In his latest con, the former president dons his trusty cloak of victimhood to gin up anti-government anxiety. By Michelle Cottle Aug. 23, 2022 Clueless MAGA protesters outside F.B.I. offices in Chelsea, Mass., on Sunday. If there’s one thing a top-notch grifter knows how to do, it’s exploit a crisis. So it is that Donald Trump has transformed the F.B.I.’s search of his Mar-a-Lago home from a potentially debilitating scandal into a political bonanza — one that threatens to further divide a twi… 阅读更多内容
Two Real Americans & AINO-Trump
"The Biden Comeback. The Mar-a-Lago Blowback. The Cheney Takedown. Where Do We Start?" With Trump, the line between the shambolic and the sinister is often blurred. By Gail Collins and Bret Stephens Aug. 22, 2022 Gail Collins: Welcome back from your trip to Greenland, Bret. Dying to hear your impressions. Was it beautiful? Was it … melting? Bret Stephens: Greenland is a bit like a James Joyce novel:… 阅读更多内容
Garland Can’t Afford to Miss
After the Russiagate experience, there’s no room for bumbling or overreaching. By Ross Douthat Aug. 20, 2022 Black Trump silhouette from behind lit in the headlights. The two weeks since the F.B.I. descended on Mar-a-Lago have felt remarkably familiar. It’s not just that Donald Trump is dominating headlines once again; it’s that all the hits of 2017 and 2018 are being played again: legal experts cobbling together complex theories out of fragmentary informa… 阅读更多内容
Republicans Are America’s Problem
Instead of running away from their bigotries, intolerances and oppression, they unapologetically embraced them. By Charles M. Blow Aug. 17, 2022 I believe that to a large degree, Republicans’ radicalization is willful. Tuesday’s primary in Wyoming delivered Liz Cheney a resounding defeat. She is one of the few Republicans in Congress willing to resist Donald Trump’s election lies, and Republican voters punished her for it. First, let me say, I have no intention of contributing to the hagiography of… 阅读更多内容
Trump Sics the G.O.P. on the F.B.I.
Turning the tables, Trump is Elliot Mess. By Maureen Dowd Aug. 13, 2022 WASHINGTON — It was inevitable that the Scofflaw and the Law would clash. Still, it is one of the most bizarre loop de loops in Donald Trump’s dark, crazy reign over Republicans that he turned a party that was pro-law and order and anti-Evil Empire into a party that trashes the F.B.I. and embraces Vladimir Putin. It is the greatest con of the centur… 阅读更多内容
Republicans: The Anti-Democracy Party
"The Republican Party Is the Anti-Democracy Party" Republicans are attacking the electoral process at every level to realize their goals. By Charles M. Blow Aug. 3, 2022 Voter registration was offered unironically at CPAC this year. The word “democracy” never appears in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. However, democracy is central to the modern concept of America. The founders seemed to prefer calling the burgeoning country a Republic rather than a democracy.… 阅读更多内容
How to Find Out Who You Are
Don’t just try to look inward. By David Brooks July 28, 2022 Father David warns that, if you're only looking inside yourself for your one true identity, look out! The worst advice you can give to people trying to find themselves is to look within. That presumes a person is like an onion, with layers of social selves to peel off to get closer and closer to the inner core, the true self. The idea is that if you sit in a room with yourself and focus on yourself, you will get in touch with t… 阅读更多内容
MAGA Doesn’t Care About Cops
Trump pitched himself as pro-police, but when his mob stormed the Capitol, he fell silent. By Charles M. Blow July 27, 2022 Civilizations require rules because they require order. These rules must be accepted and obeyed. But, invariably, as humans do, some people will break the rules. Civilizations, therefore, need some mechanism to deal with the rule breakers so that the society doesn’t descend into chaos and rule breaking isn’t rewarded. In a system of accountability and consequences… 阅读更多内容
Our Leaderless Free World
Biden seems to be mastering the trick of turning lemonade into lemons. By Bret Stephens July 26, 2022 The central fact about the democratic world today is that it is leaderless. Twenty-five years ago, we had the confident presences of Bill Clinton, Helmut Kohl and Tony Blair — and Alan Greenspan. Now we have a failing American president, a timorous German chancellor, a British prime minister about to skulk out of office in ignominy and a chairman of the Federal Reserve who last… 阅读更多内容
The Dystopian Myths of Red America
The Big Lie about the election is embedded in an even bigger lie. By Paul Krugman July 25. 2022 Desensitization is an amazing thing. At this point most political observers simply accept it as a fact of life that an overwhelming majority of Republicans accept the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen — a claim with nothing to support it, not even plausible anecdotes. What I don’t think is fully appreciated, however, is that the Big Lie is embedded in… 阅读更多内容
We Can’t Afford Not to Prosecute Trump
He will never willingly walk away from the presidency. It was the greatest grift of his life. By Charles M. Blow July 24. 2022 We all learn from failure. Our mistakes become the bridge to our successes, teaching us what works and what doesn’t, so that the next time we muster the will to try, we’ll succeed. But nefarious actors can also learn from failure. And that, unfortunately, is where we find ourselves with Donald Trump. His entire fora… 阅读更多内容
Irish Eyes Aren’t Smiling
A nation once in the grip of religious extremism sadly watches America’s lurch to the right on abortion. By Maureen Dowd July 16, 2022 Demonstrators outside Stormont where the Northern Ireland Assembly met for the first time in three years, to discuss the extension of abortion rights in the country, at Stormont, Belfast on 21st November 2019. GALWAY, Ireland — I came to Ireland four years ago to cover the searing story of the Scarlet Letter in the Emerald Isle. Back then, Ireland had… 阅读更多内容
Crooked Trump Aimed to 'Cop the Steal'
Leaked Audio: Before Election Day, Bannon Said Trump Planned to Falsely Claim Victory “That’s our strategy. He’s gonna declare himself a winner.” By Dan Friedman July 12, 2022 On a 1:28 secret recording, chief strategist Steve Bannon reveals Donald Trump's criminal intent. On the evening of October 31, 2020, Steve Bannon told a group of associates that President Donald Trump had a plan to declare victory on election night—even if he was losing. Trump knew… 阅读更多内容
Get Ready for More Turmoil
"Americans Are Hungry for Change, So Get Ready for More Turmoil" Think outsider and unconventional. By David Brooks July 14, 2022 I’d like you to consider the possibility that the political changes that have rocked this country over the past six years will be nothing compared with the changes that will rock it over the next six. I’d like you to consider the possibility that we’re in some sort of prerevolutionary period — the kind of moment that often gives birth to something sh… 阅读更多内容
Trump: A Brat, but Not a Child
Trump should not escape responsibility for his self-imposed ignorance. By Charles M. Blow July 13, 2022 The day SUBVERT-1 landed on earth, he won the Cosmic Jackpot of unimaginable riches and privilege far beyond his actual intrinsic human worth. Rather than conduct himself with any sense of genuine gratitude for his outrageous outsized good fortune, his entire criminal sociopathic life has been an endless corrosive cycle-after-cycle of imagi… 阅读更多内容
How to Be Ghosted
TIP Let go of your desire for an explanation. It helps to seek connection elsewhere. By Malia Wollan July 13, 2022 “You don’t have the control in this situation,” says Gili Freedman, an assistant professor of psychology at St. Mary’s College in Maryland who studies social rejection. In the past few years she has become particularly interested in “ghosting,” a method of ending a relationship by ceasing all forms of communication and simply vanishing — like a ghost. Humans, of course,… 阅读更多内容
Gawking in Awe at the Universe
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope images are extraordinary. By Shannon Stirone July 12, 2022 The edge of a nearby, young, star-forming region in the Carina Nebula. Captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, this image reveals for the first time previously invisible areas of star birth. In contrast, Hubble's mosaic image of the Carina Nebula assembl… 阅读更多内容
A First Peek Into a Long-Ago Universe
"Biden and NASA Share First Webb Space Telescope Image" From the White House on Monday, humanity got its first glimpse of what the observatory in space has been seeing: a cluster of early galaxies. By Dennis Overbye, Kenneth Chang and Jim Tankersley July 11, 2022 The Webb telescope’s image of the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723* includes thousands of galaxies, including the faintest objects ever observed in infrared. The light from SMACS 0723 in this i… 阅读更多内容
Wimbledon is Losing a Winner
"Without Federer Playing, It’s Like Strawberries With No Cream" Federer said he hoped to return to the tournament he has won eight times before. His absence from the field this year left a void over Wimbledon’s early rounds. By Kurt Streeter July 4, 2022 Roger Federer, who has not played a match in a year, said at a ceremony on Sunday that he hoped to play Wimbledon “one more time” before he retired. WIMBLEDON, England — There he was, a surprise… 阅读更多内容
Crazies, Cowards and the Trump Coup
We need moral courage, but it’s very rare. By Paul Krugman June 30, 2022 Like many people, I expected the worst from the Jan. 6 committee: long, droning speeches, grandstanding by posturing politicians, lots of he-said-she-said. What we’ve gotten instead has been riveting and terrifying. The usual suspects are, of course, nit-picking at the details — although never over the crucial points, like Donald Trump’s desire to participate in an arm… 阅读更多内容