Rural voters blame the wrong people, but their troubles are real. By Paul Krugman Jan. 26, 2023 Rural resentment has become a central fact of American politics — in particular, a pillar of support for the rise of right-wing extremism. As the Republican Party has moved ever further into MAGAland, it has lost votes among educated suburban voters; but this has been offset by a drastic rightward shift in rural areas, which in some places has gone so far that the Democrats who remain face… 阅读更多内容
U.K.’s Cautionary Tale of Self-Destruction
It’s in a state of serious decline, and not just because of Brexit. By David Wallace-Wells Jan. 27, 2023 In December, as many as 500 patients per week were dying in Britain because of E.R. waits, according to the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, a figure rivaling (and perhaps surpassing) the death toll from Covid-19. On average, English ambulances were taking an hour and a half to respond to stroke and heart-attack calls, compared with a target time of 18 minutes; nationwid… 阅读更多内容
Biden Against the Wounded Extremists
The shape of his governing style is coming into focus. By David Brooks Jan. 19, 2023 [Few journalistic photographers can reveal the nuance, complexities, tension and pressure of a subject within a single frame as well as Doug Mills can, and routinely does.] I’ve covered four presidents since joining The Times in 2003. Year after year (except during the Trump years) I go into the White House. The rooms are pretty much the same. The immaculate formality is the same. But the cultur… 阅读更多内容
Harry’s Fractured Fairy Tale
A millennial Hamlet haunted by Mummy’s vengeful ghost. By Maureen Dowd Jan 13, 2023 WASHINGTON — I am, faith and begorrah, no monarchist. Yet I found myself, over the last few years, exhausted by the exodus of Harry and Meghan, quitting palace life for the Netflix lobby, spilling secrets to accrue the gazillion that would be needed for a Vinyasa-and-Oprah lifestyle in Montecito. If Meghan Markle wanted to change the world, couldn’t she do it more effectively from within the monarchy, blowin… 阅读更多内容
Song: "Arms Around a Memory"
This collection of songs written and performed by Beth Orton are all simultaneously both disorientingly disjointed and comfortingly coherent. Neat trick, that, I must say Oh, for them New York City summer streets All of the hours lost between There was always a beautiful sky And you on your contact high And me with my broken bottle smile Well, I put my arms around a memory Though you'd always told me not to try (wrapping my arms) Didn't we make a beautiful life In your eighth floor walk-up that night? The way two words, they make a r… 阅读更多内容
Song: "Lonely"
A second siren song from this most idiosyncratic and original composer. 'Roll over, Beth Orton...!!!!' : ))P Should we go out dancing with the loon? My best friend in the whole wide room The night is never long enough The morning whispers, "All is not lost" I hear you singing down the wire And I fall open as a flower You're the hope, you're what is left When all has emptied and has fled And I ask my Pa "Say, what'll I be?" I ask the question like I know the answer already And I'm falling, falling, I can see I don't k… 阅读更多内容
Song: "Weather Alive"
Title track from her new album. By Beth Orton In the morning, all is dawning In the stillness of the day Mist is rising, jewels aligning And the shadows fall away And the world calling out to me But the world out beyond my reach Almost makes me wanna cry The weather's so beautiful outside Almost makes me wanna cry The weather's so beautiful outside She said there are three steps Down to the water's edge Take one, two, three And there at the root of the tree Wait for me, wait for me In the half light, almost moonlight We'll run naked 'c… 阅读更多内容
The Presidency's Saddest Loser
"Closing out 2022, Trump has supplanted Nixon as the saddest figure in post-presidential politics" Nixon was a man hungry for respect. Trump isn’t merely hungry for respect; he thirsts for it. By Jonah Goldberg Dec 27, 2022!/quality/80/? Former President Trump announces a third run for president on Nov. 15 at Mar-a-Lago in Pa… 阅读更多内容
America's Trump Curse
What to Do About Trump’s '24 Campaign? He can be both weakening as a political force and extremely influential. By Katherine Miller Ms. Miller is a staff writer and editor in Opinion. Dec. 9, 2022 Everyone knows by now how many Trump candidates lost this year, especially the higher-profile, more hard-core ones who claimed the 2020 election was stolen. Kari Lake lost in Arizona. Doug Mastriano lost in Pennsylvania. Most of the notable pro-Trump secretary of sta… 阅读更多内容
Terminating the Constitution
'Goddam right I orchestrated a coup to overthrow the Constitution — and I’ll do it again!' By Charlie Sykes Dec. 5, 2022,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ 'The Picture of Dorian Bray' reveals "Mr.-I-alone-can-fix-it" in all his glory. Despite the evidence to the contrary we are not, in fact, living through an alternative reality simulation. This all actually ha… 阅读更多内容
Fowles: "The Obsession With Money"
John Fowles preferred to be regarded merely as a "writer," rather than the more narrow label of 'novelist.' Early in his career he burst upon the scene with his first three highly acclaimed novels -- The Collector, The Magus and The French Lieutenant's Woman. Between the second and third novels he also published a nonfiction philosophical work, The Aristos, which he subtitled "A Self-Portrait in Ideas." Originally released in 1968, The Aristos was immediately revised and re-released in 1970. What you see here is a key chapter from the revised edition. I picked it… 阅读更多内容
5 Americans’ Words to Live By
"Five Readings for Your Thanksgiving Table" These very different American leaders explain why the peaceful transfer of power and the legitimacy of our democratic system are so critical. By Thomas L. Friedman Nov.. 22, 2022 I always enjoy Thanksgiving, but I’m particularly going to savor this year’s in light of the midterm elections. They surfaced something beautiful and decent and vitally important in the soul of the nation. It was a readiness to defend the core of our d… 阅读更多内容
Benevolent Billionaire Saviors?
"This Week, Billionaires Made a Strong Case for Abolishing Themselves" Musk, Bezos, Bankman-Fried, Trump — some of our most prominent billionaires laid waste to their carefully cultivated image as benevolent saviors. By Anand Giridharadas Nov. 19, 2022 Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. In recent years, a swelling chorus of Americans has grown critical of the nation’s bajillionaires. But in the extraordinary week gone by, that chorus was drowned out by a far louder and… 阅读更多内容
How Democrats Can Fight a Crazy G.O.P.
They can forestall sabotage and make saboteurs pay a price. By Paul Krugman Nov. 21, 2022 Normally, one would expect a political party that suffered severe electoral disappointment — falling far short of typical midterm gains despite high inflation and consumer discontent — to moderate its positions, to seek compromise in order to achieve at least some of its policy goals. But the modern G.O.P., in case you haven’t noticed, isn’t a normal political… 阅读更多内容
Trump, Macho Macho Victim
His campaign is off to a special start (as in special counsel). By Maureen Dowd Nov. 19, 2022 The former president’s newest problem, the special counsel Jack Smith. WASHINGTON — Among many remarkable moments in the past few days, this was my favorite: Donald Trump finally acknowledged that Joe Biden is the president. Our most notorious election denier revealed that he doesn’t really believe the election was stolen from him. Because if he were the Sitting President, as his QAnon foll… 阅读更多内容
Silicon Valley’s New, Unregulated Craze
"A Coming-Out Party for Generative A.I., Silicon Valley’s New Craze" A celebration for Stability AI, the start-up behind the controversial Stable Diffusion image generator, represents the arrival of a new A.I. boom. By Kevin Roose Oct. 21, 2022 Emad Mostaque, the founder and chief executive of the start-up Stability AI. In Silicon Valley, crypto and the metaverse are out. Generative A.I. is in. That much became c… 阅读更多内容
Britain’s Tory Crackup
"Not-So-Great Britain’s Conservative Crackup" Was Liz Truss a cat’s paw for a Boris Johnson comeback? By Maureen Dowd Oct. 22, 2022 It was such a swift fall that Truss was anointed by a queen and resigned to a king. WASHINGTON — Never give in, never give in, never, never, never. That was Winston Churchill’s famous mantra. Liz Truss, another Tory prime minister trying to lead a battered Britain, couldn’t follow that bulldog advice. She… 阅读更多内容
High Time to Let Our Freak Flag Fly
"What if We Let Majoritarian Democracy Take Root?" Majority rule is not perfect, but rule by a narrow, reactionary minority is far worse. By Jamelle Bouie Oct. 21, 2022 Fifty-one-percent of "One-Flaggers" equals 'Americans For America.' Many Americans believe there’s something not quite right about majority rule — something threatening, something dangerous. It just feels wrong. We might be comfortable with decision-making by majorities at our P.T.A. meetings or when deciding… 阅读更多内容
Facts, Feelings and Rural Politics
What explains small-town America’s sense of rage? By Paul Krugman Oct. 21, 2022 The picture within the picture. The hard-right turn of rural America has become a key factor in our nation’s troubled politics. Rural voters are a declining share of the electorate, but their turn to the MAGAfied Republican Party has been so sharp that, combined with the way our political system underweights urban voters, the radicalization of small towns and the countrysi… 阅读更多内容
Preparing for G.O.P. Debt Blackmail
Democrats should do whatever it takes to block extortion. By Paul Krugman Oct. 17, 2022 Nobody knows for sure what will happen in the midterm elections. But if Republicans take one or both houses of Congress, the most important question will be one that is getting hardly any public attention: What will the Biden administration do when the G.O.P. threatens to blow up the world economy by refusing to raise the debt limit? In particular, will Democrats be… 阅读更多内容