looked just like a baby girl,blonde blue eyes and a little chunky.As was customery at the time in Y… 阅读更多内容