"At Justice Alito’s House, a ‘Stop the Steal’ Symbol on Display" An upside-down flag, adopted by Trump supporters contesting the Biden victory, flew over the justice’s front lawn as the Supreme Court was considering an election case. By Jodi Kantor May 16, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/05/16/multimedia/00alito-house-gqcp/00alito-house-gqcp-superJumbo.jpg A photo obtained by The Times shows an inverted flag at the Alito residence on Jan. 17, 2021, three days before the Biden inauguration. After the 2020 presidential election, as some Trump supporter… 阅读更多内容
'Veto' Alito's Flawed Logic
"Justice Alito Is Holding Trump to a Different Standard" On what planet were Trump’s actions a normal response to political defeat? By Jamelle Bouie April 27, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/04/27/multimedia/27bouie-newsletter-lvpb/27bouie-newsletter-lvpb-superJumbo.jpg I mentioned it in passing in my Friday column, but I was struck — disturbed, really — by one specific point made by Justice Samuel Alito during Thursday’s oral arguments in Trump v. United States. Alito began innocuously enough: “I’m sure you would agree with me that a stable democratic society r… 阅读更多内容
King Trump and His Court
"This Whole King Trump Thing Is Getting Awfully Literal" The former president’s claim that he has absolute immunity for criminal acts taken in office as president is an insult to reason. By Jamelle Bouie April 26, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/04/26/multimedia/26bouie-fgbc/26bouie-fgbc-superJumbo.jpg Which court can we petition to get blanket immunity from *this* public health poison in a bullshit red tie? Donald Trump’s claim that he has absolute immunity for criminal acts taken in office as president is an insult to reason, an assault on common s… 阅读更多内容
Harvard Dives into Taylor's Deep End
Harvard’s Taylor Swift Scholars Have Thoughts on ‘Tortured Poets’ The students taking Harvard University’s class on the singer are studying up. Their final papers are due at the end of the month. By Madison Malone Kircher April 19, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/04/19/multimedia/19HARVARD-TAYLOR-REAX-qltf/19HARVARD-TAYLOR-REAX-qltf-superJumbo.jpg On Thursday night, about 50 students from the Harvard class gathered to await the midnight release of Taylor Swift’s new album. Fans of Taylor Swift often study up for a new album, revisiting the singer’s older works to p… 阅读更多内容
Melania’s Trials
The former first lady is swept back into the Stormy cyclone. By Maureen Dowd April 20, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/04/22/opinion/20dowd/20dowd-superJumbo-v3.jpg Melania will have to hold her head high as she stands by her Lothario. Outside my office, there is a picture of the Slovenian Sphinx visiting the Egyptian Sphinx, taken during a 2018 photo shoot in Giza, nine months after Melania Trump was blindsided by the steamy news about her husband and Stormy Daniels. The pairing evokes the riddle of Melania: How much can she put up with from a husband who betraye… 阅读更多内容
A Guilty Trump's Possible Sentencing
"What Sentencing Could Look Like if Trump Is Found Guilty" Prison time is a possibility. It’s uncertain, of course, but plausible. By Norman L. Eisen April 18. 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/04/20/multimedia/18eisen-zwvc/18eisen-zwvc-superJumbo.jpg For all the attention to and debate over the unfolding trial of Donald Trump in Manhattan, there has been surprisingly little of it paid to a key element: its possible outcome and, specifically, the prospect that a former and potentially future president could be sentenced to prison time. The case — brought by Al… 阅读更多内容
New York Hasn't Forgotten Who Trump Really Is
Donald Trump’s Secret Shame About New York City Haunts His Trial For a kid from Queens who never quite conquered Manhattan, this trial is a fitting homecoming. By Elizabeth Spiers April 17, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/04/18/multimedia/16spiers-gbcz/16spiers-gbcz-superJumbo.jpg With jury selection underway in Donald Trump’s criminal trial in Lower Manhattan, the former president’s chickens have finally come home to roost. It feels uniquely appropriate that Mr. Trump will have to endure the scrutiny on his old home turf. New York City residents have… 阅读更多内容
Slippery People
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woLpUMaTwLw What about the time you were rollin' over? Fall on your face, you must be having fun Walk lightly, think of a time You'd best believe this thing is real Now, put away that gun, this part is simple Try to recognize what is in your mind God help us, help us lose our minds These slippery people help us understand What's the matter with him? (He's alright) How do you know? (The Lord won't mind) Don't play no games (He's alright) Love from the bottom to the top Turn like a wheel (He's alright) See for yourself (The Lord won't mind) We're gonna move (Ri… 阅读更多内容
Movie Review: ‘The Holdovers’
Three Lone Souls Stranded for Christmas Alexander Payne’s jaunt to the past, with Paul Giamatti playing a curmudgeonly instructor at a 1970s New England boarding school, is crackling with pungent life. By Wesley Morris Oct. 26, 2023 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2023/10/26/multimedia/26holdovers-review-bpfj/26holdovers-review-bpfj-superJumbo.jpg From left, Dominic Sessa, Da’Vine Joy Randolph and Paul Giamatti in “The Holdovers,” directed by Alexander Payne. “The Holdovers” takes place in New England somewhere, in 1970, at a tony, all-boys boarding sch… 阅读更多内容
Trump Is Losing It
Unfortunately for Biden, the former president benefits from something akin to the soft bigotry of low expectations. By Jamelle Bouie Feb. 13, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/02/13/multimedia/13bouie-pjtw/13bouie-pjtw-superJumbo.jpg “We have to win in November, or we’re not going to have Pennsylvania. They’re going to change the name.” It is unclear whether Donald Trump has forgotten the precise nature of NATO or whether he ever fully grasped it in the first place. What is clear, however, is that Trump — who ostensibly spent four years as president of the United S… 阅读更多内容
Florida’s Fraudster and Russia’s Killer
How do you like your pal Putin now, Trump? By Maureen Dowd Feb. 17, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/02/18/multimedia/17dowd-klhw/17dowd-klhw-superJumbo.jpg Trump sometimes acts as if he prefers America’s enemies to America. When I covered George H.W. Bush’s presidential campaign in 1988, he was so eager to wrap himself in the American flag that he took us to a New Jersey flag factory. That way, he could claim that the G.O.P. was “on the American side” while caressing pieces of striped, red-and-white nylon. At the time, it seemed like a cynical move by Republicans,… 阅读更多内容
Trump Wanted Their Party but Ate Their Souls
"Trump Came for Their Party but Took Over Their Souls" The defeat of the immigration-Ukraine-Israel package marks the end of the party of Eisenhower, Reagan and McCain. By David Brooks Feb. 8, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/02/09/multimedia/08brooks1-lzwk/08brooks1-lzwk-superJumbo.jpg How do you turn America into a bankrupt, threadbare, one-horse-town ruled by a gaggle of lawless bullies? I thought I was beyond shockable, but this week has been profoundly shocking for me. I spent the bulk of my adult life on the right-wing side of things, gene… 阅读更多内容
Why Is Everything Suddenly Taylor Swift’s Fault?
At last, one thing that all Americans can agree on. By Jennifer Weiner Feb. 10, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/02/10/opinion/10weiner-image/10weiner-image-superJumbo.jpg Ask the people in your life to name a woman who’s got it good, with wealth and beauty and talent and true love, and I’d bet at least a few of them would name Taylor Swift. Ms. Swift, the 34-year-old pop icon, who made history last Sunday as the only musician to win four best-album Grammy Awards, checks many of the important boxes. She is white and thin and blonde in a world that continues to privilege whi… 阅读更多内容
Can America Survive a Party of Saboteurs?
Republican cynicism seems to have no bottom. By Paul Krugman Feb. 8, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/02/09/multimedia/08krugman1-vjkg/08krugman1-vjkg-superJumbo.jpg Almost four years have passed since Congress approved and Donald Trump signed a huge relief bill designed to limit the financial hardship created by the Covid-19 pandemic. The CARES Act did its job. Although around 25 million Americans temporarily lost their jobs — with the job losses mainly caused by fear of infection rather than officially mandated shutdowns — there was far less monetary pain than you might… 阅读更多内容
Inside Trump’s Not-So-Swift Brain
There’s no doubt Donald can’t shake off Taylor. By Maureen Dowd Feb. 3, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/02/03/multimedia/03dowd-wcfv/03dowd-wcfv-superJumbo.jpg The idea that Taylor Swift is more popular than me is a joke. Her fans are 13 y~ears old. They can’t even vote. It’s easy to imagine what’s going through Donald Trump’s head right now. I can hear his interior monologue all the way from Mar-a-Lago. He’s fulminating, working himself up to another epic meltdown, like he had over Nikki Haley the night he won the New Hampshire primary. The thoughts pinb… 阅读更多内容
The Ogre Gorging on America
Trump gives the bitchiest victory speech ever. By Maureen Dowd Jan. 27, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/01/28/multimedia/27dowd-bzlh/27dowd-bzlh-superJumbo.jpg There's a garment for people who behave as Donald Trump behaves: it's called a straitjacket. If you can imagine the lobby bar of the Manchester Marriott as an Anglo-Saxon mead hall, I can explain how it felt to cover the New Hampshire primary. I will need the help of the late Seamus Heaney, who described what it was like to be quaffing in Heorot Hall while Grendel lurked and swooped through the frost… 阅读更多内容
Man Arrested Twice Outside Taylor Swift’s Home
"Man Arrested Twice in 3 Days Outside Taylor Swift’s TriBeCa Home" David Crowe was charged with stalking after a neighbor and the pop singer’s guards saw him outside her building. By Chelsia Rose Marcius Jan. 23, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/01/25/multimedia/25dc-cong-trump-01-fpzb/25dc-cong-trump-01-fpzb-threeByTwoMediumAt2X.jpg David Crowe was seen on Saturday and again on Monday trying to enter Taylor Swift’s home in Manhattan. A 33-year-old man was arrested twice within three days after stalking Taylor Swift outside her Manhattan home, the police sai… 阅读更多内容
Trump Dreams of Economic Disaster
Why, exactly, do so many Americans admire this guy? By Paul Krugman Jan. 11, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/01/13/multimedia/11krugman-jwlp/11krugman-jwlp-superJumbo.jpg Did Donald Trump just say that he’s hoping for an economic crash? Not exactly. But what he did say was arguably even worse, especially once you put it in context. And Trump’s evident panic over recent good economic news deepens what is, for me, the biggest conundrum of American politics: Why have so many people joined — and stayed in — a personality cult built around a man who poses an existential threa… 阅读更多内容
Oops! I Did It Again (Donald's Version)
The gas that Trump passes comes out of his mouth. By Olla Jan. 13, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/01/13/multimedia/11krugman-jwlp/11krugman-jwlp-superJumbo.jpg fuckface/SUBVERT-1/Comrade Bullshitsky/the King-of-Pain-in-the-Ass/*it* doesn't stop at being 2-faced (like a 'normal' person would). It uses as many faces as are needed to get through yet-another-day of serving nothing but itself. "Trump lies. Then he lies about lying. Then he lies about lying about lying. Then he lies about lying about lying about lying. Then he lies about lying about lying about lying abo… 阅读更多内容
Look What We Made Taylor Swift Do
Whether she is conscious of it or not, Ms. Swift signals to queer people — in our language — that she has some affinity for queer identity. By Anna Marks Ms. Marks is an editor in Opinion. Jan. 4, 2024 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/01/04/opinion/04marks/04marks-superJumbo.jpg In 2006, the year Taylor Swift released her first single, a closeted country singer named Chely Wright, then 35, held a 9-millimeter pistol to her mouth. Queer identity was still taboo enough in mainstream America that speaking about her love for another woman would have spelled the end of a cou… 阅读更多内容