Herschel Walker, Butcher of Language

The Republican Senate candidate is devastatingly inarticulate. By Charles M. Blow Oct. 15, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/10/15/opinion/15blow1/merlin_214912509_f864fba2-dcda-4746-ba91-e49ea9d69273-superJumbo.jpg I have written that political debates have outgrown their utility, and I stand by that. They are now more about theater than substance. They are more about making moments than making points. The cameras and the commentators wait for the zingers and the flubs, the clippable, quotable passage, the 10 seconds that stand out for their dramatic effect rather than for… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 10


From Today's NYT: "...A long-serving aide to former President Donald J. Trump was captured on security camera footage moving boxes out of a storage room at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s residence in Florida, both before and after the Justice Department issued a subpoena in May demanding the return of all classified documents, according to three people familiar with the matter. The footage showed Walt Nauta, a former military aide who left the White House and then went to work for Mr. Trump at Mar-a-Lago, moving boxes from a storage room that became a focus of the Justice Department’s invest… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 11

The Canaries In Our Cultural Coal Mine

"Teenagers Are Telling Us That Something Is Wrong With America" Adolescents live at the fault lines of a culture, exposing our weak spots. By Jamieson Webster Dr. Webster is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst. Oct. 11, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/10/11/opinion/sunday/11Webster/11Webster-superJumbo.jpg How to build a solid identity on a foundation of shifting sand? We’ve long known that suicide can be contagious without quite understanding how or why. In my practice as a psychoanalyst in New York, I recently worked with a 13-year-old… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 9

Bring On the Women’s Revolutions

A regime that will not give relief to women deserves no relief from sanctions. By Bret Stephens Sept. 27, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/09/29/opinion/27stephens1/27stephens1-superJumbo.jpg Wouldn’t it be fitting if the regimes in Moscow and Tehran — the first defined by a cult of its leader’s machismo, the second by its systemic misogyny — were brought down by protests inspired and led by women? The possibility is no longer remote. The protests that have unfolded throughout Iran since the cruel death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini — accused of violating Iran’s hijab rule, a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 4

Republicans’ Unholy Alliances

"Donald and Herschel: The Unholy Alliance" Republicans sink to a new low in defending Walker. By Maureen Dowd Oct. 8, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/10/08/opinion/08dowdNew1/merlin_195328416_1fe1179f-4d53-4f98-be42-6ef26a466f7e-superJumbo.jpg Herschel Walker squeezing yet another orange pigskin...tight. WASHINGTON — This will sound quaint. In May 2016, The Washington Post ran the story of how Donald Trump, in his real estate days, would call reporters, pretending to be his own spokesman, to brag and leak nuggets about nonexistent romances with famou… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 9

2nd Amendment Gives 1-6ers Nothing

"The Second Amendment Gives No Comfort to Insurrectionists" It is essential to reject the myth that frustrated citizens have a right to raise arms against the government. By Jamie Raskin Sept. 27, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/09/27/opinion/27Raskin-4/27Raskin-4-superJumbo.jpg "We the CREEPle" A farewell to FAKE NEWS 'arms.' Many Republicans in Congress agree with Representative Matt Gaetz that the Second Amendment “is about maintaining within the citizenry the ability to maintain an armed rebellion against the government, if that becomes necessary.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 9

GOP Election Plan: Lie, Cheat & Steal

"This Threat to Democracy Is Hiding in Plain Sight Trump and his allies are trying to take over the machinery of American elections. By The Editorial Board Sept. 23, 2022 https://vp.nyt.com/video/2022/09/23/102584_1_23GOPsteal_wg_mobile_1080p.mp4 Gif: The floor under a voting station being sawed away around it. In the weeks after the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump and his allies were unable to get far in their attempts to prove widespread voter fraud. There were two reasons for that. First, there wasn’t any, as numerous investigations by journalists,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 11

Solo Soulless Saboteurs

Putin and Trump, dragging the world down with them. By Maureen Dowd Sept. 24, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/09/24/opinion/24Dowd-1/24Dowd-1-superJumbo.jpg A sickness in a suit. WASHINGTON — In the internet age, it’s almost impossible to get away with anything. (See: Adam Levine.) And yet, some people still manage to pull off solo flights of destruction worthy of a megalomaniacal supervillain. Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, long entwined, continue on vile parallel paths: They would rather destroy their countries than admit they have lost. They have each… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 23

Granting A Liar Truth

The Inside Joke That Became Trump’s Big Lie The lie that Trump won the 2020 election has grown so powerful because it is yoked to an older deception: the idea that American politics is a joke. By Carlos Lozada Sept. 22, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/09/22/opinion/22lozada/22lozada-superJumbo.jpg Donald Trump’s so-called big lie is not big because of its brazen dishonesty or its widespread influence or its unyielding grip over the Republican Party. It is not even big because of its ambition — to delegitimize a presidency, disenfranchise millions of voters, clap back agai… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 16

How Low Can They Go?

G.O.P. gr~apes of wrath at Martha’s Vineyard. By Maureen Dowd Sept. 17, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/09/15/us/15migrant-stories8/merlin_213219696_1f0dd759-aa8a-460f-a548-64b2522c5b5b-superJumbo.jpg After long, perilous journeys, Venezuelans unexpectedly found themselves on Martha’s Vineyard, wondering what comes next. WASHINGTON — Donald Trump will be remembered for many things. He injected obscenities into The New York Times’s White House coverage. He turned conspiracy theory into Republican orthodoxy. And he cut out the middleman on ugliness, happily do… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 9

How to Argue Well

A former debating champion offers advice for our polarized moment. By Pamela Paul Sept. 11, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/09/11/opinion/11paul-image/11paul-image-superJumbo.jpg Illustration: Two stately marble podia side-by-side, one smashed to pieces. School’s in session. Workers have been summoned back. Campuses are open for protests and counterprotests, invitations and disinvitations. And a nasty round of midterms is upon us. That’s plenty of fodder for argument, and that’s leaving out perennial sources of conflict like who was supposed to load the dish… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 18

The Queen, the Donald, in Same Breath?

"Must We Discuss the Queen and the Donald in the Same Breath?" For one thing, the job of king is already taken. By Gail Collins and Bret Stephens Ms. Collins and Mr. Stephens are opinion columnists. They converse every week. Sept. 12, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/09/12/opinion/12conversation_2/merlin_212909814_debdce5c-1ab4-4630-abf4-98d651d0566d-superJumbo.jpg Fuzzy pink Queenie, stiff fuzzy Bucks, and stiff, pink, fuzzy Charles serves. Gail Collins: Bret, I guess we should begin with the queen. Hey, that’s a change of pace, right… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 3

Charles in Charge

No more women reign over the new king. By Maureen Dowd Sept. 10, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/09/11/opinion/10Dowd/10Dowd-superJumbo.jpg Queen Elizabeth II followed by Princess Diana, the Princess of Wales and Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, arrive for the State Opening of Parliament in London on Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1984. WASHINGTON — His whole life, King Charles has been in the shadow of women with more star power. First, his mother, the queen. Next, his first wife, Diana. Then, in recent years, Meghan Markle, with her breakaway from Buckingham Palace and her… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 4

Biden Is Right to Call Trump Out

"Biden Is Telling You That Trump Is a Threat, and the Proof Is Everywhere" Trump is the chosen candidate of reactionary billionaires and fanatical opponents of racial and gender equality for a reason. By Jamelle Bouie Sept. 9, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/09/09/opinion/09bouie-1/09bouie-1-superJumbo.jpg Speaking truth to Trump. President Biden is right. The so-called MAGA movement, led by Donald Trump, is a direct threat to democratic self-government in the United States. “Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal,” as Biden… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 4

Live by the Trump, Die by the Trump

Republicans’ amoral alliance with the former president may well be a midterms curse. By Frank Bruni Sept. 8, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/09/08/opinion/08bruni-image/08bruni-image-superJumbo.jpg Democrats were doomed. We prediction-mad pundits felt predictable certainty about that. The recent history of midterm elections augured disaster for the party in power. Inflation would make the damage that much worse. So why are Republicans sweating? Their overreach on abortion and the subsequent mobilization of women voters explain a great deal but not everything. There’s ano… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 13

The G.O.P.'s Contempt for the Rules

"Republicans Are Showing Contempt for the Rules" The party is turning against a political commitment to fairness. By Jamelle Bouie Sept. 3, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/09/03/opinion/03bouie-newsletter-1/merlin_184385691_d96220a2-6783-41f6-9728-db2577b773c9-superJumbo.jpg One of the recurring points I make in my column is that the Republican Party, from the most junior state lawmaker to senators in Washington, has turned against many of the hallmarks of a functional political system, including a commitment to fairness and following the process. There are almost… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 16

Record Breaking Baseball Card

"Baseball Card Sold for $12.6 Million, Breaking Record" The 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle baseball card is the most valuable piece of sports memorabilia ever to be sold at auction. By Livia Albeck-Ripka Aug. 28, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/08/28/multimedia/28xp-baseball-top/28xp-baseball-top-superJumbo.jpg A Mickey Mantle baseball card displayed at Heritage Auctions in July. A mint condition Mickey Mantle baseball card became the most valuable piece of sports memorabilia to be sold at auction, notching $12.6 million early Sunday morning. The card, issued by… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 6

Your Social Life Is Not What It Should Be

You’ll enjoy talking to strangers a lot more than you think you will. By David Brooks Aug. 25, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/08/25/opinion/25brooks/merlin_208864107_1bd37d5f-77af-4c43-a049-5097f9fcd2b8-superJumbo.jpg These days 'strangers on a train' are more Sartre than Hitchcock. One day Nicholas Epley was commuting by train to his office at the University of Chicago. As a behavioral scientist he’s well aware that social connection makes us happier, healthier and more successful and generally contributes to the sweetness of life. Yet he looked around his train c… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 17

On Being a 'Good Ancestor'

PBS NewsHour: A Brief But Spectacular take on being a good ancestor "I hope that humans will realize that we are of this Earth. We only get this one." By Camille Seaman Aug. 4, 2022 https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4cfa688eeb777ec584dede/a9a3d101-1f16-45e6-9409-7d671d4694f9/RX404438.jpg?format=2500w Tabular Iceberg at Dawn on the Solstice in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica 22 DEC 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A9FLtaHJYg ~ PBS NewsHour "Brief But Spectacular" program segment link (3:09} TEXT: Judy Woodruff: Camill… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 12

The Dawning of the Surveilled World

"We’re About to Find Out What Happens When Privacy Is All but Gone" How Americans woke up to the reality of digital life in 2022. By Alex Kingsbury Mr. Kingsbury is a member of the editorial board. Aug. 23, 2022 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/08/24/opinion/23kingsbury/23kingsbury-superJumbo.jpg The mouse that lured. Whenever I see one of those billboards that read: “Privacy. That’s iPhone,” I’m overcome by the urge to cast my own iPhone into a river. Of lava. That’s not because the iPhone is any better or worse than other smartphones when it come… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Olive8 2 年 前 17