Nach längerer Zeit hatte es mich mal wieder nach Dortmund verschlagen und wollte einen Bummel über dortigen Weihnachtsmarkt machen. Ich schlenderte so an den einzelnen Ständen entlang, als ich in einiger Entfernung eine sehr füllige Dame mit ihrem Scooter entlang fahren sah, die auf die Entfernung einige Ähnlichkeit mit Elwira hatte. Man muss vielleicht vorweg schicken, dass ich vor einiger Zeit Elwira und ihren Mann Helge mal zu einem Kaffeetrinken besucht hatte (siehe Geschichte „Elwira“) und dort einen überaus erotischen Nachmittag verbracht hatte. Also beeilte ich mich, durch die Vielza… 阅读更多内容
Liebe hamster- Gemeinde, so sehr ich diese Plattform schätze und liebe: Es nervt mich schon arg, dass in der Such- bzw Datingfunktion in der deutschen Hamstermaske bei der Kategorie Körpertyp mit "mollig" einfach Schluss ist. Ohne selbst betroffen zu sein, finde ich das doch diskriminierend! Schon des öfteren bin ich mittlerweile von Frauen gefragt worden, ob ich Mollige mag; immer wieder muss ich dann darauf hinweisen, dass "mollig" ein Mindestmaß für mich ist, wenn es um körperliche Attraktivität geht (rein subjektiv). Gut, das geht aus meinem Profil eindeutig hervor, aber auch für Frauen… 阅读更多内容
What's going on at XHamster
Deleting stories, disabling the downloading of videos and preventing the uploading of photos as well as the partial deletion of photos and deactivation of videos are probably steps to avoid the consequences of other platforms such as X*Tube and Porn*Hub. As a result of an article in the New York Times on 4 December, VISA and MasterCard terminated their contracts, effectively taking away the basis for their business. In a sudden a… 阅读更多内容
Heinrich Heine
Welcher Frevel, Freund! Abtrünnig Wirst du deiner fetten Hanne, Und du liebst jetzt jene spinnig Dürre, magre Marianne! Läßt man sich vom Fleische locken, Das ist immer noch verzeihlich; Aber Buhlschaft mit den Knochen, Diese Sünde ist abscheulich! Das ist Satans böse Tücke, Er verwirret unsre Sinne: Wir verlassen eine Dicke, Und wir nehmen eine Dünne!… 阅读更多内容
Shooting a big load on her huge belly!
Last night I went to take a shower and before I got in, she walked in wearing her Lycra shorts and nothing else. In her hand was a bottle of lube. I put the toilet lid down and prepared to sit down after pressing my big cock if her huge hard belly. When I sat down, she lifted up her belly and smothered my face with it! She stood sideways and I wrapped one arm under her belly and up the side, felling it's immense girth. I sucked on her tits as she started to moan. I sat back and just admired her enormous belly as I stared to stroke my rock hard cock! I kissed her belly all over and continued to… 阅读更多内容
When did I find out that I was an Fat Admirer &quo
The first time that I knew when I was different from most men in society, was when I first started going through puberty & started to notice Women in a much different light than before. I remember it was in early October of 1972 while I was a Freshman in High School. It was a beautiful day that faithful afternoon when school had let out. I remember the sun was shining, all the trees & yards were still green, with a very slight warm breeze. So like I said school just let out & many of the school buses had not yet arrived, so many of the k**s were standing out in the yard waiting. I was al… 阅读更多内容
How much does your wife weigh?
My wife has put on almost 30 pounds since June and is now at 192. How much does your wife weigh? Comment and let us know.… 阅读更多内容
Fat and Chubby girls that hav small tits...
i think this is a fun topic for discussion: i find it interesting when i see a fat or chubby girl that has small tits in a porn video. it must take a lot more humility for them to expose themselves on video than say a BBW with BIG BOOBS or almost anyone else for that matter. its rare to come across a video that has a fat or chubby girl with small tits coz it must be really humiliating for them... i find it even more interesting to see a girl like that who is overly confident about her body. it intrigues me... they hav a whole different mentality going on. fat or chubby girls with small tits… 阅读更多内容